Youth Muzzloader Success


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2011
Northwest Illinois
It's been quite the first year hunting for my 13 year old daughter. It started in the spring chasing turkeys as seen here:

Then this fall during archery season she hints that she would like to try and harvest a deer. After some quick research we find some left over muzzleloader tags that can be purchased over the counter. With tag in hand off to the range we go to find a load combination in the muzzleloader that she can handle and effectively dispatch a deer.

Well this didn't turn out to be to big of a problem as she was shooting a 100 grains of Triple 7 powder pushing a 250 grain T/C Shockwave sabot out of the Thompson Center Omega holding 3" groups at a 100 yds and not noticing the recoil.

Muzzleloader season opened up on Friday here in Illinois, but with school and other conflicts we weren't going to be able to get out until saturday. With the excitement at an all time high we head out early saturday morning to a spot i knew was holding alot of deer. The morning turned out to be a bust as a coyote messing around in the bottom below us blew out the only deer we saw.

I knew there were still more deer in this section and after some convincing we head back out to the same area in the afternoon. Shortly after we set up and started glassing a doe showed up just out of range. Then another showed and another and another until we had 8 deer ranging from 75 yards out to 150 yards out.

The one 75 yards out was lucky we didnt get our heart rates and breathing under control before it slipped out of range. After a total circus of swithing positions and moving the shooting sticks and getting set back up she had picked out a big doe and was ready to send one down range.

BOOM!! waiting, waiting, waiting.....finally the smoke clears and all the deer are still standing there :confused: After a quick inventory one is missing :) Then we noticed some grass twitching and new she was down. Instant celebration broke out.

After several minutes of high fives and hugs we went down to see our reward. I'm not a 100% sure the first words out of my mouth were 'G' rated but i must say this is the biggest doe i have seen. After a few quick pics, we field dressed her and began the 300 yard uphill drag. Luckily the adrenaline was still flowing pretty good and i didn't realize how bad that part sucked until this morning.

Enough with the rambling, here is the best pic we ended up with. I couldn't be more proud of her!

that is a nice sized doe congrats to your daughter on a great season. looks like you will definitely have a hunting partner next season!!!!
Thanks for all the kind words!

Last night she asked if she can come along as i try to fill my tag in the late season, how can i say no to that. Maybe she will bring me some luck.
Absolutely PERFECT!! and Ha, ya, the scenario sounds oddly familiar, :D Gotta Love it!! Congrats to both of you!!
Very nice! That doe's bigger than the spike I shot a couple of weeks ago with my ML. That moment after the shot while waiting for the smoke to clear seems to take eons!

Congrats to your daughter and yourself! You are raising the young lady right!
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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