Caribou Gear Tarp

Dyna-Tek Bore Coat process


Apr 22, 2020
Apologies if this has been posted before but I searched and didn't see much on it. Figured I'd post my process in case others find it helpful. Note this is just my process and what seemed to work for me but I'm sure there are a million ways to do this.

First the results. I have a Tikka 308 that was not shooting at the level I expect, and determined that copper fouling seemed to be the culprit. Dyna-tek bore coat was commonly recommended to address that issue, and after testing this weekend I do believe it helps significantly. First time out of the box at the range, I started getting fliers pretty frequently, after maybe 3 or 4 shots, shooting nosler etip lead free ammo. Yesterday was my first day at the range post bore coating and first tip, don't forget to put your bolt back into your rifle after allowing the drying period to finish or you might have to drive all the way home and all the way back before firing a shot.... not that I would know about that....

Anyways, I fired off 10 rounds per the instructions, to cure the compound in the barrel and noticed a difference pretty quickly. The very first shot was a bit wild, upper right corner of the target but every shot after that was dead nuts, about an 3 inches high at 100 yards and all nine rounds could easily be covered by a playing card. Which.. for those that shoot 10 round groups the size of a quarter at 100 yards might not be impressed, but it impressed me compared to the frequent flier experience I had the first time shooting the rifle. After that first 10 round group to cure the bore coat, I let the rifle completely cool down, gave a thorough cleaning again and shot some more, slower groups to avoid heating the barrel up as much and the issue with fliers seems pretty much gone at this point. Its not the most scientific process, not every variable was controlled but to me the results are significant and worth the investment.

As far as the process, cleaning out the barrel of initial fouling or any other debris is by far the most important and time consuming step. I only used patches, never a brush but if you decide to use a brush a nylon one is recommended. I also strongly recommend using a bore guide to prevent getting your chamber all soaked, especially with the bore coat liquid.

Starting with Hoppes #9, I ran a rod through the barrel getting as much of the looser stuff out as possible. Once that was done, I used JB compound wiped generously on a patch and ran that through, sometimes letting it sit a few minutes before coming back and scrubbing it around with a dry patch. After that started coming back clean, I used Montana Extreme copper cream on a patch and ran that through the barrel as well, also letting it sit but not too long or that will damage the inside of the barrel. Scrubbed the barrel out until there was no green coming out of it, and dry patching came back clean too. Finally, finished off by running some Kroil down the barrel to really finish it off. All this was probably overkill but hopefully it did the job. If you are lucky enough to own a boreskope your job gets much easier since you can look in the barrel and tell visually when you have removed every last bit of copper fouling. I then finished the entire process by running some patches of isopropyl alcohol down the barrel to dry it out and remove any remaining solvent.

Nutshell the process: solvent -> abrasive copper remover -> chemical copper remover -> solvent -> solvent remover (isopropyl alcohol)

I repeated this process, except for the last step with alcohol, several times trying to make sure it was completely clean.

Once you have it clean the hard part is done. I used a clamp on the side of my bench to hold the rifle pointing down, and ran a loose fitting patch soaked with the bore coat down the barrel three times. Soaked and loose fitting patch are key, you want to wipe that coat onto every interior surface of the barrel. Be careful not to spill that stuff into the chamber, this is where the bore guide is super handy. If you do it should be relatively easy to remove with a brush since that part isn't going to cure super strong when you fire the gun. Remember it might be difficult to clean the chamber after the process is done because you don't want solvent finding its way into the barrel and mixing with the bore coat while its drying. You also don't want to run anything at all down the barrel between the application and firing the 10 shots to cure it. Drying period is a minimum of 6 hours I believe, hanging with the barrel pointed down. I would feel more comfortable letting it sit for a day at least.

After shooting the "curing" shots it will be a process to clean again, and you only want to use solvents. However, they state that cleaning time and number of patches required should start reducing as the compound cures and you put more shots through it and I did find that to be the case. You may not be convinced after the first 10 shots because it was still a job to clean at that point but did get easier and faster throughout the rest of the shooting.

That's about it, maybe anyone with more experience (I have zero, first attempt so not an expert by any stretch) can chime in and let me know if I did anything wrong or skipped any steps. I'll attach some old copies of the instructions, when you buy it now it has some pretty vague instructions on the packaging, I found these older instructions much more helpful.


