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This is why we can't have nice things


Staff member
Jun 8, 2009
Portland, OR
Greetings all, I've noticed a recent uptick in posts that violate The Rules. Particularly posts that violate the rules quoted below.

Some forum etiquette, since such seems to be lacking around here lately. These are nothing different than what you agreed to when you signed up.

--> Treat every person with respect, the same as if you were sitting in the same room with them.

--> This is a forum to share information. Sharing means that we have people who are wanting your knowledge and experience, and at times, your opinions. Share it in a manner that is respectful and helpful.

This is stated in the Terms of Use agreed to when registering. Please respect those who are paying to make this site possible.

This is me asking for a return to sanity. Don't feed the trolls. Don't troll other members and then report them for trolling you back. Don't spread misinformation about coronavirus, politicians, or other forum members. Don't insult people based on their gender, sexual orientation, or presumptive genitalia size. We seem to have lost the basic principles of decency. We are better than this. Act like it.
Hi Cornell 2012
Kinda sad you had to post this..
I’m new here, many people have years more experience in all
aspects of hunting fishing shooting reloading etc.

Just recently there was quite a few responses on a post that if you can’t shoot a
rifle...your “ less than a man”... or your “ Masculinity“ was more or less put in

Yup. Expect a lot of deleted accounts in the next week.

When some of our most valuable members write me and ask to be removed from the forum, it is a wake up call for me. I think my effort to be tolerant has reached the point of being a detriment to the value the forum could have.

The topics being started, the multi-registrations I can't catch when I'm on the road, the infiltration of the Facebook-esque political bitching and moaning that results in completely unacceptable behavior is enough.

It's been seven tough months for me. I'm at the crossroads where I either close this forum or I just start deleting threads and banning the habitual offenders, no matter if they're my family, my neighbor, my hunting friends, or a complete stranger.

That's where it's at. I fund this forum with other sources of income, as I had always hoped it had value, and it has over the years. Sitting in the SLC airport this morning, reading the mountains of reported threads and posts, then going back to the recent trends of that in the last year, was more than I cared to deal with.

I sent some PMs asking folks to behave and interact according the rules in post #1 above. So far today the replies were GFY, to I might be headed for an ass kicking, to a bunch of defensive complaints about me and how I run a forum. I've had enough.

To get an email from a friend who has contributed great value to this forum for many years, stating that he no longer has any use for the topics discussed and the level of juvenile behavior, is the wake up for me.

Expect a lot of closed threads and a lot of banned members. No warnings, no reasons, just hitting the reset button. The forum interactions and the topics have slowly moved to a place that does not reflect who I am and what our goals are for this forum.
I’ve noticed for a while that there seemed to be growing numbers of members who only seem interested in picking fights, slinging insults and names, and spreading misinformation on the forum. In light of this, I think many of us have stooped at times to comments that would have been better left unposted lately. I admit I have.

I still think of HT as a forum with really smart members from a whole variety of backgrounds that generally demonstrate good character and contribute to thoughtful discussions. I will try to participate in a manner to keep it that way, and apologies if I have contributed unduly to any dumpster fires.

Thank you for your efforts @Big Fin. I do not envy you being in the position of curating a respectful community without censoring differing viewpoints.
I can’t even imagine the BS you (Randy) and your team have to put up with and weed through. I do hope this forum sticks around though. Haven’t been here long but I sure like it overall and have learned a tremendous amount. I’m a Texas guy who has spent the majority of his life in a box blind on private land. Started going out west two years ago hunting public land and now I am forever changed. This forum has given me a wealth of information.


Thank you for allowing us to enjoy HT. This is my favorite site and I am always grateful for the opportunity to have access to this site. There are really good people on this site. Sorry you have to deal with the juvenile behavior.
@Big Fin where do you stand on the subscription part of the site? I know beforehand, you had entertained that. I apologize if something has happened in the last couple weeks, my family and I have been traveling.

I value the information and comradery on this site more than the occasional BS. Thanks for all you do to support an amazing HT Forum!!
I Will be sad to see it go if you pull the plug. I’ve made a lot of great friends and great memories through this site. If you do decide to pull the plug please give some of us a heads up so we can get contact information for members that we normally engage with.
Thank you for the reminder Cornell and Big Fin. I hate that this place, which I find to be a beautiful corner of the internet, has become so great a friction in your and other moderator's lives that you would consider pulling the plug.

Whether it is worth it or not is your calculus and yours alone, but if I can add weight to any side of the equation, I will say that Hunt Talk has changed my life and behaviors, and I hope in such a way that those changes will benefit more than just me. Thank you.
I have only been a member for a few months and have already met some wonderful folks on here. Sure some were, as Randy likes to say, "ass hats", but far more people have been helpful and informative than have been the latter. My son and I will soon be on our first elk hunt and, thanks to this forum, Randy's podcast and Randys videos, we are much more prepared. Sure hope it stays up. This forum has been a crucial part of knowledge building for a guy from the southeast as well as being very entertaining.
I have recently been reminded how great this place is after joining a TN specific hunting forum recently. I'd sure be sad to see it go and hope we can all get our act together. Thanks for everything so far Big Fin and Cornell.
Thanks Finn. Because of the number of anti-mining, grazing, ranching, etc. I have been reluctant to share my experiences on the forum. It is your forum that we share and thank you. I like hunting but I am sick of politics. I believe we all have valuable experiences and thoughts to share however there are some that believe that THEY have the only valid thought. I choose to pick through the shared thoughts for what improves my hunt. I don't demand that I have the only functioning opinion. I find the forum to be valuable and entertaining. I would prefer the political battles be on a differant media. Neither side will be changed by the in fighting.
Yup. Expect a lot of deleted accounts in the next week.

When some of our most valuable members write me and ask to be removed from the forum, it is a wake up call for me. I think my effort to be tolerant has reached the point of being a detriment to the value the forum could have.

The topics being started, the multi-registrations I can't catch when I'm on the road, the infiltration of the Facebook-esque political bitching and moaning that results in completely unacceptable behavior is enough.

It's been seven tough months for me. I'm at the crossroads where I either close this forum or I just start deleting threads and banning the habitual offenders, no matter if they're my family, my neighbor, my hunting friends, or a complete stranger.

That's where it's at. I fund this forum with other sources of income, as I had always hoped it had value, and it has over the years. Sitting in the SLC airport this morning, reading the mountains of reported threads and posts, then going back to the recent trends of that in the last year, was more than I cared to deal with.

I sent some PMs asking folks to behave and interact according the rules in post #1 above. So far today the replies were GFY, to I might be headed for an ass kicking, to a bunch of defensive complaints about me and how I run a forum. I've had enough.

To get an email from a friend who has contributed great value to this forum for many years, stating that he no longer has any use for the topics discussed and the level of juvenile behavior, is the wake up for me.

Expect a lot of closed threads and a lot of banned members. No warnings, no reasons, just hitting the reset button. The forum interactions and the topics have slowly moved to a place that does not reflect who I am and what our goals are for this forum.
This place is not for everyone. So be it. Fin/Mrs, Cornell, thanks for all you do. It seems you must know how much the valuable 99% of this forum matters to the faithful, in order to continue it. Much appreciated.

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