PEAX Equipment

Oh well, I tried. Guess non resident hunters don't need any help!


Active member
Sep 17, 2014
I'll start my rant here with a bit of background info. I've began hunting Elk since 1989, and probably missed two seasons since then. I started as a midwestern guy, heading to Colorado every year, buying that nonresident tag, and facing all the questions, difficulties, and problems that go along with finding a place to hunt, and worrying about being able to pack one out alone, when far from the road in rough country. When I retired, we moved to our 49 acres we'd bought in South Central Colorado, and built our ranch from scratch in the Rio Grande National Forest in the mountain foothills. Our ranch is surrounded on 3 sides by Federal lands, with a 13,000' mountain summit 5 miles behind us. Some times of the year, we can watch huge herds of Elk from our living room windows. I'm blessed with great health, fitness that allows me to race in 15 mile+ Pack Burro Races all Summer, a comprehensive knowledge of where the game (and the hunters) are in this area. We also have 2 horses, a mule and a pack burro that are ready, willing and able to hit the trails. So, I fully relate to hunters that are in the situation I used to be in. I enjoy helping others, as I've never forgotten what it's like to "be one of them". Last year, in 2016, two guys came out here from Wisconsin. I never met them before they hit my wife up about if I'd help them with a hunt. We corresponded for many months, and repeatedly told them to GET IN SHAPE! I decided we'd pack them into a backcountry camp I'd made up in the national forest, and give them the next best thing to a Outfitter's hunt. I just wanted to give them a memorable hunt without the expense. My wife even came along and prepared gourmet meals in camp. While they got into the Elk, they didn't punch their tags, but did get some adrenline flowing when we got into the Elk! They asked me how they could re-pay me for all our efforts, and I told them if they brought me a 12pk of some Wisconsin beer, we'd call it even.
Fast forward to my fielding a query from a guy from a State in the Eastern U.S. on this forum back in Feb. 2017. He inquired about hunting in units 78 and 80 in So. Colorado, so I answered him on here. I learned he & his buddy were wanting to come archery hunting, and were active duty soldiers in the Army. That resonsated with me. As the Spring and Summer months passed, we exchanged a lot of correspondence, and I offered to show him where my backcountry camp was. I had to be out of State when they arrived, but they assured me they were Army strong and could hike the 4 miles to the camp with sufficient directions and GPS help. I gave them all the necessary info on finding the campsite. ( A pic of this camp and of the general area is attached here). The camp is in good Elk country You can lay in your tent and listen to them bugle. I've also never seen another hunter in this area, as it's usually too far from the trailhead for walk in's. I figured when I got packed in, I'd show them where I've found Elk in the past, and maybe set up a decoy and call for them if they wished? A huge pile of firewood was pre- cut, as are 3 benches around the fire ring. A creek is 30 yds from camp. I put up meat poles, a hitchin' post and a tarp post in case it rains. This is as good as it gets in the backcountry. Tentative plans were made, that I'd be back from a trip the day after they got here, and would pack in on the horses to see if I could be of help? I also figured they'd have Mountain House on their menu, and thought I'd pack in some "real food" as I have plenty of room in our 3 pack animals panniers. I made a special trip back to this camp in late August, just to see how things were. I sent them pics of the camp, the surrounding area, and Google Earth images to get them a bit stoked. (if possible?) I didn't hear much from the guy I'd been corresponding, so on August 14th, I emailed him to ask if they were still coming? He answered, "yeah, but we've been busy this Summer" I thought it a bit odd he didn't seem more fired up?
So, the day arrived when they should have showed up and I never heard a thing from them. In fact, I realized I hadn't heard from this guy since mid August. He never responded to the pics and message I sent near the end of August. I can understand how they may have felt they had a better opportunity somewhere else in Colorado, but then it's pretty rude not to even tell me they changed their minds about coming here. Shucks, another hunter on this forum had also hinted he'd like some help, but I felt like I was pre committed to these guys. Initially, I was a bit ticked that these guys blew off my offer to assist them without the decency to just let me know their plans changed, but have now decided that it's a blessing I didn't go to the effort to get even more involved if they were going to turn out to be of this character. So much for trying to lend a hand and hoof!


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Its a cliché, but that's what makes them true. "No good deed goes unpunished". Congrats for your efforts. GJ
The best and the not so good of human nature. The world needs more of you and less of them. Incredibly generous offer and effort.
You're better off that they didnt show. They sound like the kind of guys that you wouldn't want to share a camp with anyway.
You are an incredible individual. The world needs more people like you . Cant believe theyd pull something like that... id kill to run into a guy like you if I ever plan an outwest hunt.
Thanks for trying, looks like a great camp to me. Never feel bad for doing the right thing.....
Huge thanks to you for going through so much to help hunters you don't even know. Very few would do that for people they do know. Like some said, if they have that little regard for all you did, then they probably would not have made for good guys to have in your fine camp.

I hope you can make some use of it yourself.
Maybe, given they are both active duty, things have come up and haven't been able to communicate that much.
Dang I wish I lived closer you sound like the type of guy I'd enjoy being around. You went above and beyond. I'm sorry this happened to you. Like Randy said hopefully you can get some use out of all your preparations. Dang that looks like a fun cozy camp!
So very generous of you to offer this kind of help! I can't imagine having that kind of help offered to me. Coming from 1400-1500 miles away (like my dad and I) and having a camp to go to...right in the heart of beautiful elk country...would be awesome. I applaud your effort, albeit without the hunters to appreciate it.
Well all you can do is try, that is very nice of you to offer to help and all the work you did. I'm sure it won't go to waste. Good on you for being such a good guy. I'm sure you will reap rewards for what you have sown.
Extreme generosity! Way over the top to give this type of help to individuals who haven't the decency to contact to say, "we are not going to make it". Keep your hideaway to yourself moving forward, looks like a beautiful area!
Hat's off to you, sir! I am sure I speak for the majority on hear when I say most of us would have jumped all over your offer and not let you hanging for your efforts. Please don't lump all us Army guys into one hat please. As I said the majority of us very respectful individuals that would have had the decency to call you and give you a heads on the plan. Thank you for opening up your secret spot to unknown individuals. We all know how tough public land elk hunting in Colorado is. Awesome set up by the way.
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I love the set up. The new generation coming up seem to think it's all about them. I appreciate any and all the help I get.
...zactly what a camp should look like....good bit of labor involved in that set up. Good for you sir.
Unfortunately when you have an all volunteer force you get some bad apples in the bushel. Please don't let those bad apples sour your decisions to those who you meet in the future. What you did and offered is way above the norm, you are welcome at my place in MI any time.
Kudos to you for your willingness to help new hunters. I hope this experience doesn't turn you off on helping others in the future. Some of my best hunting experiences and relationships have come from times where I've helped others who were new to my area.
I agree; very generous of you and certainly an opportunity most of us non-residents would love to have. No doubt, they should have notified you their plans had changed.

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