wyo sheds

Great Sheds, looknig foward to seeing more. I'm actualyl gunna do a bit of shed hunting this year. Call me crazy but I haven't been out before.... :D
Hey Moosie... That will give you a chance to try out that Eberlstock pack. Load that thing up with the kitchen sink and let us know what you think. Does it come with its own self inflating flotation device for them trips you like to take down waterfalls????;) :D serious though from the pics i've seen of how you pack you'll be a great test for it. Curious to see what you thinkhump
hey moosie, that does seem a little crazy that you have'nt been out looking for sheds before. i guess a guy has to start sometime.
i found 8 more yesterday.
is it possable all the bucks dropped antlers in 1 week?
i saw 100 deer and not as much as a 2 point.
last week i saw 15 bucks in the same area
No, I'd guess you've pushed the older bucks into different areas because you went too early.

Colorado Oak and I looked at 60+ 4x4 or better mule deer bucks yesterday and I only saw 3 bucks with one antler and a couple that had shed both sides. Some of the best bucks we saw were in the 170-190 range and all the biggest bucks had both sides yet.

You're fixing to run your bucks all over the country and have them scattering antlers across a huge area.

I wish people would have some patiance and wait for them to shed....we're at least a couple weeks from having most of the mule deer shed their antlers.

I'm not criticizing you, but I've made the same mistake with deer and elk in the past. I've found if you're patiant, you get them all, if you're too eager, you get a few.
Heres an example of what I'm talking about:

My buddy and I had 2 large groups of bulls spotted and we didnt have a ton of time to look. We saw bulls beginning to shed about the 20th of March and we jumped the gun and looked in one of the spots shortly after. We found exactly one antler from that group. We also pushed those bulls out of the area, and we looked over a bunch of country and never did find where they went...and never found another antler. If we would have waited, we would have had ALL of them and probably another $1-2k in our pocket...we sold antlers that year for $10/lb.

The second area we waited until the weekend after Easter and the results speak for themselves:


This picture was taken after we'd looked for a total of about 2 hours. We continued to comb the hillside and we found EVERY match to 8 sets of elk antlers, all six points. The only one we didnt find a match to that day was the 7 point in the picture...it was there, we just missed it.

The next day, we spanked another area that just looked good, we hadnt done any scouting in this area...just went on a hunch. Paid off again:


Have I stressed the importance of being patiant yet?

Good luck.
nice pics buzz, wish i could find some honey holes like that. used to have a few but too many people looking for horn here now.i've been up a couple of times so far and watched some nice bucks still packing. i've found a few decent horns also.i agree with the going in too early and pushing them out of the area been there done that too...
i have called this ranch every winter for 15 yrs. they never seemed worried about me befor i just started picking them up last spring because they are everywhere.
calling sucked all weekend too never had any taker yesterday or today.
maybe its the moon and they are staying bedded all day.
yesterday i blamed on the wind 25 to 30 mph but today it was 10 to 15mph and still no coyotes.
mose went with me today and we covered alot of ground. we should have seen more than we did.
as far as chasing them off they wouldn't have been there the last 15 yrs if i was bothering them. some times i think they like the dieing rabbit blues they sure do gather round to here it.
i also picked up 18 more sheds today. we don't spend all day walking we call 1 or200 yrds from the truck then move and pick the sheds we see walking to and from stands.
What state were those pics in Buzz? Nice grab. How long ago?

Sounds like you got a sweet spot C, like to see some more pics of your finds!

Those were in Montana in 97-98. It would almost be worth a trip from Wyoming to look there again. I bet you could fill a pickup with antlers in a good weekend as we never saw anyone else looking there.

The best weekend we had was 85 deer antlers and 42 elk antlers...we left a lot of white stuff too.
That is a brutal blow Buzz!! Now I will FOREVER.....FOREVER be driving myself NUTS |oo trying to figure out where that place could be!!! OH you dirty Dawg!!! :BLEEP:

Give me something.....What county???? :D :D

At least tell me its on some private that I cant get on anyways! hump
Patience......oh how I fight against it......I've got the itch to go out so bad i can't stand it, but lessons learned have found me watching from afar till the time is right.............I've been glassing the Whities in our area for the past couple weeks.....a couple of bucks have started dropping one side, but the majority are still carrying both sides........we need a cold snap to stress them a little, and then they bone will start dropping........can't wait.....
found 11 more today was to windy to call so i went looking for scent posts to define some yotes area found a line of scent posts so when the wind calms down them coyotes are in trouble.
how white can fresh sheds be two look like last years but i found them on top of snow drifts with deer tracks but no coyote tracks.
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