Garden Harvest


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
SE Oklahoma
How's everyone's gardening season going? Had a bumper crop of onions this year pulled half and am drying them and my garlic for the root cellar currently. Probably harvest and dry potatoes this weekend. The broccoli, spinach, and lettuce did well but are gone now, and my peas just started producing well. Corn, tomatoes and peppers are all growing the tomatoe plants already have some nice green tomatoes. Post up pics of your harvest or garden if you have them.
Nice onions! Brocoli is done for me and the lettuce is finishing up. Carrots continue to improve and we hope to have several pounds for the freezer this year. Egg plant is coming and the plants look healthy and are full of blossoms. Cucumbers are delayed as I had onions in the beds a bit longer than expected. Tomatoes are a bit slow and I hope we will have enough to can for sauce this year.
All picked today or yesterday. My kids have pulled several of the "green balls" that magically grow in their backyard. They collected several this morning while I wasn't paying attention. Oh well fried green tomatoes are good.20200703_105533.jpg

WildWill was going to ask where in the hades you live. I see in sunny warm midwest it looks like.
Our season is a month behind and everything is struggling big time. Have planted and replanted until I'm blue in the face.
You're doing good! Hoping to get something before the frost comes and hoping it doesn't anytime soon. Heck just had fresh snow on the peaks a few days back.
Feel fortunate! The most I ever get betwwen freezes is 15 days. A couple of years I had to wait for the snow to melt to turn the windrows over to bale in August. The last fire we had in the stove was on wed.

I do get wild onions and camas but not inclined to harvest.
Diamond hitch, probably not to far from you. Central Idaho here at 5200 ft. Use a lot of greenhouses and hot houses. Wind is a big problem here. We had a fire this past week too. The only good thing is everything goes up in elevation from here to keep the summer snows at bay.
we added some radishes this year.. can't say that I've got the required taste buds for them though 😖
Got my onions drying now too
Raised beds are doing well. Carrots, some tomato, cabbage, broccoli, peppers. I start lettuce every two weeks, and shade/irrigate it to prevent bolting. I can have lettuce like this just about all year except dead of winter and I'm looking at building a hot bead for that. The asparagus did well, but is ferned out for the year now. June bearing strawberries are done, everbearers will be later. Blackberries are coming on strong. Once all the berries are done, I'll get them out of the freezer and start making jams and preserves. Parsley, basil, oregano, cilantro, thyme etc., are in the dehydrator now.
Corn, beans, cucumbers, melons and squash are doing well.

Busy time of the year but I love my garden
Feel fortunate! The most I ever get betwwen freezes is 15 days. A couple of years I had to wait for the snow to melt to turn the windrows over to bale in August. The last fire we had in the stove was on wed.

I do get wild onions and camas but not inclined to harvest.
It was 103 here yesterday! Good for the garden but not necessarily working in the garden.
Been eating lettuce for about a month, its winding down. Had first meal of peas. Tomato and cake and beans and squash starting to get big
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Got my onions drying now too
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Raised beds are doing well. Carrots, some tomato, cabbage, broccoli, peppers. I start lettuce every two weeks, and shade/irrigate it to prevent bolting. I can have lettuce like this just about all year except dead of winter and I'm looking at building a hot bead for that. The asparagus did well, but is ferned out for the year now. June bearing strawberries are done, everbearers will be later. Blackberries are coming on strong. Once all the berries are done, I'll get them out of the freezer and start making jams and preserves. Parsley, basil, oregano, cilantro, thyme etc., are in the dehydrator now.
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Corn, beans, cucumbers, melons and squash are doing well.

Busy time of the year but I love my garden
Beautiful setup I can tell some love and hard work has gone into it.
Pulled up some volunteer garlic today, didn't get a new crop planted last year so at least we got this. Unknown hardneck variety. Need to make sure to replant this fall.


This bed had spinach that we'd eaten off of that was going to seed, but one of the pigs decided she wanted it instead, rearranged the peas a bit too. Letting them go to seed now, and a new crop of greens plus a whole mixture of herbs sprouting now. When they get a little bigger I'll try spacing them out, flooded together a bit.


This bed had broccoli that was spent out that we didn't want seeds from, so new crop of broccoli sprouting, with mix of herbs. And volunteer dill.


This bed had the volunteer garlic, plus volunteer dill and a bunch of poplar whips my wife planted this spring that we'll plant this fall. It worked well, going to try with other trees next year. There's another bed that's full of dill too, and some young cucumber plants, first planting of cucumbers failed, so cucs are running behind the dill.


This bed has cabbage, first crop didn't start so well, tried some different seeds and got a fall crop sprouted. Also a volunteer Austrian winter pea plant, plant them in the fall and they overwinter and grow in the spring. Had used some as a cover/green crop and feed for pigs. The leaves and flowers are good in salad and make it pretty.



Walla Walla onions with mixed greens and some young pumpkin plants, when the greens finish seeding we'll pull the onions and let the greens seed a fall crop. Cats got in the grow area and thought the flats of warm soil were perfect for crappin and nappin, so lost the rest of the onion starts along with some tomato starts.




Pumpkins mostly with some seed onions from last year and volunteer tomatoes. Been fighting squash bugs, water real good and kill them when they climb up, pulling eggs off the leaves too. Going to spread some DE around.


Tomatoes with some young pumpkins. This bed had hundreds of volunteer tomatoes, thinned them down but still pretty thick, we're going to try it though. There's another bed of tomatoes and carrots but I guess I didn't get a picture.


And of course taters and zucchini/summer squash. And a bluebunch wheatgrass plant.



Had some problems early on like cats in the flats and wind killing young transplants. The wind has been terrible here this year. Usually would have watermelons going good right now and a few other things. I emptied a bunch of seed packs in the beds for fall crops so waiting to see what all pops up, going to plant some green beans too for a fall crop.
Also blueberries, raspberries, apples, pears, apricots doing well. Wind blew all the cherry, peach and plum blossom of so not much for those, starting to get some English walnuts. Been getting piles of apricots from the abandoned homestead orchard down the road, my wife made some jam and apricot cobbler last week.







Thank you for this thread! It’s great seeing how others are setting up their raised garden beds and all the harvest so far! It’s so motivating for a small time gardener like me.
Thank you!