Foraged Food Thread


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2021
I like hunting and eating edible plants and fungi as well as critters. Looking forward to morel season here in MT myself.

Must be right around ramp time in the east, no?

What are you folks finding out there this year? Photos, basic geographic location, and recipes are all very welcome!
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I’ve picked quite a bit of watercress the last couple of weeks. I saw a huge patch of ramps this morning and the nettles are a few inches high right so those will be ready to pick soon! Morels are usually late April to mid May here.
10 inches of snow hit the ground yesterday...might be awhile but I'm curious to see if I can find some shrooms soon
Ha! We were out messing around in 65 degree weather last week remarking "Must be mushroom season soon?" Then this cold front swept back through. Concur that the thought is on hold for a bit.
We found a ramp honey-hole in the Catskills last spring. Pickled most of the stem bits. The leaves aren’t super flavorful, but we blanched them to get rid of the bitterness, puréed them with some olive oil, salt & pepper, etc, then froze them in an ice cube tray to make little nuggets to fry eggs in.
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Cool thread! A couple of things I've never heard of.... "Ramps" and "Hedgehogs". What do the ramps roots look like when you pull them?
Cool thread! A couple of things I've never heard of.... "Ramps" and "Hedgehogs". What do the ramps roots look like when you pull them?
Like green onions. Not sure the veracity, but have been told that they’ll regrow some of you leave the actual rooting in the ground. I usually feel in a bit and try to sever the ramp just above the root with a spoon. I failed in the second image.

The white and reddish parts are good pickled or in a pesto.
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Ramps were beautiful the last couple weeks in WV. Unfortunately I was there on business so couldn’t forage. But I did graze a little. My first experience with ramps- I can see the appeal 😋
I was first shown these last year by a mountain biker on the edge of the mtb trail then reminded of them by your post earlier this year.
I found a large patch of them Tuesday night whilst trail running but unfortunately they’re in a park that doesn’t allow foraging.
I’ve gotta get over to the mtb trail soon to try to score some.
Like green onions. Not sure the veracity, but have been told that they’ll regrow some of you leave the actual rooting in the ground. I usually feel in a bit and try to sever the ramp just above the root with a spoon. I failed in the second image.

The white and reddish parts are good pickled or in a pesto.
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View attachment 219124
True, on public ground you should only cut the stem and leave the bulb. And always only cut what you’ll need. Over harvest of ramps has hurt the population a lot the last several years.

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