
Daughter 1 mule deer bucks 0


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana

I would like to thank BuzzH for motivating me to get out of the office to unwind yesterday afternoon. I knew Saturday was one of the few days I would have to hunt with my oldest daughter. Her sister had already scored on an antelope buck. It is amazing that I almost have to make an appointment with her to spend many hours together. Last Thurs. evening she told be that she had time on Sat. to hunt but she couldn't go before 8 a.m. because of a team breakfast that she was going to and had to be home no later then 5 p.m.

So on Friday I unwound by going to a place that I kew held deer and lots of little to average bucks. Found a group of 5 that held a 3x3 that would be perfect for my girl the next morning. The bucks were bedding down as the sunset. They were on public land but I had faith in my fellow hunters that they would venture far enough off the road to disturb these bucks.

Left the house at 8:05 and drove twenty minutes to where we would begin our hike. We set up a spotting scope and within 2 minutes located the 3x3 and other bucks in their beds about 400 yards away and they didn't know we were there

Here is the bed of the buck.

We snuck in on him trying to be sure not spook other deer in the area that we had seen. Got to a spot where my daughter could set up and she got comfortable found him in the scope and said, "he is good enough for me". I give her a yardage of 114 yards and then Bang and the buck just rolled out of his bed dead from a shot through the neck. She said she wasn't aiming for the neck but I guess luck was on our side.

Here is the view the buck had, we snuck in from the left.


And here is the girl with her prize. As always not a B&C buck but a trophy of a life time for me. This is her third buck in as many years.



thanks for listening

Congratulations, sounds like a good time and thats a great deer.

I kind of figured the deer may be in trouble...I'm happy to say I was right!
Great buck and great story to go with it. Hey, there are lot's of guys that go years before killing a buck that nice...Moosie comes to mind for some reason.;)
congrats to your daughter, and to you for bringing her up to enjoy the outdoors.
Awesome that is a true trophy!! any animal that a kid gets and you have the pleasure of being with them on the hunt is a trophy. congrats to her on her buck.

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