Gutless Method video

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
I am going to sticky this one, as hundreds of people have emailed me about this. We are working on getting it in a format where you could download it to a device for reference.

Hope it helps. There are many ways to do it, sequences in which to do it, but they all end up with the same final product.

We are also working on doing one for elk, but all the elk we shot this year were in locations or at times where light and camera would not let us produce a quality product.

Click here - >>>>> for the Elk video
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I tried the gutless method for the first time this fall. Was the slickest thing I have ever done. sure beats the hell out of dragging an animal.
Would like to try it but Pennsylvania says "NO". You have to remove the entire animal, less the entrails, then if you process at home you dispose of the "left overs" at the curb with your trash.
I'm wondering about the laws in WV as well. I'll have to double check but I'm pretty sure you have to field dress a deer before you can even begin to remove it from the field.

Drthornton (hunt talk member) broke an elk down like this when we were hunting in Wyoming a couple years ago. No other way to do it.
Would like to try it but Pennsylvania says "NO". You have to remove the entire animal, less the entrails, then if you process at home you dispose of the "left overs" at the curb with your trash.

You can still do it, you just have to take the carcass at the end minus the entrails.
Great video, Randy. I have field dressed dozens of big game animals and I learned a few tricks from this video, watching the entire show. YouTube made me log in to verify my age. They don't want kids to watch it, I guess.
Great video, I have shared with all my hunting buddies.
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Best gutless video I've seen. It's a real service to hunters everywhere!!
Did the gutless on my mule deer this year. It was super clean. I had two game bags one for jerky meat and one for grind. Took half my meat to the butcher and he was amazed at how clean it was. Will do this on every animal I kill even if it's 50 yards from the truck.

I did find out that I need to upgrade my backpack while packing it out
Great video, will definitely watch a few more times before any western hunts. I don't think we can use it anywhere around New England, sadly.
Glad this has been such a popular idea. I have a question, and it comes from the many who have asked it.

Would people pay a couple dollars to be able to download that on a mobile device so as to have it handy when they are in the field? If not that one, a similar video that shows an elk?

Thanks for any input.
Glad this has been such a popular idea. I have a question, and it comes from the many who have asked it.

Would people pay a couple dollars to be able to download that on a mobile device so as to have it handy when they are in the field? If not that one, a similar video that shows an elk?

Thanks for any input.

Randy, just being straight honest, no. I would not pay. IMO, the value is the promotion side of such a fantastic "how to" video... Promoting the specific game bags, blades and other "useful tools" for this process would be links I would click to view. Though as for paying to have the video, I watched the ELK 101 version back whenever it was released (2010?)... watched it 3 times and since then it was hands on training in the field. I don't think it takes watching a video in the field to get the bang for the buck.

I watched your video when released and really enjoyed your guidance as well.

The first occasion used in the field after watching the Elk 101 video, it worked like a charm.
Gutless as much as poosible

Yes guys ,WV & PA et al..research game rules. Silly rules when you cannot bone animals & take only meat.
I go gutless, have been since 2006. It is the only way to go when you can & need to pack out meat a ways. Beleive it or not, AK has areas you cannot leave bone in the feild, figure that one out?!!
I am looking at AK Moose laws and there are a lot of areas (maybe the ones I am looking at) that require you to leave the leg bones (all 4) and some areas that also require the rib bones.
I was told this is to ensure all the meat comes out.
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