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I've heard of complaints with copper fouling using some of the monolith bullets.
Aside from composition of the copper alloy, i don't know why they would foul more than a jacketed bullet?

Most of the mono bullets have grooves in them to help keep pressures in check by providing somewhere for the displaced copper from the rifling somewhere to go.

Cutting Edge is the only one i know of that uses a slightly larger than bore diameter sealing band. Supposedly it promotes sealing of the gasses, and helps with copper fouling.

Myself using jacketed bullets, i don't clean the copper from my barrels.
Hoppes #9 to remove the carbon.
Your putting copper back into your barrel with "fouling shots", so why remove it?
I've heard of complaints with copper fouling using some of the monolith bullets.
Aside from composition of the copper alloy, i don't know why they would foul more than a jacketed bullet?

Most of the mono bullets have grooves in them to help keep pressures in check by providing somewhere for the displaced copper from the rifling somewhere to go.

Cutting Edge is the only one i know of that uses a slightly larger than bore diameter sealing band. Supposedly it promotes sealing of the gasses, and helps with copper fouling.

Myself using jacketed bullets, i don't clean the copper from my barrels.
Hoppes #9 to remove the carbon.
Your putting copper back into your barrel with "fouling shots", so why remove it?
I'm thinking that the curing shots pretty much function as fouling shots by forcing the bore coat into wherever copper normally would go. But since it's a hardened ceramic type compound maybe it offers more consistency then if you just allow the copper to foul naturally? I'm honestly not sure, been reading some more on it and just allowing the fouling to happen and find it's own natural balance seems like a common practice too. I took the rifle out today again and it was perfect, playing card groups at 200 and 300 yards with no fliers so if nothing else, at least it's not hurting anything. many billions of rounds have been fired through rifles that have NEVER specifically been cleaned of copper fouling with no ill-effects?
You just have to remember that this company wants to sell you a product.
Does it work? Perhaps. Is it necessary? Probably not. So as long as it does no harm the choice is up to you.
Much like the fuel and oil additive companies that sell products with ZERO scientific proof of their effectiveness. They sell millions of $$ of the stuff because people BELIEVE it works. many billions of rounds have been fired through rifles that have NEVER specifically been cleaned of copper fouling with no ill-effects?
You just have to remember that this company wants to sell you a product.
Does it work? Perhaps. Is it necessary? Probably not. So as long as it does no harm the choice is up to you.
Much like the fuel and oil additive companies that sell products with ZERO scientific proof of their effectiveness. They sell millions of $$ of the stuff because people BELIEVE it works.
The difference to me would be that monometal bullets have not been as widely used in the past as they are now, which might be why copper fouling wasn't as much of an issue. Guys on other forums that shoot a ton more than I convinced me to give it try. Altho you could be 100% right and it's more of a placebo than anything.

As the owner of an LB7 known for injector problems that all those fuel additives are supposed to fix... you make a good point.
I've shot a lot of mono bullets and never found copper fouling to be a significant issue.
I definitely would feel more comfortable saying it legit helps if I had a bore scope and could verify that way. The way it is, I'm happy with the results based on a couple shooting sessions. Maybe the same thing would've happened without it, barrel just needed to settle in or something, that's definitely possible. I went this route because I've shot several Tikka rifles in the past and this was the only one that initially disappointed with it's accuracy. All good now and confident taking it to chase some elk soon!
I've shot a lot of mono bullets and never found copper fouling to be a significant issue.

The gist that I've gotten from here is that they foul less than jacketed bullets. If gilding metal is harder than a monolithic bullet one would think that they'd foul more.
I've started a regimen of just cleaning my bore by running 5-6 tight patches wet with rubbing alcohol to get a lot of the carbon out. The other thing is to consider using a powder that has a copper fouling reducer added. Reloder 23 and IMR7977 and IMR4955 come to mind and they also are less sensitive to temperature changes. I have been finishing my range sessions using ammo loaded with those types of powder. My normal cleaning routine with Accelerator/Wipeout Patchout doesn't show that there's enough copper left to worry about. One may have been just as well off fire lapping the barrel.

