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Seeking your input for this enterprise

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Folks, we are again doing some serious planning about our content, our platforms, and trying to understand what our audience likes to watch, listen, participate in, and what their hunting and purchasing habits are. In the coming weeks we are going to start some surveys with our email list, our social media channels, and here on Hunt Talk. If you are inclined to take them and give your feedback, we would greatly appreciate it.

Our sponsors have provided us with over $7,000 of prizes to give to folks willing to take these surveys. If you don't want to take them or you don't want to give your email, I completely understand. We guard our lists closely and do not sell, rent, or otherwise do anything with those lists beyond directly communicating with the audience who has opted in to that list.

Lots of changes going on in the outdoor space right now. We spend a lot of time planning what we feel is the best path forward, but we know we can have some blind spots. Our audience has always been the best sounding board of what they value in our content and guiding us to new distribution platforms. It was a survey we did in 2015 that many of you participated in that led us to leave TV, start a podcast, and create content that was more focused on information that helps public land hunters. Given the growth we have seen since then, all organic growth, the insight we got from all of you was critical in plotting our course forward.

It is almost embarrassing to think that we have been five years since the last survey. I intend to do more frequent surveying of our audiences.

Those of you on the email list will likely get the first survey tomorrow. Link on Hunt Talk should be up in the next couple days.

Thanks in advance for any input you are willing to provide.

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Thanks for all of the content you all put out! Keep it up! Hopefully this input will help you all be more profitable so you can do more videos that don’t draw in the big crowds off the bat. All of the conservation stuff has been great!
Wow, the feedback we have received so far is great. This morning I got an email with the first data sets from Day One. The survey company we hired to help us with this has told us the first day of results shows some of the highest audience engagement of any surveys they have done. They tell us that high response rate gives a very high confidence level in the responses provided.

This should help us be more precise in how we formulate questions in our follow up surveys. This information is going to be so useful in confirming what we do that is working, filling in our blind spots and giving us direction of what content type, where to make it available, how to deliver it, etc.
This information is going to be so useful in confirming what we do that is working
Whats working is your constant involvement with the community, especially here on the HT forums. As a long time reader of the forums but just more recently an active poster, this is something that has absolutely blown me away compared to other internet outlets I also use for hunting.
Thanks for everything you guys do! Surveys were short and to the point, I think companies would generally get better participation if they used this approach instead of 40 questions rating feelings toward something!
My only challenge with the survey was selecting just one answer for some of the questions ask for my preference on content.

By design, some questions allow only one answer and some allow you to check multiple boxes. That is when a question is designed to let us know the highest preference, compared to questions designed to understand all possible interests. The survey company helped me understand that a "highest preference" is different than an "interest." Both are useful data points and both serve a different purpose in data analysis.

Thus, we have some questions that are "select one" and some that are "select all that apply." A good reason to hire experts who can help you accomplish the true goals of this effort.

Seeing all the amount of feedback we are getting, I don't know if I am smart enough, or if I have the capacity, to properly process all of it.
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