NEW SITKA Ambient 75


We'll see if that is a local fashion statement, or if it is acceptable across the country?

Question to people reading this private e-Mail:
Do you, or people in your area, wear sandals (Tevas, Birkenstock, etc...) with Socks?

I say you are a closet Yuppie Assbag...
Next time we go to the Brick Oven Beanery, where they have cute chicks in Birkenstocks....

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-02-2003 22:12: Message edited by: Elkgunner ]</font>
Laughing My Arse off on that one......

I did find the picture of your shoes....

and a picture of you in your Sunday best...

And now we know why that Moose is always running....

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-02-2003 22:56: Message edited by: Elkgunner ]</font>
THATS just silly.. Thats like asking what these guys are doing..



ALL that being said... See ya at 11 East of the Police station !!
Just don't blow it on the Inflatables today.... I have the Station wagon to load the front end...
Seriously, got the trailer unloaded and top set, we're good to go. See ya later today.
Back to plan C....

I got:
50lbs of Corn,oats and Barley with molasses
50 lbs of Pig Food
10 gallons of Turkey Fryer Grease
15 pounds of Mom's freezer burned food
3.5 liters of Soda Pop, cheap with Sugar
50lbs of Dog Food, Ol' Roy brand at Wallie's
Bottle of Anise oil
Bottle of Maple Syrup
And other assorted goodies.
If I get up early, I'll go to the Hamburger stand and get some french fry grease.

I am gassed up, and ready to go, just a bit worried about the weather, as I don't have a good raincoat, and it is raining at my house.


I set up site "D" and "E" last night. I got up to the snow level, where the roads were drifted in, and then couldn't get any higher. About put the pick-up off the side of the mountain.

Not too sure about "D", as I was unable to get as far as I wanted, and it is a in a brushy area.

"E" seems a bit more promising, so I'll keep an eye on them.

They are both located about 15 miles south of B&C, up where I showed you we baited 2 years ago. I didn't see much evidence of other traffic up there, must have had something to do with the snow.

TELL me if you need me to check them next week...this weeks unreal
Email me the coordinates, I'll plug them into the Idaho topo program I have... HURRYYYyyyy I can't wait

can I borrow the 4 place horse trailer ? Will let you know Sat....
Your gonna end up being a Welfare Rancher...

I did a lousy job marking side "D" with the GPS. I did get the parking spot.

Site E, I got the bait marked with the GPS. I think I may take time tomorrow morning, and run up and check them, and haul some more stuff into them. I will do a better job of marking them with the GPS.

I'll check on the trailer, and see if it is being used. How many you planning on getting? Which day you planning on hauling?
ALL you need is the Parking lot.... If you get me within a mile or so of the Site I can Find it... You're implying I don't know how to "HUNT"

use : [email protected]

they jsut passed legislation in Idaho about Canned hunting and Using Emails related to it So you can;t use that one, the Yuppie one is far from the truth so I sold it to the North Enders here, I'd use [email protected] but I never spell that one right.. the Greek Server went down due to Excesive FAT Particles blocking the mainframe and was infected by 2 virus's called Dumbcheett and drunknrage worm virus. the 280 account has insuficiat RAM due to the Age of the server and is also not able to hold any valuable data...

So Use [email protected]
YAH... I'm planning to show up earlty.. lik 10:45, Roumor has it the WInds of tide $5 on the 100 is in the first round... YOU up for meeting me there ? Couldn't get ahold of bread, so Looks like the 9mm will be put to use tomorrow...

Call me in the AM, I'll be up at 8, Lemme know
I still think you should shoo the little bear, and use the gutpile for the big ones...

I have to be in Boise at 8.30am, the girls and I are doing the Race for the Cure thing. Annual event, on a team in memory of my mom's best friend. Then I am not sure of the rest of the morning's schedule.

How much you pork you planning on procuring?
WELL... Depends.. I was thinking a couple for each site ? Whats the Status on Sites "D" and "E" ? you wanting to load them up too ? Is that the ones you're planning to check with the girls ? It depends what the rate is, @ 5 on the 100, I might not have enough room if thats what it actually goes for... I don't plan on being there though the 3rd part, Might stay for a bit on the 2nd round though. See if the .15 on the $ comes up, I'm bringing a calculator this time

How long is the race ? You going to have a Cell phone ? or throw out a time Estimating.. I got Elkturd lined up for an Evening deal but I'm soloing it at the Saleing and sites B/C .
Talked to one of korells guides the other nite, he use to have that area in his guide unit but sold it to darrell allred this spring, he says they have killed all the big bear outta that area thats why he sold it....LOL. Geuss your gonna have to just feed the little guy for few more yrs till he grows, or borrow my uncles tranquillizer gun and dart him up with some steriods to speed up the
GATO, you talking about the Area that you ran ? I'm not baiting with Elkgunner up that area, It's with Elk Turd. But Regardless, I know there is some Bigun's in there... HELL, We're dumping about 80 gallons of food every couple days.... Something has to be growing
My guess is it will be close to Noon by the time we are back in Canyon County. We have 70 people signed up on this "team", so I kind of have to hang out, and socialize for a bit.

I'll help with what I can, but I don't think it would be too good of an idea for the young'ns to be around when you start "makin bacon".

We'll have to figure some way to show you where D and E are, and see if you think they hold promise, or if we need to find a place for "F".

I'll get you some $$$ to invest in the stock exchange.
Right now, all I have in the back of the PU is the blue bin with Corn-Oats-Sweet Mix, . If we need Tuna and Anise, or other Wal-mart products, let me know, as that is acceptable for me to show my kids the evil parts of Wal-mart.

I am starting to get worried, as I almost don't have a single free evening for the rest of the month. I am going to have to start taking vacation, just to haul groceries up the hill. No clue on when I could actually sit on a site.....
NEW Sitka Ambient 75

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