You lost me at "abrasive"
Wow so you got more than half way through, impressive. In reality, I saw J&B referred to as an "abrasive" clear which technically might not be the right term but it differentiates it from the more hardcore chemical cleaners like Montana Extreme that can actually damage the barrel when left in too long. I'm sure its efficacy is determined by whether you refer to it as an abrasive cleaner or not.

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I've started a regimen of just cleaning my bore by running 5-6 tight patches wet with rubbing alcohol to get a lot of the carbon out. The other thing is to consider using a powder that has a copper fouling reducer added. Reloder 23 and IMR7977 and IMR4955 come to mind and they also are less sensitive to temperature changes. I have been finishing my range sessions using ammo loaded with those types of powder. My normal cleaning routine with Accelerator/Wipeout Patchout doesn't show that there's enough copper left to worry about. One may have been just as well off fire lapping the barrel.

Really interesting, been getting into reloading more but didn't realize there were powders with copper fouling reducer added. Definitely need to take a look at these too. Thanks for the info.
Here is a list of loads generated by QuickLoad for an inquiry for a specific bullet weight and cartridge which I will omit. Those marked *C have a copper fouling reducer added and those marked *T are temperature insensitive. Those marked *C*T [like the IMR Enduron powders] would be the most desirable IMO.

Alliant Reloder-26 *C 100.3 59.9 3.88 3488 100.0 61500 11982 1.129 ! Near Maximum !
ReloadSwiss RS 76 *C*T 105.0 62.7 4.07 3478 100.0 56374 12474 1.166 ! Near Maximum !
Norma MRP *C 101.2 58.6 3.80 3458 99.7 61500 12119 1.126 ! Near Maximum !
ReloadSwiss RS 70 *C 98.1 58.0 3.76 3451 99.9 61500 11780 1.112 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N560 *C 103.0 58.4 3.79 3447 97.5 61500 12345 1.122 ! Near Maximum !
ReloadSwiss RS 60 *T 91.9 53.5 3.47 3439 100.0 61500 10855 1.116 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 7828 SSC 101.7 58.0 3.76 3435 97.9 61500 11974 1.112 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate MAGPRO 103.1 60.9 3.94 3427 96.1 61500 12338 1.131 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-22 *C 103.2 57.9 3.75 3423 98.9 61500 11915 1.128 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP5/NP ~approximation 103.2 57.9 3.75 3423 98.9 61500 11915 1.128 ! Near Maximum !
Raufoss RA15 *C 103.2 57.9 3.75 3423 98.9 61500 11915 1.128 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2213 102.6 57.6 3.73 3419 97.7 61500 11859 1.110 ! Near Maximum !
SNPE Vectan SP 12 105.0 62.2 4.03 3418 98.2 60272 12038 1.126 ! Near Maximum !
PB Clermont PCL 517 105.0 62.2 4.03 3412 98.1 59922 12043 1.129 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-16 *C *T 95.9 51.8 3.36 3412 100.0 61500 10828 1.114 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-17 *T 90.9 52.9 3.43 3410 100.0 61500 10789 1.124 ! Near Maximum !
Elcho 17 90.9 52.9 3.43 3410 100.0 61500 10789 1.124 ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot Magnum 102.9 62.2 4.03 3396 99.4 61500 11354 1.122 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP15 105.0 57.7 3.74 3389 98.5 59674 11847 1.144 ! Near Maximum !
Winchester WXR 105.0 57.7 3.74 3389 98.5 59674 11847 1.144 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2209 99.6 55.0 3.56 3384 98.7 61500 11334 1.115 ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R905 104.4 57.5 3.73 3382 97.3 61500 11588 1.128 ! Near Maximum !
PB Clermont PCL 518 96.3 55.2 3.58 3379 99.8 61500 11150 1.130 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-19 *C 100.0 55.5 3.60 3378 98.7 61500 11383 1.125 ! Near Maximum !
