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Colorado gun ban

@VikingsGuy For mental health are you referring to the suicide rate by gun? Because that mental health issue I understand and would agree with you on, yet see no solution to it that still upholds the constitution. The current mental health crisis only amplifies the ongoing suicide one by magnitudes of 10. Being suicidal also seems to correlate to mass shootings - life ceases to have meaning to both situations.

Your uncle joined the military to protect our way of life and uphold the constitution. Granted he was from a different era, but those rights extend to tactical peacock chads too. Our power comes in numbers as the American citizens, We the People, are the largest standing army on earth. In war, numbers do matter, so yes peacocks can help win wars. At least our enemies will be aiming at the brotard's in their Hawaiian shirts while the rest of us go unnoticed.

@Nick87 The peaceful, extremely well armed Virginia protest, was the utmost example of the strength of the American People. That was a warning to the establishment cabal and the message was heard. It scared the hell out of DC and I think the retribution for that day was seen through their actions on Jan 6. Unfortunately the message heard was not a lesson learned.

@VikingsGuy You will have to fill me in too on the pride stuff, as well as other events before my time. Im almost 40, so as much as I follow history, I only know so much through my time on earth. I have a feeling you are a bit older than me.
Mental health plays into violence across the spectrum - including suicides and mass shootings (which are often just performative suicides) and much in between. Our mental health system (public or private) is an embarrassment. It needs a huge investment in resources and better approaches - none of which violate the constitution.

As for an army - our army doesn’t want these nut jobs. Tactical chads are not adding any value to our preparedness and are making gun violence cool. That’s like saying gang bangers holding their glocks sideways are part of the big green machine of tomorrow. As for my uncle, he told very few stories, the few he shared were terrifying, he fought so his kids wouldn’t have to, not so some idiot could pretend to be as brave in their backyard as he was in Southeast Asia. He hid his silver and bronze stars from friends and family. He saw no glory in what he did - but it was done with honor and integrity - something the tactical chads have no concept of. Lots of peacock ROTC lieutenants were the first to die in real wars (some done by their own troops).

In the 80s/90s serious gay rights folks were undermined by the ridiculous performative largess of some gay pride parades (think naked 35 yo men on roll skates as a common attraction). Similarly, peaceful or not, the tactical Chads in Virginia were equally ridiculous and unhelpful to the real 2A cause. There is nothing strong about strutting around with a gun chanting “we will not be replaced” any more than shouting “river to the sea” at a posh university funded by daddy - big words out of the mouths of fools.

As for age, I almost have two decades on you.
Free secondary education in trades & STEM along with the classic education you get w/an associate's degree & a national health service will do more to limit gun violence than any gun control bill.
I have already said I would vote for you. Move to MN and I will personally get the signatures to get you on the ballot.
Yes dude the recipe for utopia
1. Raise taxes
2. ban firearms
3. Legalize drugs
4. ban predator hunting
5. stock wolves
6. Keep trump off the ballot
7. become a sanctuary state
8. san fran with a view
@VikingsGuy We can agree on there being a mental health crisis in general in the country. Guns take an unfortunate blame for a lot of it. Hard to say suicides would be prevented.

Tactical chads lol are a very small portion of the gun owning population. I dont look down on anyone exercising their rights to self defense, being independent, or how the prepare. Maybe you missed the strength in numbers and who participated in the Virginia protest. The participants were largely made up of Sheriff's, law enforcement, military/ex-military, and their constituents (the people) including some tacti-chads. 50,000+ strong, and yes that was showing peaceful strength - a small portion of the American Militia, the minutemen made up of The People, who can be called on to protect the country, separate of the command of our armed forces. The sheriffs of Virginia were willing to deputize each entire county if it meant protecting the citizens from an overzealous tyrannical government. Were the Sheriffs to do that, the well-regulated militia part of the 2A would be put into effect. There has only been one example of a well-regulated militia in US history that I know of, so theres no other context to its meaning to compare.

I gained a huge amount of respect for the citizen elected position of Sheriff after that happened in Virginia. To bring this full circle to the gun control debate - its why the left tried to eliminate the position of sheriff, are against training with firearms, and want to make it impossible to equip, operate, or outright possess firearms if possible. Impossible to consolidate power with a bunch of "tacti-chads" running amok lol.
@VikingsGuy We can agree on there being a mental health crisis in general in the country. Guns take an unfortunate blame for a lot of it. Hard to say suicides would be prevented.

Tactical chads lol are a very small portion of the gun owning population. I dont look down on anyone exercising their rights to self defense, being independent, or how the prepare. Maybe you missed the strength in numbers and who participated in the Virginia protest. The participants were largely made up of Sheriff's, law enforcement, military/ex-military, and their constituents (the people) including some tacti-chads. 50,000+ strong, and yes that was showing peaceful strength - a small portion of the American Militia, the minutemen made up of The People, who can be called on to protect the country, separate of the command of our armed forces. The sheriffs of Virginia were willing to deputize each entire county if it meant protecting the citizens from an overzealous tyrannical government. Were the Sheriffs to do that, the well-regulated militia part of the 2A would be put into effect. There has only been one example of a well-regulated militia in US history that I know of, so theres no other context to its meaning to compare.

I gained a huge amount of respect for the citizen elected position of Sheriff after that happened in Virginia. To bring this full circle to the gun control debate - its why the left tried to eliminate the position of sheriff, are against training with firearms, and want to make it impossible to equip, operate, or outright possess firearms if possible. Impossible to consolidate power with a bunch of "tacti-chads" running amok lol.
The sheriffs I have known have been great guys/gals with tough jobs. Count me as a fan.

However, beware of “the sheriff is the answer” narratives. There is no unique/special place in our constitutional republic for them and folks pushing a “sheriff’s trump all” narrative are almost always selling some type of proto-freeman or separatist agenda.
I keep thinking that the idea of a voluntary Federal license might be a way to get some people to accept doing more. Like the TSA precheck with flying. Oklahoma City bombing eventually led to Ammonia Nitrate Act of 2007. That event killed 168 people and we could argue that typical bureaucracy took too long to get a solution in place, but we ended with a better system for that, even with its flaws. I never heard anyone say that "ammonia nitrate got too much blame" for that event.
I keep thinking that the idea of a voluntary Federal license might be a way to get some people to accept doing more. Like the TSA precheck with flying. Oklahoma City bombing eventually led to Ammonia Nitrate Act of 2007. That event killed 168 people and we could argue that typical bureaucracy took too long to get a solution in place, but we ended with a better system for that, even with its flaws. I never heard anyone say that "ammonia nitrate got too much blame" for that event.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 . . . Wait for it . . .

No constitutional right to fertilizer ;).
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