Howl for wildlife


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2013
I have seen this group mentioned in a few posts but wanted to bring it to for front of a topic. The website howl for It was started as a way for action items relating to wildlife and specifically hunting legislation to be found in one place. From what I have found Robbie Kroger from blood origins assisted in getting it off the ground and the original thinker was from California, sorry don’t have that info. It sets up action items across all states in one place with email and text on updates. Quick and easy submittal of calls to action to send to the proper channels.

Check it out easy way for people to say on top of measures.

I can’t find anything false about the group only a few that are wary about it being wolf in sheep clothing. Sure looks legit to me. Maybe a group for @bigfin to get ahold of and vet for the rest of us.
Seems to have links to a most of the recent items people have been discussing on here.
It so easy to do. The American sportsmen need to fight back against these anti hunting organizations. This is the easiest way I've ever seen.
They did just get blasted in Montana for how they lobbied on the constitutional right to hunt and fish, mostly for being considered an "out of state dark money group." I'm not saying they are, but that was the perception during one of the legislative committee hearings today.

Personally, I wish their website was a little more transparent about who they are, who their leadership is, and where they get their money. I won't join until I know more about them and that's made clear.
I think there is plenty of information out there if someone wants to know. My personal opinion is the organization is doing the leg work for hunters and fishermen that wasn't getting done. They describe what the issues are and what bill is coming up for consideration. If one agrees with Howl for Wildlifes position the letter is pre-written and available to add to it. Too many sportsmen ignore issues in other states or issues with game they don't pursue, but in the end, if we don't unite behind our fellow sportsmen on everything that affects our sport then we will eventually lose it ourselves. The anti hunting and fishing folks don't care where the issues are and they're winning.
I respect your decision to confirm before acting and I hope that is what you do.
It's a start. Real advocacy still requires in-person contact with the legislators. Things move fast and by the time there is a public release of information (amendments to a bill, for example), the issue can be drastically different from the previous public release. At least, that's been my experience.
I’ve been a member with them for a year at the end of this month. Have attended a couple zoom meetings in the past to get information on the bear issue that HSUS was pushing in CA. I wouldn’t have even known about the Commission meeting or how to speak at the meeting if it wasn’t for them.

I walked through and saw that they had a booth out here in Phoenix for Camo at the Capitol. Hopefully they got to talk to some of the legislators on the feral horse issue. They’re doing good for conservation. Definitely check them out!
They did just get blasted in Montana for how they lobbied on the constitutional right to hunt and fish, mostly for being considered an "out of state dark money group." I'm not saying they are, but that was the perception during one of the legislative committee hearings today.

Personally, I wish their website was a little more transparent about who they are, who their leadership is, and where they get their money. I won't join until I know more about them and that's made clear.
I know this is a little late to reply but I was just made aware of this thread. My name is John Stallone and I am the VP and cofounder of Howl for Wildlife. To help clarify some of the speculation here. Charles Whitwam and I started the organization self-funded, we do not lobby we only provide the tools and the means to connect hunters with decision-makers so their voices can be heard on issues/legislation pertaining to wildlife management/hunting and fishing. I am happy to speak to you anytime you'd like to discuss the organization. You are more than welcome to listen to this podcast to get a more in-depth understanding or any of the other multitude of podcasts we have been on discussing what it is we do.
I know this is a little late to reply but I was just made aware of this thread. My name is John Stallone and I am the VP and cofounder of Howl for Wildlife. To help clarify some of the speculation here. Charles Whitwam and I started the organization self-funded, we do not lobby we only provide the tools and the means to connect hunters with decision-makers so their voices can be heard on issues/legislation pertaining to wildlife management/hunting and fishing. I am happy to speak to you anytime you'd like to discuss the organization. You are more than welcome to listen to this podcast to get a more in-depth understanding or any of the other multitude of podcasts we have been on discussing what it is we do.
Ask an you shall receive! Better late than never @johnstallone. Thank you for responding. I'll gladly work with you regarding legislative issues in MT going forward. Feel free to PM me as well. I'm a volunteer board member for MT-BHA.
My take on what I have experienced with Howl is that they are trying very hard to keep our outdoor heritage alive and growing. I am a member and supporter of the site. Seem like good folks working hard and they have taken a playbook out of the anti's methods and it sure pisses them off.

I am a Member of a group called Montana Sportsmen for Fish & Wildlife. NO this group is not affiliated with, similar to, or any way tied with a similarly named group out of Utah. Just putting that out there as apparently the Utah group has not been viewed very favorably. That being said, we are having Charles from Howl come to our annual fundraising banquet on April 20, 2024 and he is going to be a guest speaker at our banquet. I'm excited to meet Charles and to hear more about Howl. Montana Sportsman for Fish & Wildlife as a group has supported Howl and most of us are members.

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