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2022!!!! Let's go Hoosiers!!!

Haven't seen you in a while. Good to hear you're out and about.

Edit: maybe I need to pay more attention... Haha!

Regardless, sounds like camp will be a great time! Best to you and your crew.
Hope y’all have fun and fill some tags! I’m planning to get out with my bow here in the next week but can’t wait for Indiana firearms either. It’s a fun time of year.
Sitting here watching Sunday Night Football knowing in about exactly 2 days I'll be drubbing EAST!!!
I'm just working 8s all this week so I can hunt after work. Half-days all next week. Hopefully I can get it done before Thanksgiving week, when I head to South Dakota.
Good luck to you all. I was fortunate enough to arrow a doe during September with our 9 year old daughter sitting next to me, and on Oct 30th this guy read my playbook and came in to some rattling, circled downwind, hit the scent of the two tarsal glands from the doe and at 23 yards I took my shot. Not the biggest buck in my little woods, but it was a pretty sweet morning.


I have a few bigger bucks out there and I am still trying to fill my archery tag ( buck above and doe taken on reduction tag). All these pics are from the last week.

BIG8.jpgBIGGER10.jpgBIG 10.jpg
Good luck to you all. I was fortunate enough to arrow a doe during September with our 9 year old daughter sitting next to me, and on Oct 30th this guy read my playbook and came in to some rattling, circled downwind, hit the scent of the two tarsal glands from the doe and at 23 yards I took my shot. Not the biggest buck in my little woods, but it was a pretty sweet morning.

View attachment 249220View attachment 249222

I have a few bigger bucks out there and I am still trying to fill my archery tag ( buck above and doe taken on reduction tag). All these pics are from the last week.

View attachment 249225View attachment 249226View attachment 249224great year you have going!!!
Today was a cold and rainy/snowy one. In the 30s all day. I saw a couple of does in the morning but they stayed obscured by brush and branches....teasing me at about 40 yds 🤔 CPO shot a nice nature doe about 1130 so we pulled her out and went to lunch. I went back out by myself and the weather sucked worse. Got rained on (36f) until about 15 min left in light. Then huge wet flakes. 5 minutes later a deer comes out a couple hundred yards away... all I can see is a shape. @#%^&****$$$_&$$%a!!!!! At least there was a Pizza King Royal Feast waiting on me at the house.....2 days left fir me !!
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