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Stay at home order


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2020
Central Coast, CA
Anyone know what this means for hunting, specifically duck hunting the refuges? So far I've heard there is no camping/staying in trailers allowed at a number of refuges but lacking other info. Looks like the best bet for those of us who don't live close is sleeping in the truck if that's even allowed.
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I honestly think it depends on the local sheriffs and if they are enforcing it or not. Most are not. However, anything run by the state will most likely comply and shut down. Hope it works out!
Hunting refuges are Federal ground. There is a COE property that remained open when our county parks were shut down....

  • Dec 4, 2020 Public Update: Outdoor recreation will remain open at the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex during the California Regional Stay Home Order. Enjoy your refuges by staying safe! Masks and social distancing are recommended at check stations, overlooks, and anywhere else where you are in close contact with your fellow visitors. Please remember to recreate responsibly by staying in vehicles on auto tours. Since staff are mostly teleworking, please pack out your trash. Enjoy your visit!
How do you want to remember this part of your life??

Inside, wishing you were hunting during the pandemic or do you want to be the badass that limited out on ducks?!? 🤣🤣

Seriously though, a waterfowl hunter’s love for the marsh is unconditional, so you know what to do!!!
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Anyone know what this means for hunting, specifically duck hunting the refuges? So far I've heard there is no camping/staying in trailers allowed at a number of refuges but lacking other info. Looks like the best bet for those of us who don't live close is sleeping in the truck if that's even allowed.
KOA's are open as are private campgrounds.
Personally, I would prefer to be remembered by my kids and grandkids as one who obeyed the law during this national emergency, rather than as one who ignored it.

Sounds like you can hunt ducks IF the federal refuges remain open. Given the confused COVID response of the present administration, I suspect the refuge gates will remain open for the time being. However, I would be surprised if they aren't closed by the end of January. As I read the state regulation all camping will cease and I would be surprised if refuge law enforcement doesn't enforce it. Their mandate is usually to go along with state and local regulations. For example, the Blackfoot tribe was concerned about the ridiculous increased tourism through their reservation to Glacier Park this past summer. As I understand it, the NPS agreed to close the east entrance gate when the tribe shut down their concessions outside the park. Unfortunately, this made the congestion on west side ridiculous.

You may be within the law if you sleep in your truck but probably not on the refuge. I don't know about CA, but the federal refuge I hunt in Montana does not allow camping at any time.
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Personally, I would prefer to be remembered by my kids and grandkids as one who obeyed the law during this national emergency, rather than as one who ignored it.

Sounds like you can hunt ducks IF the federal refuges remain open. Given the confused COVID response of the present administration, I suspect the refuge gates will remain open for the time being. However, I would be surprised if they aren't closed by the end of January. As I read the state regulation all camping will cease and I would be surprised if refuge law enforcement doesn't enforce it. Their mandate is usually to go along with state and local regulations. For example, the Blackfoot tribe was concerned about the ridiculous increased tourism through their reservation to Glacier Park this past summer. As I understand it, the NPS agreed to close the east entrance gate when the tribe shut down their concessions outside the park. Unfortunately, this made the congestion on west side ridiculous.

You may be within the law if you sleep in your truck but probably not on the refuge. I don't know about CA, but the federal refuge I hunt in Montana does not allow camping at any time.
Everybody remembers Jessie James. Nobody remembers sheriff John Beetles. LOL
Not really interested in "everyone." Just my family. Send them down the right path by leading the way.

Id rather my family remember me for standing up for what I believe in and doing what I feel is right. Not obeying a “law” imposed by a governor who doesn’t follow the law he imposed onto his state. (If your not familiar google Gavin newsome dinner party). But to each their own..

I’m sure glad the founding fathers had the courage to commit treason for what they felt was right. I’m sure their family’s are still proud of them. I know that’s a little on the extreme side compared to a stay at home order but you get the point just because a law is created doesn’t make it right especially when the governor who imposed the stay at home orders and shut downs didn’t follow his own orders....

As for the OP did you make it out yet? How was it? I’m not a duck hunter but still like hearing how other guys are doing when there’s not much in season I’m interested in
Id rather my family remember me for standing up for what I believe in and doing what I feel is right. Not obeying a “law” imposed by a governor who doesn’t follow the law he imposed onto his state. (If your not familiar google Gavin newsome dinner party). But to each their own..

I’m sure glad the founding fathers had the courage to commit treason for what they felt was right. I’m sure their family’s are still proud of them. I know that’s a little on the extreme side compared to a stay at home order but you get the point just because a law is created doesn’t make it right especially when the governor who imposed the stay at home orders and shut downs didn’t follow his own orders....

As for the OP did you make it out yet? How was it? I’m not a duck hunter but still like hearing how other guys are doing when there’s not much in season I’m interested in
OP? Not sure what that is. Waterfowl were all gone here by Oct 13 ... the very few that showed up. Lots of feed still in the fields and not even a serious frost yet. Very weird. I used to hunt geese into November. Something strange going on with the migration.

I mostly hunted uplands in Montana. Wasted five days looking for elk in SW Montana. They simply disappeared. No one was finding any. Only had one day to hunt deer due to logistical complications. I killed a forked horn ... with my Jimmy. Did very well hunting pheasants in spite of terrible conditions. Very hard work and I lost a lot of weight! My dogs are still recuperating.

If the governor and the president choose to set shitty examples doesn't mean the law has any less integrity ... to law abiding people. I fail to see how public health regulations formed in the wake of a pandemic crisis and on the unanimous advice of the world's scientific community can be anything but "right." And anyone who thinks otherwise is "wrong." Seldom are things black and white but in this case I cannot see how it can be interpreted any other way. People can choose to be stupid. They can choose to break the law. But choosing to break the law AND endanger others ... how do you make that "right?" How do you make that some kinda patriotic stand? You think the founding fathers didn't know about quarantines? Think again! You can read about quarantines in the Bible. American sailors on typhus ships that landed at US ports were not allowed to disembark. Lepers were sent to colonies. Cholera outbreaks were isolated. Do you think the founding fathers intended that "freedom of assembly" or "freedom of expression" should apply to thwart public health quarantines? Of course not. That's ridiculous.
Id rather my family remember me for standing up for what I believe in and doing what I feel is right. Not obeying a “law” imposed by a governor who doesn’t follow the law he imposed onto his state. (If your not familiar google Gavin newsome dinner party). But to each their own..

I’m sure glad the founding fathers had the courage to commit treason for what they felt was right. I’m sure their family’s are still proud of them. I know that’s a little on the extreme side compared to a stay at home order but you get the point just because a law is created doesn’t make it right especially when the governor who imposed the stay at home orders and shut downs didn’t follow his own orders....

As for the OP did you make it out yet? How was it? I’m not a duck hunter but still like hearing how other guys are doing when there’s not much in season I’m interested in
You must live in VA..... Haha haha We must follow King Blackface orders or else he thinks! Use good judgment and be safe and think of others safety as well while out. I couldn't think of a better way to social distance than hunting, seriously even sitting at home is worse with family members as far as social distance rules go.
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