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Argentina Bound

I was down there for work off and on in 2011-2013. Was getting really serious about booking a waterfowl hunt on my last trip down there until that tripped lined up with my wife’s due date for our first kid. One day I will make the trip back down…maybe a “wine and wing” package for the wife and I. Best of luck on the planning and the adventure.
I would like to fish down there, but damn that is an impressive Red Stag^^^.
Sounds like alot of fun.
Yep, good wife.
Called my first outfitter last night and it went really well. I was pretty impressed with how the conversation went. Learned a few things that really helped narrow down the exact dates we should go. Waterfowl hunting in the Buenos Aires region peaks about the last week of June. So third week of June to second week of July. Axis deer drop there horns typically throughout July. So looks like we are best to go end of June.
So apparently you can't export ducks from Uruguay anymore either. Looks like its a no go for bringing any sort of trophy home for any native species in South America. Looks like I'll just have to sneak a feather or two for remembrance!
So apparently you can't export ducks from Uruguay anymore either. Looks like its a no go for bringing any sort of trophy home for any native species in South America. Looks like I'll just have to sneak a feather or two for remembrance!
Interesting. Is this a bird flu issue?
Interesting. Is this a bird flu issue?
No, its how they are combating the huge increasing number of hunters coming to the country in hopes of preserving the amazing hunting they have down there. Trying not to "love it to death". Or that's what the outfitter I talked to said. Argentina is also talking about preventing antlers/horns from being exported for exotics as well (Red deer, axis, blackbuck, fallow)
No, its how they are combating the huge increasing number of hunters coming to the country in hopes of preserving the amazing hunting they have down there. Trying not to "love it to death". Or that's what the outfitter I talked to said. Argentina is also talking about preventing antlers/horns from being exported for exotics as well (Red deer, axis, blackbuck, fallow)
Hmmm. So guys can shoot three thousand doves a day and the govt is worried about saving the resource? Same with ducks. Shooters (I won't call them hunters!) stand on a point out in the open with a small platform in front of them that an assistant keeps restocking with shells as ducks are knocked down endlessly all day long. The reason hunters go down there is because they can shoot thousands of birds with little to no effort (that is apparently enjoyable for a lot of folks ... not my idea of fun). Makes absolutely no sense that a couple of mounted specimens can't be exported "for conservation reasons." I strongly suspect there's a war going on between the animal lovers and outfitters and outfitters simply threw them this bone to get them off their back.
Hmmm. So guys can shoot three thousand doves a day and the govt is worried about saving the resource? Same with ducks. Shooters (I won't call them hunters!) stand on a point out in the open with a small platform in front of them that an assistant keeps restocking with shells as ducks are knocked down endlessly all day long. The reason hunters go down there is because they can shoot thousands of birds with little to no effort (that is apparently enjoyable for a lot of folks ... not my idea of fun). Makes absolutely no sense that a couple of mounted specimens can't be exported "for conservation reasons." I strongly suspect there's a war going on between the animal lovers and outfitters and outfitters simply threw them this bone to get them off their back.
You envision what it was like to hunt there 20 years ago. While there still is absolutely fantastic bird hunting in Argentina from what I have read and heard from some people that I know who have went, its not quite the hunt you describe. I met a gentleman at a DU dinner two years ago and he said they had to work hard to get 10 ducks a day while their previous trip a decade prior with the same outfit, same area they could shoot literally as many ducks as they wanted. The outfitter I talked with last night explained that this last year, their blinds averaged 14 ducks/per day. Absolutely stellar number by US standards but not the 50 bird days you used to read about
Update on this.

We have reached out to 3 different outfitters so far. Personally called and interviewed one so far, not so sure I'll interview the other two, maybe the one. Just based off the way they responded to emails.

Prices. Man all over the price! For the sake of comparison, I've setup up my request for a price to be the same for each one I ask. Not 100 percent what we will be end up booking but needed to do it that way for comparison. 13k to 16k to almost 21k. That's a huge range for the exact same 6 night trip!

Our goal is to reach out to two more yet I think and make a few more phone calls before deciding. We want to decide and book second week of Sept when my bonus check from work comes in.
I didn't realize how hard it would be to find an outfitter that doesn't do scaling trophy fees. Most just don't even understand what I'm asking from them. Am I that crazy that I don't want to shoot a free range animal and have to pay for every inch of antler it has? I've never done that before (granted I've been on a grand total of one guided hunt before-also international) and to me I just feel like it will totally ruin the experience for us.

"No honey, don't shoot that one, it's 2 inches taller than the one next to it and that might cost us 1k more, take the smaller one".
If they facilitate a really good one...meh, f'git about it and getcha a hanger. I was just about over being jealous and you pulled me back in.
At least it sounds like you are doing your homework, so you are going to make the right decision.

I’m cheap The only overseas trip I want to do is a DIY trip to New Zealand.
Caution - Argentina is VERY VERY addictive!!

I've hunted doves down there before and can't wait to get back. I never looked into any big game, but the vistas alone are worth the price of admission!

Best of luck on the trip and can't wait to read about your adventure!!
I email the outfitter tomorrow that I think we are going with. Going to see if he can combine the "extras" into just a flat lump sum where we pay half now and half when there and don't have to worry about it. If he says yes, we booking
I believe that Peru allows the export of waterfowl. Not as many species as Argentina but it has some unique birds. Also you get a variety of scenery, hunt the coastal marshes and then hunt high up in the Andes. This appeals to me more than whack n stack.