ReloadSwiss RS 62 94.1 54.7 3.55 3377 100.0 61500 10868 1.143 ! Near Maximum !
PB Clermont PCL 511 92.5 54.7 3.55 3377 99.9 61500 11083 1.131 ! Near Maximum !
Winchester 760 90.3 53.0 3.44 3376 99.6 61500 11130 1.131 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H414 90.3 53.0 3.44 3376 99.6 61500 11130 1.131 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-23 *C *T 105.0 57.0 3.70 3376 100.0 60062 10781 1.145 ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot Hunter 95.6 54.8 3.55 3375 99.9 61500 11067 1.131 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP14 ~approximation 100.7 55.9 3.62 3370 98.7 61500 11295 1.125 ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S365 97.1 53.6 3.48 3368 100.0 61500 10287 1.139 ! Near Maximum !
Norma URP *C 95.2 52.3 3.39 3359 100.0 61500 10638 1.135 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP19 ~approximation 95.2 52.3 3.39 3358 100.0 61500 10635 1.135 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N550 *C 92.4 52.4 3.40 3357 100.0 61500 10760 1.140 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP4 ~approximation 98.0 54.4 3.53 3353 98.5 61500 11106 1.125 ! Near Maximum !
Norma 204 *C 94.9 54.4 3.53 3353 98.5 61500 11106 1.125 ! Near Maximum !
Raufoss RA4 98.0 54.4 3.53 3353 98.5 61500 11106 1.125 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 4350 94.2 52.3 3.39 3351 100.0 61500 10600 1.153 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 7828 105.0 56.7 3.67 3350 97.0 56770 11753 1.153 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AP 2214 105.0 60.5 3.92 3349 97.5 58490 11544 1.137 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4831 SC *T 101.2 56.8 3.68 3345 97.0 61500 11172 1.122 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4831 99.8 53.1 3.44 3336 100.0 61500 10395 1.145 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4831 *T 105.0 56.7 3.67 3335 96.9 60910 11145 1.127 ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S385 100.1 56.2 3.64 3335 99.3 61500 10885 1.145 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP5 NT *C ~approximation 105.0 59.4 3.85 3331 95.2 59257 11481 1.136 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP4 NT *C ~approximation 95.6 53.9 3.49 3329 99.5 61500 10734 1.137 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-25 *C 105.0 58.0 3.76 3327 99.9 53681 11510 1.188
Vihtavuori N565 *C 105.0 59.9 3.88 3325 96.7 56318 11925 1.190 ! Near Maximum !
Winchester Supreme 780 98.6 57.7 3.74 3320 98.6 61500 10782 1.131 ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R904 98.9 54.1 3.51 3320 97.7 61500 10828 1.126 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 3100 103.1 57.3 3.71 3318 99.9 61500 10576 1.160 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex S070 95.0 52.2 3.38 3316 99.6 61500 10588 1.144 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4350 *T 97.6 53.0 3.44 3315 99.3 61500 10548 1.128 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP7 NT *C ~approximation 90.1 50.5 3.27 3315 99.7 61500 10302 1.114 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4350 95.8 52.9 3.43 3314 99.3 61500 10530 1.128 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon Hybrid 100V 97.7 52.5 3.40 3313 100.0 61500 9809 1.135 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4955 Enduron *C*T 102.4 55.3 3.59 3309 97.2 61500 10844 1.126 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N165 *C 105.0 57.7 3.74 3302 99.0 60736 10582 1.142 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4451 Enduron *C*T 91.8 50.4 3.26 3302 99.5 61500 10384 1.124 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP7 93.0 50.7 3.28 3298 99.3 