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Return Of The Jaguar to Arizona and New Mexico, your thoughts?

Mustangs Rule

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2021
At this point it seems near certain that there will be an effort to restore the Jaguar to Arizona and New Mexico,

What are your thoughts about this? I hope these links open


Let's see if the gov. can successfully manage wolves. So far around here they can't. If jaguars go like wolves have, they'll reintroduce them easily, but won't let hunters help manage them properly.
I don’t think they are effectively any different from mountain lions in terms of density or habitat use. They would probably end up fighting with lions for space and food. The first time I went Coues hunting I poked my head over an edge and saw a lion stalking up a dry creek bed 200 yds below me. It was sweet. It would be cool to see a jaguar too.
I’m almost always in support of anything that once lived in the US being reintroduced and maintained. The fact that governments don’t always manage them well isn’t a good argument for not having them. IMO any native animals that can be reasonably reintroduced should be and then agencies and hunters should learn over time to manage them properly. I almost feel that we who are alive today owe it to future generations to do what we can to reintroduce and preserve what once was as best we can and that’s no exact science but it should be done if it can be.
I’m almost always in support of anything that once lived in the US being reintroduced and maintained. The fact that governments don’t always manage them well isn’t a good argument for not having them. IMO any native animals that can be reasonably reintroduced should be and then agencies and hunters should learn over time to manage them properly. I almost feel that we who are alive today owe it to future generations to do what we can to reintroduce and preserve what once was as best we can and that’s no exact science but it should be done if it can be.
I think it would be awesome to have them. Just a really big mt lion. I've seen videos of them grabbing camen crocs for dinner, and that's wild!

For some reason my first thought was let's get the predators we've reintroduced managed first. It makes no difference. They're not reintroducing them to areas with wolf issues anyway.
I’m almost always in support of anything that once lived in the US being reintroduced and maintained. The fact that governments don’t always manage them well isn’t a good argument for not having them. IMO any native animals that can be reasonably reintroduced should be and then agencies and hunters should learn over time to manage them properly. I almost feel that we who are alive today owe it to future generations to do what we can to reintroduce and preserve what once was as best we can and that’s no exact science but it should be done if it can be.

I feel the exact same way.
They have had a few documented in AZ over the years. I had a book at one time about a hound hunter who's dogs bayed one.
It would be great to get them back into their home range again. I doubt if they do release some you'll ever find them, I don't believe the Mexican Wolf is a very common sight. It would be interesting to see how the cats will deal with the border wall. They have such a large home range that could be an issue. Cool idea none the less
I have trouble imagining that there would be great success, since lions have filled the vacuum created by their absence. But it will be a great excuse to rope off large tracts of land and not allow hunting, or to stop lion hunting for fear the jaguars are disturbed. Sort of like declaring coyotes off limits because they look too much like wolves.

Mountain lions are good as far as I'm concerned. Adding a cat that is twice the size doesn't thrill me much. We have changed the habitat - we have no idea what reintroduction will do. Not a fan.


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