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x-bolt or savage 270wsm issue


New member
Jan 19, 2015
I bought a browning x-bolt stainless stalker in 270 WSM last year. I'm left eye dominant but have always shot right handed rifles (left eye behind the glass) with no problem. Killed a bunch of animals with an older right handed A bolt in 300WM. The problem is, I didn't realize the x-bolt has a very pronounced right hand palm swell, and I think it might have cant in the stock for a righty. Also, even with low scope mounts it needs a cheek riser (not a big deal). Overall, it just doesn't seem to fit me right in hunting situations. From a bench, it puts rounds on top of each other. Very accurate.

The other issue is that I topped it with a 3 x 15 x 42mm Zeiss conquest HD5 w/ z600 reticle, and I noticed that I have a harder time acquiring targets. Could be due to rifle fit but I understand that scope has a smaller eye box. Missed a big buck with it and came back later and got the same buck with the 300, so that made my doubt worse.

Anyway, I'm thinking of a different setup then I'll figure out what to do with the x-bolt:

1. Get the x-bolt hunter (blued, wood stock) in left hand. Hard to find. Would need to buy it online and ship to FFL. Reluctant to switch lefty since my other rifles are righty and I would like to stick with a consistent setup now.
2. Get a Savage model 16 FLHSS in left hand. I can get it through a local store. Same as above for concerns switching to lefty.
3. Get Savage model 16 FCSS in right hand if I can confirm no palm swell and essentially straight stock (no cheek piece, cant, etc.). I can get it through a local store.

Top it with a Burris fulfield II in 4.5 x 14 x 42mm w/ ballistic plex reticle. This is the scope on my other rifles and I have no issues with it and seems to acquire animals better. I would also be looking at the same reticle as my other rifles for consistency.

So, what do you think?

Might be getting rid of the x-bolt after I figure out it's replacement if anyone is interested. In addition to what's mentioned above: Talley light weight rings (lapped and properly torqued), trigger work done by an excellent gunsmith to lower <3lbs, change the angle slightly, stoned with no creep. Did the break in procedure at the range. Only been in the field once. Puts factory barnes tsx 140s and Winchester ballistic sivertip 150s on top of each other at 100yds. Ok with federal premium factory w/ 150 partitions. Won't shoot federal trophy bonded 130s. Haven't tried accubonds out of it yet.
I am also left eye dominate and went to shooting left hand rifles. I now own several and love them. You cannot go wrong with either the XBOLT or the Savage left hand. Top it with a Leupold and don't look back.
Iwould look at some other caliber than the WSM mostly because of ammo availability and cost just for a couple hundered FPS.
Although I'm a lefty with a LH gun I have the same issue with the general stock fit and eye alignment on my x-bolt. wllm1313 has some good advice. I have put Boyds on two of my Tikkas and love them. They drop right in with no work at all. I did glass bed them myself, which was super easy. Being you shoot all righty bolts now this may be the best solution.
Thanks guys. Good advice. I think I'll try option 4 first with the boyds stock. I looked at them earlier but didn't realize they made a right action/left hand version.

For what I've described, do you have any opinions on the classic stock vs. prairie hunter? Is the standard recoil pad sufficient?

Now that I looked at the savage some more, I might get one in 260 rem in the next few years.
I went with a thumbhole stock which I don't think is available for a browning, so I can't speak to stock shape, but as far as the recoil pad is concerned I shoot a .264 win mag and the standard recoil pad works great for me.
I went with a thumbhole stock which I don't think is available for a browning, so I can't speak to stock shape, but as far as the recoil pad is concerned I shoot a .264 win mag and the standard recoil pad works great for me.

Thanks. I might go with the prairie hunter, add some checkering and maybe upgrade to a limbsaver.

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