Anyone see Hostiles


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2011
I thought it was a great movie. I wish there were more high budget/quality western movies. Go to the theaters and see it. Maybe if there is demand more will be produced.
Yes, best western since unforgiven, very good.

My wife and I saw it in Billings, MT and half of the audience was crow tribal members.
It was well filmed and acted....cinematographic scope in the vein of John Ford, if you will. But IMO, succumbed to forced preachy and rushed Hollywood feel good'ism. Still far better than most of the FX junk being panned these days. No, not as good as Forgiven. Plagiarizes The Revenant's savagery...almost.
"best since", but was it "better than"?

Hell no it wasn't better than. Hard to beat the cast and complexity of Unforgiven. It gave me hope that more good westerns might be made. Well filmed and acted like Harley stated and it was shot on site which is cool and adds to the authenticity IMO. Plus I have a huge soft spot for Unforgiven since Big Whiskey is based off of Wheatland, WY in my home state.

Unforgiven quotes "I'll have that .32 Bob."

"One question, who did you kill first? Little Bill said a smart gunfighter will fire on the best shot first."

"You were right not to take that gun Bob, that would have killed you."
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I've read about Hostiles and my wife and I are anxious to see it. And where it ranks with our personal bests of the Western Films.

Great quotes 375 H&H from Unforgiven.

While on the subject. Another Western that I personally thought was great. But did not receive a great deal of attention or critical acclaim was...... Open Range. Remember that film? With Kevin Costner, Robert Duvall, Annette Bening.

I liked the whole Movie in many ways. Filmed in the Canadian Rockies the scenery was beautiful. And I personally loved the characters and how these actors portrayed them.

The "Gunfight Scene" to me was probably about as factual to how real life gun skirmishes in the Old West might have rolled out. And right in context with the Unforgiven scene of Clint Eastwood walking into that dimly lit Bar and the look on Gene Hackman's face.

Open Range quotes...

"You the one who killed our friend?"......."Thats right... I shot the boy too... and I enjoyed it"... BOOM!

Same thing.... taking out the "best shot" in the group right off the bat and taking away the advantage. Like I know anything about it.


"You gotta go back Sue....Go back now...." .... "How's this gonna work if you don't do what I say?"

I'm sure Charlie learned mightily from Sue in the years they had together into the sunset........
My wife and I saw the movie and she wondered why it was called "Hostiles"? My take was that by the end of the movie the lead character came to the realization that the whites were the real hostiles and not the Native Americans.
We both thought the movie would have been better if they had shown the atrocities against the natives by the military "doing their job" since that was the reason for the natives brutal fight against the settlers and military. They were fighting for their lives and their way of life.

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Great movie I thought. My friend didn't like it, didn't think there was enough "cowboy action" I thought it told a great story of how a man who once saw natives as the hostiles slowly you can see his views and attitudes change. I think the part in the movie that defined that was when the other guy who was prisoner was being treated worse than the natives. I am really glad he got on the train at the end.
I sorta like at least once in a western for someone to make a long shot. LOL
I saw it this past weekend and liked it. Wouldn't go as far as "best since or ever", but, it was definitely better than most of the westerns made in the last 30 years or so. It had the feel of a western made in 60's or 70's to me, and I liked that.
My wife and I saw the movie and she wondered why it was called "Hostiles"? My take was that by the end of the movie the lead character came to the realization that the whites were the real hostiles and not the Native Americans.
We both thought the movie would have been better if they had shown the atrocities against the natives by the military "doing their job" since that was the reason for the natives brutal fight against the settlers and military. They were fighting for their lives and their way of life.

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They made that movie. It was called “Dances with Wolves”

Is it ok if writers come up with new storylines?
Ahh yes, Open Range, where Costner's Single action was fanned for 13 shots in the gunfight scene. Hollyweird accuracy again.
And lest we not forget...... Appaloosa!

"You pull on me....either one of ya....I'll kill ya both"..... Virgil Cole

Guess i don't always count the exact shot numbers. Just the context and emotions of the scene. My wife is a Mule person and her level of scrutiny is down to keeping track of when they change out a pack mule or saddle horse in the the different scenes from one to another.
Hostiles is definitely on my list to see. Although now that I think of it I can't remember the last time I saw a movie in the theatre...

I'm with Old Ranger. Open Range is one of my favorites, and I felt like it was pretty realistic in it's gunfight depictions. Can't say I recall when Costner fans his gun and fires 13 shots. I don't doubt it, someone probably couldn't resist adding a couple more bangs.

Appaloosa is really good too, kinda forgot about that one. Gotta love Hitch and his 8 gauge. If anyone didn't know, that is originally a book and there are a whole series of Virgil Cole and Everett Hitch novels, I highly recommend them.
Robert B Parker has 9 Virgil Cole & Everett Hitch books....entertaining western protagonists. A few good cinematic adaptations.

My favorite shoot em up is Tombstone & Kilmer's Doc Holliday is my favorite character.
Little Big Man is another good movie in the same genre.

Little big man is good. I don't live very far from LIBI, so hits close to home.

Still, since Unforgiven there have only maybe been 3 good westerns, and none of those were as good as Unforgiven IMO.

"And there was nothing on the marker to explain to Mrs. Feathers why her only daughter had married a Known thief and murderer, a man of known intemperate and vicious disposition."

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