61500 10450 1.136 ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R907 93.0 50.7 3.28 3298 99.3 61500 10450 1.136 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4007 SSC 90.0 50.7 3.29 3297 99.3 61500 10442 1.137 ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R903 90.1 49.5 3.21 3297 100.0 61500 9838 1.153 ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S355 90.4 49.1 3.18 3295 100.0 61500 9862 1.146 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex S065 93.9 51.0 3.31 3294 99.9 61500 10220 1.143 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP3 NT *C ~approximation 91.7 50.6 3.28 3289 99.9 61500 10034 1.126 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4064 90.2 47.3 3.07 3284 100.0 61500 9694 1.130 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N160 *C 105.0 55.9 3.62 3283 97.5 60629 10563 1.138 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4166 Enduron *C*T 91.3 48.5 3.15 3281 99.5 61500 10113 1.125 ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S361 97.7 57.8 3.75 3276 97.0 61500 10551 1.140 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N150 *C 95.4 50.0 3.24 3246 100.0 61500 9278 1.145 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 2700 90.2 52.3 3.39 3242 99.2 61500 9858 1.141 ! Near Maximum !
Norma MRP 2 *C 105.0 58.3 3.78 3228 95.9 49374 11759 1.242
Bofors RP30 105.0 58.3 3.78 3228 95.9 49374 11759 1.242
ReloadSwiss RS 80 *C 105.0 63.2 4.10 3227 93.6 48614 12219 1.247
Vihtavuori N570 *C 105.0 61.5 3.98 3210 89.4 47812 12334 1.251
Vihtavuori N135 *C 91.7 46.1 2.99 3204 100.0 61500 8622 1.153 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex S071 105.0 55.1 3.57 3195 99.4 54072 10383 1.231
IMR 7977 Enduron *C*T 105.0 57.7 3.74 3163 88.9 58219 10091 1.161 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2217 105.0 57.7 3.74 3158 94.9 48883 10991 1.231
Hodgdon H1000 *T 105.0 57.7 3.74 3158 94.9 48883 10991 1.231
Alliant Reloder-33 *C 105.0 63.2 4.10 3117 88.4 44805 11888 1.286
ADI AR 2225 105.0 58.6 3.80 3103 96.9 43181 11488 1.296
Hodgdon Retumbo 105.0 58.6 3.80 3103 96.9 43181 11488 1.296
Lovex D100 105.0 62.7 4.07 3033 84.0 49102 10096 1.256
ADI AR 2218 105.0 62.1 4.02 3031 84.5 42930 11636 1.299
Vihtavuori 24N41 *C 105.0 62.1 4.02 3001 80.6 45361 10417 1.282
Norma 217 *C 105.0 57.4 3.72 2998 94.0 38222 11374 1.367
Vihtavuori N170 *C 105.0 57.7 3.74 2982 86.7 45072 10165 1.311
Hodgdon H870 105.0 60.2 3.90 2955 87.1 38594 11130 1.363
Alliant Reloder-50 *C 105.0 63.1 4.09 2900 83.1 36299 11206 1.427
Bofors 12,7mmRA NC1214 Lot20115087 105.0 61.7 4.00 2845 75.2 38662 10302 1.428
Hodgdon 50BMG 105.0 59.2 3.84 2795 72.0 37425 9558 1.387
Hodgdon US 869 105.0 62.1 4.02 2795 76.3 37305 9614 1.393
Somchem 12.7-0 105.0 60.2 3.90 2755 72.1 38305 8892 1.380
SNPE Vectan SP 13 105.0 59.6 3.86 2745 80.8 34233 9552 1.440
Accurate 8700 105.0 60.8 3.94 2708 79.0 33715 9391 1.442
Vihtavuori 20N29 *C 105.0 62.7 4.07 2679 75.7 32549 9387 1.470
PB Clermont PCL 513/520/9520 105.0 59.6 3.86 2674 77.4 32355 9201 1.472
NC A3502 ,test only 105.0 57.0 3.70 2480 53.5 30517 6908 1.506
TLP A 502(RH) ,test only 105.0 57.0 3.70 2450 58.0 28725 7355 1.541
Vihtavuori N32C Tin Star 97.1 26.9 1.74 2445 100.0 61500 4215 1.206 ! Near Maximum !
IMR TrailBoss 105.0 19.6 1.27 2085 100.0 38423 3246 1.463
ADI AS 25 BP 105.0 19.6 1.27 2085 100.0 38423 3246 1.463
V1734 7-multiperf ,test only 105.0 57.0 3.70 1796 27.1 16837 3459 1.985
Here is a list of loads generated by QuickLoad for an inquiry for a specific bullet weight and cartridge which I will omit. Those marked *C have a copper fouling reducer added and those marked *T are temperature insensitive. Those marked *C*T [like the IMR Enduron powders] would be the most desirable IMO.

