A long time coming


Jan 18, 2015
For as long as I can remember my father has wanted to get a bull elk with a bow. As he is 68 now and not getting any younger, it has to happen soon. I did some research and found what I thought would be some good looking elk country in Colorado. We packed up the truck in PA and headed West. Now it has been burning deep down inside me that I have to get this dream of my dads filled. I have not wanted more in life than to make this happen for my dad. We had 10 days to close the deal on an elk in a brand new area. Now I never spoke this to anyone but the entire trip in my eyes revolved around getting dad a bull. I wasnt even going to be happy if we saw or heard any. I needed to get him a shot. I have been harping on him all summer to be shooting out to 60 yards and get comfortable. He did his part and the old bird was hiking every morning, lifting some light weights and shooting his bow. Well the mountains didn't fail us. They were every bit as big as they looked on the computer. Four days of rain and two different camp setup and take downs we were getting to end of the first week. Little did I know that Sunday morning was going to be the magical day. Now I have been brushing up on different bugling and calling after watching elk101 and elk university by Corey J. at elk101.com. So I started off with a locator bugle and one sounded off right above us. Dads eyes light up with joy already. I back off and leave him 70 yards away. Now I can't see the bull as he is coming down the mountain and in to the calling so I have to watch dads body language. I'm cow calling and every time he bugles I challenge bugle over him. this takes about 3 times and this bull is coming hard. I see dad draw back and send an arrow. I can only see the tips of a bull running away and thinking to myself dang that looks like a decent bull. I walk up to dad and try to get the scoop. I ask how far and where he was standing when he shot and to my amazement, 6 yards. Here I have been getting him to shoot longer ranges and he smacks a nice bull at 6 yards. The absolute joy and feeling of getting someone to fulfill their dream is better than any drug on earth. I wanted to share this story in brief to everyone to show the joys of life. I'm truly blessed by God to have had this opportunity to have this time with my dad and help fill this dream.

This had to be his trip as I got to take him fishing as an off day when we ran the meat to town to the meat locker. The lucky old bird caught a beautiful cutthroat on his second cast. All I caught was a sore arm from casting.


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Absolutely wonderful story. Congrats to your Dad and kudos to you for making his dream come true.
Absolutely awesome! Congrats and welcome to HT. I got to take my dad hunting a lot this past month and can share in your joy of seeing them harvest an animal when we want them to succeed so badly. Good job on the preparations and hunt!
Awesome story, perfect hunt. Sounds like you did a great job planning and preparing for that hunt, what a great gift to help your dad get his bull - and a dang good one to boot. Congratulations to both of you!
Great story! Congrats to you! One of my biggest regrets is not taking more time to do more with my dad before he died. I thought he'd be around a bunch longer and took it for granted. Well done.
What a great story and nice pictures. Made me think of my Dad and our hunting together. Thanks.
Caribou Gear

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