Wyoming Muley Fanatic Foundation


New member
Apr 4, 2011
One of the greatest threats facing sportsmen today is this radical idea in the American West to "transfer" millions of acres of federal public lands - owned by all Americans- to the states. As you read this some Wyoming legislators are forging a path to take over public lands for the state to manage and potentially sell.

Two Wyoming House bills will be introduced this week that would do the following:
- HB 142 - Transfer of federal lands. This bill proposes to seize our public lands in Wyoming and sets up a process for the sale of those lands.
- HB 126 - Public land access. The bill is an attack on public lands management, including the protection of streams and wildlife habitat.

Major points in opposition:
* These lands belong to all Americans and already support a vibrant outdoor recreational economy for Wyoming.
* The state of Wyoming does not have the resources to manage these additional lands without selling or leasing them. The tax base of 500,000 residents will surely not compare to that of 319+ million. History has shown what will happen to these lands as State lands since 1890 have been reduced by 26%.
* Public lands transfers would mean locking the public out of areas that hunters, anglers and others have enjoyed for generations. Public lands and access is synonymous with the very fabric of freedom that makes living out west so cherished.

The U.S. Congress has the only legal authority to transfer federal lands. However, this has not stopped states from setting the stage for this to happen.
The motivation for these lawmakers is transferring public lands to the states means these lands will not be subject to federal processes for regulating and managing these lands, including environmental review and impact processes. This land is your land, this land is my land!

Please email your Representative today and ask them to vote "NO" on HB142 and HB126, and to keep public lands in public hands. Legislators need to hear and will respond to your concerns. Click HERE for link for legislators. Please contact them quickly and le your voice be heard.

Joshua W.D. Coursey, Muley Fanatic Foundation
307-875-3133 MFF HQ
307-389-7495 Mobile

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Muley Fanatic Foundation

520 Wilkes Dr #1
Green River, WY 82935
If you Wyoming guys need some 3XL asshats for these idiots in your legislature, let me know. More than glad to personally deliver a few.

Evidently being restricted from camping on the 3.5 millions acre of Wyoming state lands is not enough restriction for those pushing this stupid idea. They want us to be restricted from camping on the additional 30 million acres of BLM and USFS lands in Wyoming.

Imagine a high country mule deer hunt in Region G if you had to hike in each morning and hike back out each night. Or, if on your elk hunt you and your guide had to ride horses into the Thoroughfare each morning (25 miles) and out each night (25 miles) because you couldn't camp in there.

Yeah, the bulb is pretty dim in that part of your Capitol. But no worries, Ken Ivory, Jennifer Fielder, and Michelle Fiore will come from UT, MT, and NV to save you from yourselves.

Time to start calling all these ass clowns for what they are - thieves who want to steal your Federal lands and sell them to their pals for pennies on the dollar.
Got a prompt response from representative Baldwin.

"Thank you for your note and I will be voting no on both bills"

Representative Baldwin
If you Wyoming guys need some 3XL asshats for these idiots in your legislature, let me know. More than glad to personally deliver a few.

Evidently being restricted from camping on the 3.5 millions acre of Wyoming state lands is not enough restriction for those pushing this stupid idea. They want us to be restricted from camping on the additional 30 million acres of BLM and USFS lands in Wyoming.

Imagine a high country mule deer hunt in Region G if you had to hike in each morning and hike back out each night. Or, if on your elk hunt you and your guide had to ride horses into the Thoroughfare each morning (25 miles) and out each night (25 miles) because you couldn't camp in there.

Yeah, the bulb is pretty dim in that part of your Capitol. But no worries, Ken Ivory, Jennifer Fielder, and Michelle Fiore will come from UT, MT, and NV to save you from yourselves.

Time to start calling all these ass clowns for what they are - thieves who want to steal your Federal lands and sell them to their pals for pennies on the dollar.

we need a like button...... :D

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