Alliant Reloder-26 *C 100.3 59.9 3.88 3488 100.0 61500 11982 1.129 ! Near Maximum !
ReloadSwiss RS 76 *C*T 105.0 62.7 4.07 3478 100.0 56374 12474 1.166 ! Near Maximum !
Norma MRP *C 101.2 58.6 3.80 3458 99.7 61500 12119 1.126 ! Near Maximum !
ReloadSwiss RS 70 *C 98.1 58.0 3.76 3451 99.9 61500 11780 1.112 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N560 *C 103.0 58.4 3.79 3447 97.5 61500 12345 1.122 ! Near Maximum !
ReloadSwiss RS 60 *T 91.9 53.5 3.47 3439 100.0 61500 10855 1.116 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 7828 SSC 101.7 58.0 3.76 3435 97.9 61500 11974 1.112 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate MAGPRO 103.1 60.9 3.94 3427 96.1 61500 12338 1.131 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-22 *C 103.2 57.9 3.75 3423 98.9 61500 11915 1.128 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP5/NP ~approximation 103.2 57.9 3.75 3423 98.9 61500 11915 1.128 ! Near Maximum !
Raufoss RA15 *C 103.2 57.9 3.75 3423 98.9 61500 11915 1.128 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2213 102.6 57.6 3.73 3419 97.7 61500 11859 1.110 ! Near Maximum !
SNPE Vectan SP 12 105.0 62.2 4.03 3418 98.2 60272 12038 1.126 ! Near Maximum !
PB Clermont PCL 517 105.0 62.2 4.03 3412 98.1 59922 12043 1.129 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-16 *C *T 95.9 51.8 3.36 3412 100.0 61500 10828 1.114 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-17 *T 90.9 52.9 3.43 3410 100.0 61500 10789 1.124 ! Near Maximum !
Elcho 17 90.9 52.9 3.43 3410 100.0 61500 10789 1.124 ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot Magnum 102.9 62.2 4.03 3396 99.4 61500 11354 1.122 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP15 105.0 57.7 3.74 3389 98.5 59674 11847 1.144 ! Near Maximum !
Winchester WXR 105.0 57.7 3.74 3389 98.5 59674 11847 1.144 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2209 99.6 55.0 3.56 3384 98.7 61500 11334 1.115 ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R905 104.4 57.5 3.73 3382 97.3 61500 11588 1.128 ! Near Maximum !
PB Clermont PCL 518 96.3 55.2 3.58 3379 99.8 61500 11150 1.130 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-19 *C 100.0 55.5 3.60 3378 98.7 61500 11383 1.125 ! Near Maximum !
ReloadSwiss RS 62 94.1 54.7 3.55 3377 100.0 61500 10868 1.143 ! Near Maximum !
PB Clermont PCL 511 92.5 54.7 3.55 3377 99.9 61500 11083 1.131 ! Near Maximum !
Winchester 760 90.3 53.0 3.44 3376 99.6 61500 11130 1.131 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H414 90.3 53.0 3.44 3376 99.6 61500 11130 1.131 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-23 *C *T 105.0 57.0 3.70 3376 100.0 60062 10781 1.145 ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot Hunter 95.6 54.8 3.55 3375 99.9 61500 11067 1.131 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP14 ~approximation 100.7 55.9 3.62 3370 98.7 61500 11295 1.125 ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S365 97.1 53.6 3.48 3368 100.0 61500 10287 1.139 ! Near Maximum !
Norma URP *C 95.2 52.3 3.39 3359 100.0 61500 10638 1.135 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP19 ~approximation 95.2 52.3 3.39 3358 100.0 61500 10635 1.135 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N550 *C 92.4 52.4 3.40 3357 100.0 61500 10760 1.140 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP4 ~approximation 98.0 54.4 3.53 3353 98.5 61500 11106 1.125 ! Near Maximum !
Norma 204 *C 94.9 54.4 3.53 3353 98.5 61500 11106 1.125 ! Near Maximum !
Raufoss RA4 98.0 54.4 3.53 3353 98.5 61500 11106 1.125 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 4350 94.2 52.3 3.39 3351 100.0 61500 10600 1.153 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 7828 105.0 56.7 3.67 3350 97.0 56770 11753 1.153 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AP 2214 105.0 60.5 3.92 3349 97.5 58490 11544 1.137 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4831 SC *T 101.2 56.8 3.68 3345 97.0 61500 11172 1.122 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4831 99.8 53.1 3.44 3336 100.0 61500 10395 1.145 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4831 *T 105.0 56.7 3.67 3335 96.9 60910 11145 1.127 ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S385 100.1 56.2 3.64 3335 99.3 61500 10885 1.145 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP5 NT *C ~approximation 105.0 59.4 3.85 3331 95.2 59257 11481 1.136 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP4 NT *C ~approximation 95.6 53.9 3.49 3329 99.5 61500 10734 1.137 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-25 *C 105.0 58.0 3.76 3327 99.9 53681 11510 1.188
Vihtavuori N565 *C 105.0 59.9 3.88 3325 96.7 56318 11925 1.190 ! Near Maximum !
