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Zebra mussels found in Colorado river locations.

The invasion continues as zebra mussels have been found in Colorado river drainage. It was only a matter of time, but here it is….never to be quite the same.

To clarify, Quagga mussels and Zebra mussels are two different species. They thrive is different environments. They are both a scourge. The following is from an AI search result...

Quagga mussel vs zebra mussel
Both quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) and zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) are invasive freshwater bivalves, but they exhibit distinct characteristics:

Habitat: Quagga mussels can thrive on soft substrates like sand or silt, whereas zebra mussels prefer hard surfaces like rocks, piers, or boats.
Shell shape: Quagga mussel shells are more rounded and fan-shaped, with a curved hinge edge, whereas zebra mussel shells are triangular and sit flat on their ventral side.
Size: Quagga mussels are generally larger than zebra mussels, with adults ranging from 1/8 to 2 inches in length.
Striping: Quagga mussels have narrow, jagged stripes, while zebra mussels have thicker, more prominent stripes.
Byssal threads: Both species have byssal threads, but quagga mussels’ threads are thicker and more robust.
Food preferences: Quagga mussels can filter and consume bacteria as small as 1 micron, giving them a competitive advantage over zebra mussels and native species in low-food conditions.
Distribution: Quagga mussels are primarily found in the southern Great Lakes (Lake Ontario, Michigan, Huron, and Erie), while zebra mussels have a broader distribution, including all the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River watershed.
These differences highlight the unique characteristics of each species, emphasizing the importance of accurate identification and management strategies for these invasive mussels.
You might find this of interest. The great lakes region has been inundated with both mussel species.


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