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Women that hunt - Need more resources please


Oct 11, 2017
Denver, CO
Hello. It seems that this forum is a little slow. Where can a woman go to get more advice on hunting and fishing? What do you like to see/read? Eager for more information.
There is plenty on here. A large majority of people on this site are out hunting or scouting right now. There are plenty of other sites as well but none so much for learning how to hunt on public land. Just do searches for what you are interested in on here. Not sure there is any type of hunting in the US that hasn't been covered on here in pretty good detail. Hope you find what you are looking for.

There are also a million videos on youtube. Good luck.
I guess a question could be is “advice on hunting and fishing” gender specific. I would suggest generally no. Hunting is hunting...?
I see/read the same stuff the men do for the most part - never occurred to me that hunting advice would be different for me than it is for them, and I like to stick with what works. Unless we're talking gear/clothes anyway. :D

Is there anything specific you are wondering about - a specific type of hunting (birds, deer, elk, etc.), or method or gear or something? You'll generally get more and better suggestions if you ask specific questions, because there is surely someone on here who is passionate about whatever it is your asking.
Well, I read what the "men" post. I guess I was looking for more female insight. Hunting is hunting, but sometimes a woman is more intuitive or have different views that can take it to a more personal level. I'm going elk hunting 2nd season rifle in Colorado. I go with a big family. There will be more girls than guys this year. We will hit Colorado River for some fishing on Friday before opening day. I guess I was looking for more interaction. Sort of like a "sisterhood" group. And yes, a lot are out hunting already and not really as active here as they are busy. Good luck to them! I think also, if I ask in a general hunting chat about coyote hunting, I get so many stupid responses. Maybe it's just an active group of knowledgeable hunters that I am looking for without the hassle of the idiots responding. As far as female gear goes, I have to say, I am not finding much for my size. I'm short and round. LOL. A tough fit. I understand the questions you all ask and why my post seems so vague. I think I am very excited for the hunt this year and really wanting to round out my chances of success. I may be over thinking things. Thank you all for listening to my rambles and unclear thoughts. I will try to be more specific in the future.

Maybe a key component was looking for women based web sites or forums or fb pages.
I feel of all the hunting forums I frequent, HuntTalk is the most friendly, helpful and open (except for a very few topics) forum available. Maybe I am wrong and just looking though a male's lens, but I feel any questions you posed here would be replied to honestly and openly without the "stupid comments". Maybe it is time for a women's hunting subtopic for HuntTalk?
Contact Nicole Qualtieri on BackCountryHunters and Anglers. She used to post on here. She , I think, mostly hunts longbow. Follow her photo blog and is remarkable. She may be listed and can be reached by PM

Love female hunters and hope you find what you are for, Good hunting!!!!
I feel of all the hunting forums I frequent, HuntTalk is the most friendly, helpful and open (except for a very few topics) forum available. Maybe I am wrong and just looking though a male's lens, but I feel any questions you posed here would be replied to honestly and openly without the "stupid comments". Maybe it is time for a women's hunting subtopic for HuntTalk?

There already is one and this thread is in it :)

To the OP....I think the issue is this site and many like it are male dominated. I personally would suggest google if you are not finding what you want here after the 2 weeks you have been a member. There are hundreds of thousands of posts here and I'm not sure how many are women related, but tons of info.
There already is one and this thread is in it :)

To the OP....I think the issue is this site and many like it are male dominated. I personally would suggest google if you are not finding what you want here after the 2 weeks you have been a member. There are hundreds of thousands of posts here and I'm not sure how many are women related, but tons of info.

Oops! :D I just click on the new posts link and peruse them all at once.
Maybe a key component was looking for women based web sites or forums or fb pages.
Ok, I get what you mean now.

I'm not a facebooker, so no help there. To be honest, I have searched quite a bit and given up on finding any women-oriented sites that really provide much that I personally consider "useful". They are typically one giant advertisement, and 99% of the content is clothes and concealed carry purses, with hardly any current or substantive hunting content. Which is why I hang out here - it's an active community of mostly good people who are happy to help and are also pretty open to hearing a woman's perspective when you do chime in on something. Plus they actually discuss stuff that I'm interested in. But mostly they let me just be a hunter, without having to qualify me as a "woman hunter". Maybe it's because I get a lot of that crap at work, but for me personally it's nice to just be one of the group without any special conditions attached.

There is a Women's section here on HuntTalk, but I think for the most part the women that are active on the forum are in the mix with everyone else. I've rarely seen derogatory or insulting responses to what I or other women have posted here, so please give it a try! And who knows, if someone was actually inclined to post things in the Women's section, more people might participate. I know there are other women who mostly just lurk around here, and many of the guys have wives/girlfriends/daughters that hunt.

