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In the days of a 2 can limit, I found quite a few in rafts of redheads and blue bills on big water in a little kayak. That mallard must have been lost.
It is still a 2-can limit (6 in possession) up in interior Alaska, but since the season opens Sept 1 and freeze up is
typically early to mid October, we rarely see them as colored up as those two drakes in Colorado.
There is nothing like hunting canvasbacks late season on the Chesapeake. My favorite bird…
On my walk this morning I heard a bird I haven’t heard in at least 10 years around here! A bird that you very rarely see, but its call says its name! A whip poor will! I think it’s my favorite night bird I’ve heard. It’s just a cheery little sound in the dark forest! I was able to get sound of it but I don’t have the first clue as to how to post that.

Back in the late 60s early 70s you could shoot 10 canvasbacks a day on the eastern shore MD. DNR finally figured out the canvasbacks were all but gone and placed a do not shot on them. Not sure what the limit is now but I think it's one per season. Just in the past few years did the DNR open them up.
Ive got a decent duck collection. I hope one day to get a can, a bufflehead and full plume blue teal. Ive missed a few cans sadly. I dont know if Ill ever go hunt eiders.

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