Patrick Byorth's Experience on the Montana FWP Commission

Nameless Range

Well-known member
Jun 6, 2013
Western Montana
A bummer of an article to read, but a couple things we all know now being said from someone who was on the inside:

"Byorth said Tabor only called him once regarding an issue before the commission, despite the fact he represented the resource and Montana hunters and anglers.“He had his agenda, and by golly he was going to ramrod it through,” he said. “Just the way he presented motions at the 11th hour, had arranged those motions with his majority up front, he wasn’t about to consult me or a couple of other commissioners. It was his show, and he was going to do it his way.”
"Byorth also said the new commission seemed to arrive with an attitude that they didn’t have to listen to the public on controversial issues like wolf hunting or bull elk licenses for landowners, calling the attitude “a fundamental miscalculation” regarding the power of the people."

"“I almost felt like the people and the resources of Region 3 were kind of closed out of the discussions,” Byorth said."
"When Byorth worked as an FWP biologist, the staff spoke freely with the public, conservation groups, commissioners and the director.

“So when sticky issues bubbled up, the field people would already have a pretty good handle on the pulse of the public,” he said. “With this new commission, there was no communication. It came from the top and was shoved down to the field in ways that were just staggeringly inconsistent and kind of misconceived.”

Discouraged by the change, some longtime employees left. Others were dismissed, including the law enforcement chief. Byorth said some FWP field staff were afraid to speak to him."

There's a lot more there, but the "people and resources" increasingly being left out of the discussions aren't region-based, they are almost political/class -based. The "working man and woman" - those who don't derive revenue from wildlife or own large acreages - are increasingly ignored.

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I just read the article in the Billings Gazette. Good for him for telling the people what was going on. We all knew it, Tabor is there for only one reason and group. I’m not saying FWP was perfect and didnt need some update and improvement, but it has been nothing but chaos since all the changes.
Just another example of one of their “computer glitches “,
they were having a deer damage hunt in HD x but were calling hunters who were on the list for HD y.
Finally, after questioning the local biologist, some of the hunters that had signed up for HD x were called to hunt with 10 days left on a two month hunt.
The local landowners were not happy about this at all. Only reply was “computer glitch“.
I think Pat has done a good job on the commission.
That said, the article was a typical Lee enterprises liberal attack job.
Amazing the timing, a week before the big rally…coincidental? Me thinks not.
I think Pat has done a good job on the commission.
That said, the article was a typical Lee enterprises liberal attack job.
Amazing the timing, a week before the big rally…coincidental? Me thinks not.

I think you are overestimating the ability of what is as far as I can tell, an accurate article, to have anything to do with a rally coming up.

To me, it’s a vindication of what we’ve all been seeing and saying, and the timing is irrelevant to its value.

The working man is on the chopping block.
I think Pat has done a good job on the commission.
That said, the article was a typical Lee enterprises liberal attack job.
Amazing the timing, a week before the big rally…coincidental? Me thinks not.
Would you mind giving some examples of good things Pat has done?
Pat always had time for people. He would listen. He may not agree with all you had to say, but he was going to take the time to listen.

I found him to be well prepared. He always had information at the ready. When I asked for information and the Department was non-responsive, Pat would make sure I got it. I found him to be a very good Commissioner.

The recent example of Tabor pushing the Unit 313 elk changes is verbatim what Pat is talking about with Tabor, the use of agenda amendments, and the misreading of the public. If not for some inside who made it known that was on an agenda, it likely would have sailed through. Pat was prepared with information. He had every reason to be pissed at Tabor for rolling a live grenade into Region 3, but Pat did not make that the issue.
Pat always had time for people. He would listen. He may not agree with all you had to say, but he was going to take the time to listen.

I found him to be well prepared. He always had information at the ready. When I asked for information and the Department was non-responsive, Pat would make sure I got it. I found him to be a very good Commissioner.

The recent example of Tabor pushing the Unit 313 elk changes is verbatim what Pat is talking about with Tabor, the use of agenda amendments, and the misreading of the public. If not for some inside who made it known that was on an agenda, it likely would have sailed through. Pat was prepared with information. He had every reason to be pissed at Tabor for rolling a live grenade into Region 3, but Pat did not make that the issue.
I’ve been at odds with Tabor several times. He’s as tenacious an individual as you’ll ever meet. Head down, full steam ahead.
Are you blind to the fact he worked for TU? Or do you see them as a “middle of the road” leaning organization?

TU has been working hand in glove with ranchers in the Big Hole to protect water rights and ensure conservation of fisheries. I don't think they're far left at all.

In fact, the far left attacks MTTU a lot because of their work with Daines and Republicans in the legislature. Pat's work for TU was directly with landowners. I don't think you'd find many actual ranchers or farmers that have worked with him that would say a word against the man.
Are you blind to the fact he worked for TU? Or do you see them as a “middle of the road” leaning organization?
Certainly familiar with Byorth's associations and his good work on behalf of fisheries, I am acquainted with him. Again it saddens me to think that you would label him or TU as "liberal" in the sense that it is a derogatory designation for you. Montana's important streams, rivers, and fisheries are much better as a result of such "liberalism".

Your opinions, although oftentimes contrary, are well respected. This particular display of irrational expression is disappointing.
I see this for what it is, a liberal attack. Most like followed by an outreach from liberal “sportsmen groups” needing money to fight the corruption of the “right wing haters of wildlife, places, green energy and clubbers of baby seals”.
This particular display of irrational expression is disappointing!
I’ve been at odds with Tabor several times. He’s as tenacious an individual as you’ll ever meet. Head down, full steam ahead.
As a commissioner, his job isn’t to be tenacious. It’s to make decisions in the best interest for the future of Montana’s wildlife and hunting traditions. Part of that is knowing what you don’t know, and Tabor sucks at that. He pushes agendas that he knows very little about and acts like it’s for the hunters benefit. I haven’t seen anything from him that benefits anyone other than outfitters.
I see this for what it is, a liberal attack. Most like followed by an outreach from liberal “sportsmen groups” needing money to fight the corruption of the “right wing haters of wildlife, places, green energy and clubbers of baby seals”.

I'm all for clubbing baby seals. It really lights up the nightlife of Helena when they're out on the town. Otherwise it's just the same 50 people ruining karaoke with bad versions of "that smell" from Skynard.

While there are some people an groups that may fit into this, TU isn't one of them.
I think Pat has done a good job on the commission.
That said, the article was a typical Lee enterprises liberal attack job.
Amazing the timing, a week before the big rally…coincidental? Me thinks not.
In past posts you have made it clear what you think of the average Montanan, so it makes sense that you would have a positive view of the heavy-handed approach by those in power. I think you come to HT to reinforce the belief that the majority doesn't know anything, so there is justification in shoving unpopular ideas down their throats. I had respect for you and your willingness to spend your energy on the committees and discuss management changes that were needed. But I get it now. It's easier when you are on the inside. Hopefully other Montanan will get the message.