Winchester Supreme 780 98.6 57.7 3.74 3320 98.6 61500 10782 1.131 ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R904 98.9 54.1 3.51 3320 97.7 61500 10828 1.126 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 3100 103.1 57.3 3.71 3318 99.9 61500 10576 1.160 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex S070 95.0 52.2 3.38 3316 99.6 61500 10588 1.144 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4350 *T 97.6 53.0 3.44 3315 99.3 61500 10548 1.128 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP7 NT *C ~approximation 90.1 50.5 3.27 3315 99.7 61500 10302 1.114 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4350 95.8 52.9 3.43 3314 99.3 61500 10530 1.128 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon Hybrid 100V 97.7 52.5 3.40 3313 100.0 61500 9809 1.135 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4955 Enduron *C*T 102.4 55.3 3.59 3309 97.2 61500 10844 1.126 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N165 *C 105.0 57.7 3.74 3302 99.0 60736 10582 1.142 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4451 Enduron *C*T 91.8 50.4 3.26 3302 99.5 61500 10384 1.124 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP7 93.0 50.7 3.28 3298 99.3 61500 10450 1.136 ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R907 93.0 50.7 3.28 3298 99.3 61500 10450 1.136 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4007 SSC 90.0 50.7 3.29 3297 99.3 61500 10442 1.137 ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R903 90.1 49.5 3.21 3297 100.0 61500 9838 1.153 ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S355 90.4 49.1 3.18 3295 100.0 61500 9862 1.146 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex S065 93.9 51.0 3.31 3294 99.9 61500 10220 1.143 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP3 NT *C ~approximation 91.7 50.6 3.28 3289 99.9 61500 10034 1.126 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4064 90.2 47.3 3.07 3284 100.0 61500 9694 1.130 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N160 *C 105.0 55.9 3.62 3283 97.5 60629 10563 1.138 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4166 Enduron *C*T 91.3 48.5 3.15 3281 99.5 61500 10113 1.125 ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S361 97.7 57.8 3.75 3276 97.0 61500 10551 1.140 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N150 *C 95.4 50.0 3.24 3246 100.0 61500 9278 1.145 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 2700 90.2 52.3 3.39 3242 99.2 61500 9858 1.141 ! Near Maximum !
Norma MRP 2 *C 105.0 58.3 3.78 3228 95.9 49374 11759 1.242
Bofors RP30 105.0 58.3 3.78 3228 95.9 49374 11759 1.242
ReloadSwiss RS 80 *C 105.0 63.2 4.10 3227 93.6 48614 12219 1.247
Vihtavuori N570 *C 105.0 61.5 3.98 3210 89.4 47812 12334 1.251
Vihtavuori N135 *C 91.7 46.1 2.99 3204 100.0 61500 8622 1.153 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex S071 105.0 55.1 3.57 3195 99.4 54072 10383 1.231
IMR 7977 Enduron *C*T 105.0 57.7 3.74 3163 88.9 58219 10091 1.161 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2217 105.0 57.7 3.74 3158 94.9 48883 10991 1.231
Hodgdon H1000 *T 105.0 57.7 3.74 3158 94.9 48883 10991 1.231
Alliant Reloder-33 *C 105.0 63.2 4.10 3117 88.4 44805 11888 1.286
ADI AR 2225 105.0 58.6 3.80 3103 96.9 43181 11488 1.296
Hodgdon Retumbo 105.0 58.6 3.80 3103 96.9 43181 11488 1.296
Lovex D100 105.0 62.7 4.07 3033 84.0 49102 10096 1.256
ADI AR 2218 105.0 62.1 4.02 3031 84.5 42930 11636 1.299
Vihtavuori 24N41 *C 105.0 62.1 4.02 3001 80.6 45361 10417 1.282
Norma 217 *C 105.0 57.4 3.72 2998 94.0 38222 11374 1.367
Vihtavuori N170 *C 105.0 57.7 3.74 2982 86.7 45072 10165 1.311
Hodgdon H870 105.0 60.2 3.90 2955 87.1 38594 11130 1.363
Alliant Reloder-50 *C 105.0 63.1 4.09 2900 83.1 36299 11206 1.427
Bofors 12,7mmRA NC1214 Lot20115087 105.0 61.7 4.00 2845 75.2 38662 10302 1.428
Hodgdon 50BMG 105.0 59.2 3.84 2795 72.0 37425 9558 1.387
Hodgdon US 869 105.0 62.1 4.02 2795 76.3 37305 9614 1.393
Somchem 12.7-0 105.0 60.2 3.90 2755 72.1 38305 8892 1.380
SNPE Vectan SP 13 105.0 59.6 3.86 2745 80.8 34233 9552 1.440
Accurate 8700 105.0 60.8 3.94 2708 79.0 33715 9391 1.442
Vihtavuori 20N29 *C 105.0 62.7 4.07 2679 75.7 32549 9387 1.470
PB Clermont PCL 513/520/9520 105.0 59.6 3.86 2674 77.4 32355 9201 1.472
NC A3502 ,test only 105.0 57.0 3.70 2480 53.5 30517 6908 1.506
TLP A 502(RH) ,test only 105.0 57.0 3.70 2450 58.0 28725 7355 1.541
Vihtavuori N32C Tin Star 97.1 26.9 1.74 2445 100.0 61500 4215 1.206 ! Near Maximum !
IMR TrailBoss 105.0 19.6 1.27 2085 100.0 38423 3246 1.463
ADI AS 25 BP 105.0 19.6 1.27 2085 100.0 38423 3246 1.463
V1734 7-multiperf ,test only 105.0 57.0 3.70 1796 27.1 16837 3459 1.985
This is awesome, thank you! Should be some interesting testing, I have some IMR 4064 (that is neither) I've been using and pretty happy with, so I'll compare with some of these *C*T ones. Good stuff.
I've heard of complaints with copper fouling using some of the monolith bullets.
Aside from composition of the copper alloy, i don't know why they would foul more than a jacketed bullet?

