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Big shout out to gerber

Bummer, Nick. Too bad it was the middle finger though.

Do you remove your own stitches? Growing up my dad refused to take us back to the doc’s to get stitches removed and always did them himself. “Why the hell would we pay someone to do something I can do in five minutes?” Until I cut my finger super deep and got some sort of different style stitch. When he tried to remove those they sucked back into my skin and we had to go to the doc anyway to have them dug out. Mom was pissed. I was too, come to think of it.
Oh man. I hope you heal up soon. I've been there, 3 times. Twice with stitches and once I should have gotten them. The most memorable one was a week before my wedding. My index finger on my left hand looked really ugly. In our wedding pictures of our rings, I had to bury my finger in a bouquet of flowers...
Nice thing about the human body is it heals itself. Unless of course it gets infected and you get sepsis and die a horrible death. Otherwise it's all good. You may want to be more careful next time. I know that is advice I have found myself wishing I had followed on many an occasion.

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