Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars
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  • They seem solid from your photos, but I'm not sure if she has any of her saddles ready to go. I'd like to get them packing sooner than later, so I might consider just getting whatever I can. We'll have two llamas and I'm not opposed to having two different saddle setups for each of our girls, but kind of just trying to weigh the options. I appreciate your thoughts!

    I saw your thread on the new llamas. They look like they are doing well for you. We are gonna get a few llamas in the next couple weeks (if this snow melts!) and are trying to decide on which tack setup to go with. I have used Beau's saddle/blanket and talked with Black Thunder Gear. I have also talked with Levi at Llamas Unlimited and noticed you had their saddle. Any thoughts on that system?

    I like the saddles from Llamas Unlimited. They are very easy to use. The only change I would make would be a cover for the panniers, but other than that I really like them. I do not have any other models…yet. I plan to get some more models and test them to see what ones I like best and what seems easier to use. I will let you know.
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