Done in MT finally


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001

Well this was my first year hunting bears in MT and man was I doing piss-poor on my own. Luckily a new guy to this forum (GFHunter) felt sorry for me and took me to an area he has hunted the last few years. I met him in Great Falls yesterday afternoon and for first impressions, Axl decided to jump into his front seat. I was boiling, but I counted to ten and allowed Axl to live at least one more day. :BLEEP:

Anyway, Dean takes me blindfolded into the woods (I am nevous at this point) and shows me where bears hang out. Hey, that's a start for me. That afternoon we hiked some openings, found sign, but no bears. That night as we pulled out we glassed a bear in an opening we intially thought about hunting. Dean is obviously not used to my luck. :D

I decided to sleep in the pick-up that night and hit the trail early. I saw the bear in the opening and picked up the pace on the way over there. Luckily I got to the spot just as the bear was about to hit the timber. I am from from a bear expert, but it looked big enought to me and I didn't see any little guys, so I rolled the bear from about 200 yards. Somersaults for about 30 yards and a couple moans and it was over.

I didn't shoot the next MT record bear, but I had a great time. Since Moosie can post multiple pics of the same critter, I will follow.



While I was boning the meat, I saw these two bulls munching it up. Poor pic, but they were at the same spot where I had taken the shot.

With a full pack I decided to head back to the pick-up. Dean had mentioned to be careful and go around the cliffs and small canyon on the way back. Silly me, canyon...smanyon. I should have know if it that tough to get to the bottom it will be tougher getting out. At the bottom it seemed like a good place to take a break and document my ignorance. I finally got out, but I took about an hour. Not real smart when you are alone and trying to climb wet, mossy, crubling rock with 80# on your back. :rolleyes:

Thanks to Dean, I now have the bear bug. I am looking forward to next year and bigger bears. Even without the critter, the scenery was worth the trip.

Thanks GFHunter.

Great pics as always, congrats on the bear. I loved the pics of the ATV's on the other thread. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


Your pictures are just OH SOOOOO sweet as usual. The bear looks awesome. Loved the hunt. I am just glad you had a great time. Cant wait to do it again next year. Now you know why I am so passionate about BLACK BEARS.
Awesome pics and story........I've got the bear-bug bas also, but have neither the means nor the time this year................guess I'll have to stick to goats and whiteys for this year......congrats on a great bear

Excellent job on the pics. I especially like the first one. Looks like a good mellon on him too.

The pic of you next to the creek brings back flashbacks from my goat hunt a few years back. My buddy and I were boxed in between 40' walls of rock with an explosive creek pushing through. It took everything I had to pull myself and the heavily loaded pack up out of it.

Good job again bud!
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