If you can track down Nicole, you would probably like her. I miss her posting on here - she was always very engaging in discussions.
I've always hunted with men. Started with my dad and have continued with my husband.
I've never had much interactions with women when it comes to hunting. I enjoyed way more than talking girlie things.
I can give you good tips on what really works and what doesn't.
Otherwise I'm just slow and older now.
Well.... This year's hunt went as well as expected. I got to take my DIL with me one day. I also hunted with my sisters (sons, dad and brothers too). But the girl's tent was rocking! We talked about bows, guns, ammo, gear, bags, strategy, keeping up with the men, and how the men make so much noise, the new pink rule and lack of stores carrying it, new sites and groups, who's putting the wood in the stove at night, washing and keeping ourselves clean, scent/no scent products, hunting while on that time of the month, what we would change for next year, etc... Yes, I could talk with the men about these things too... But chatting with the sisterhood does help when discussing some of the more sensitive subjects and lowers those walls that may be up when talking with the men. Males don't always understand.
It's nice that you have a group of women that you can lean on and discuss things with. I guess I have never really looked around for a community of women because I was a paraglider before I started hunting (there are FAR fewer female paraglider pilots than there are female hunters) so if I precluded men or prioritized women for learning or camaraderie, I was going to be awfully lonely. Hunting has the added problem of what we'd call "ridge bunnies" (similar to a rodeo "buckle bunny" I think) who are women that participate largely because it's a great way to get attention from men. Just look up the hashtag "huntress" on Instagram for a laugh - I don't even wear that much makeup when I get fancy and go downtown for a nice dinner with my husband.

I would love to have regular roundtable beers with women who also hunt mostly solo. I just don't think there are that many of us. Take the number of ladies with hunting tags, subtract the ones who don't really hunt but their guy has them put in for tags anyways, subtract the women who have to have to be catered to in order to get persuaded to even come to hunting camp, subtract the wives and girlfriends that only go with their husbands or boyfriends, subtract the women who just walk around the woods taking selfies with their perfect hair, and you really don't have very many women left who are hungry enough to scout new areas, do hours of research, spend long days scouting and glassing, and are unafraid to hunt solo without anyone leading them around.

I think a lot of that comes down to how women are taught to hunt, but I have a lot of hare-brained theories and overly strong opinions on the subject.
... how the men make so much noise, ...
Ha! I think this to myself all the time! Those damn big feet step on every pine cone within a 4 foot swath, I swear! I am SO much quieter....:D
Sounds like you had a fun trip!

I would love to have regular roundtable beers with women who also hunt mostly solo. I just don't think there are that many of us. Take the number of ladies with hunting tags, subtract the ones who don't really hunt but their guy has them put in for tags anyways, subtract the women who have to have to be catered to in order to get persuaded to even come to hunting camp, subtract the wives and girlfriends that only go with their husbands or boyfriends, subtract the women who just walk around the woods taking selfies with their perfect hair, and you really don't have very many women left who are hungry enough to scout new areas, do hours of research, spend long days scouting and glassing, and are unafraid to hunt solo without anyone leading them around.

This has been my experience as well. I like the entire process - research, scouting, all the little things that make up the hunt itself, processing and all the culinary wonders to be had. The only people I have met who share the same level of interest in hunting that I do have been men thus far, so that's who I talk/hang out/sometimes hunt with. Most of the other female hunters I've interacted with seem to have a more superficial interest, and it's hard to have really meaningful discussions specifically about hunting with them - certainly not the same level of discussion that I can share with the guys. I know there are a few other women out there more like me, but I'm not aware of any within a proximity to me that would allow us to gather over drinks for stories and lies.
Thank you ladies for your input. Maybe I should start a local women's hunting support group. At the local watering hole of course. I'm glad there are still women out there with similar interests as my own. I'm still nervous about hunting on my own (I usually have a buddy with me). Not that I am afraid of getting lost, but because I have not been successful hunting. That is my biggest hurdle... My first kill... Came close this year, but the doe had a very small fawn with it. I'm beginning to think it's a combination of me and my area. I don't think our family really does the hard work that is needed. I believe that we should be doing more. And for 2018 season, I will be working harder, earlier, to reach my goals for the hunting season. It's time for me to start leading and not following. And my level of frustration of walking off a mountain at 4:30pm is stupid, the animals are just starting to move! I need to be more proactive in my hunts with my big family. Really get it done, so to speak. As the oldest sibling, maybe I need to start moving our focus to the more concentrated hunting tactics. I'll be much better prepared next year.
Hi, Lychordia. I'm here for much the same reasons. It seems that this is the first year for some companies to introduce a women's apparel line so I'll be watching hoping to see some reviews. I did find a women's rifle that fits me better (Weatherby Camilla).

As a longtime flyfisherman I empathize with finding the right gear. The "how to" part isn't so gender-specific but having gear that doesn't fit certainly hinders the "how to" in ways that I think men don't always understand. They're getting better. And, it's been a long time since I've stood in a fly shop waving a credit card commenting that my money works just as well as the guys.
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Hi, Lychordia. My wife, whom I refer to as FireTiger on my posts on here, is mostly a solo hunter. She doesn't like internet forums. You may run into us sometime if you ever attend Colorado BHA events, as we're fairly active members. Other than a family trip each year, she researches, puts in the draw and hunts her hunts. Sometimes I get invited to be extra eyes.

cloudbase's post pretty much hits the nail on the head. Its been difficult for us to find other women who don't fall into one of those, for lack of a better word, "poser" categories.
You may run into us sometime if you ever attend Colorado BHA events, as we're fairly active members.

This is the second time I have seen you mention the Colorado BHA event. Backcountry Hunters and Anglers group. I found the web site. I will look into it. I don't think I have taken the steps to actually joining any actual groups and this may help me. Thank you for the suggestion.

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