Most of the mono bullets have grooves in them to help keep pressures in check by providing somewhere for the displaced copper from the rifling somewhere to go.

Cutting Edge is the only one i know of that uses a slightly larger than bore diameter sealing band. Supposedly it promotes sealing of the gasses, and helps with copper fouling.

Myself using jacketed bullets, i don't clean the copper from my barrels.
Hoppes #9 to remove the carbon.
Your putting copper back into your barrel with "fouling shots", so why remove it?
Copper bullets certainly can foul more. Here is the throat of one of my guns after down some load development with Barnes TTSX bullets.


  • Photo_6.jpg
    99.9 KB · Views: 5 many billions of rounds have been fired through rifles that have NEVER specifically been cleaned of copper fouling with no ill-effects?
You just have to remember that this company wants to sell you a product.
Does it work? Perhaps. Is it necessary? Probably not. So as long as it does no harm the choice is up to you.
Much like the fuel and oil additive companies that sell products with ZERO scientific proof of their effectiveness. They sell millions of $$ of the stuff because people BELIEVE it works.
It works for certain. I using it in my prarie dog guns because I hate having to clean them in the field. Actually, I hate to clean them period. After using DBC it become apparent that I could shoot several hundred rounds easy without a change in accuracy. In fact I have put as many as 500 rounds through my main PD rig without any loss in accuracy. I have since started to use it in all my guns with universally great results.
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Wow so you got more than half way through, impressive. In reality, I saw J&B referred to as an "abrasive" clear which technically might not be the right term but it differentiates it from the more hardcore chemical cleaners like Montana Extreme that can actually damage the barrel when left in too long. I'm sure its efficacy is determined by whether you refer to it as an abrasive cleaner or not.

View attachment 156882
Montana Extreme will not damage your barrel as its mixed with mineral oil. same story with Barnes CR.
JB is an abrasive compound. Basically fine valve grinding paste. I have never seen the need to use it given things like Wipeput, MT Extreme and Barnes CR are much less labour intensive.
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When I apply DBC I clean the barrel down to bare metal as verified by a bore scope. Then I apply isopropyl alcohol to a few patches to remove left over cleaner. I next coat the barrel several times with loose soaked patches over a few days. I then will go to the range and sight the rifle in by shooting a three shot group at 25 yards, adjusting and then shooting another 3 shot group at 100 yards. I call it cured after this and begin load development.
I really think a guy can over think the application of this stuff.
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