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Wyo PP's dies in the House


May 30, 2012
SE Wyoming
As WapitiBob pointed out in the other sf085 thread - Resident PP's died today in the house 31-27!
This took a huge grassroots effort but Democracy BY the PEOPLE rules!

There will be an interim study to determine what Wyo sportsmen want. That is all we aked. That our voices be heard an not have this crammed down our throats!

Thanks to everyone who participated! Keep your ideas rolling as to what the perfect system for Wyo hunters is.

Man, I thought it was a done deal, but evidently all our plugging away with emails did the trick. Praise the Lord, as our system does apparently still work if we just all get together and take a stance. I was getting static from several people on MM for being involved in this as a NR of Wyoming, but I'm glad I continued to send all those Legislators my thoughts.
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Sweet, dodged it. Bad thing is it will be back, I don't know if it can be resisted forever. How about a Bill.... to not have PP.
I will do some work this year to find a sponsor for a bill that would help with LQ system by taking winning applicants out of the system for 3 years. Say you draw a 101-1 tag for deer, it would be 3 years before you could draw one of the premium tags again.

Let me know any ideas and suggestions you have for a bill like this Wy. Residents. Let me know any pitfalls and arguments against as well.
I will do some work this year to find a sponsor for a bill that would help with LQ system by taking winning applicants out of the system for 3 years. Say you draw a 101-1 tag for deer, it would be 3 years before you could draw one of the premium tags again.

Let me know any ideas and suggestions you have for a bill like this Wy. Residents. Let me know any pitfalls and arguments against as well.

I always thought Colorado was on to something good when it began to separate tags for a species into buckets depending on recent demand for the tags. Is easy to define a "high demand" tag and putting restrictions on how often you can draw a top notch tag addresses most of the concerns "unlucky" applicants have with draw systems that do not have points.

If you draw a top notch tag then you can not apply for any top notch tags for that species for a few years. You can still apply for lower demand tags and buy leftover or OTC tags for the speicies. This way no one draws 2 or 3 years in a row for a great tag. An applicant may still be unlucky and not draw for 15 or 20 years but a young kid applying for the draw for the first time will have the same odds as the luckiest or unluckiest amongst us. Is a raw deal to only be eligible to apply in the draw a few years after a point system is implemented. Why would we want to screw over our kids and grandkids as is the case for non-residents applying for Wyoming sheep?
I read a proposal somewhere about a residents application given a random number and if that number is drawn, you get your first, second or third choice, whichever is available. That seems interesting.

I do think a waiting period for premium tags is a must, IF it only pertains to EACH district, not species specific.
I read a proposal somewhere about a residents application given a random number and if that number is drawn, you get your first, second or third choice, whichever is available. That seems interesting.

You ok with missing out on your 1st choice because someone drew it as their 3rd choice?
Glad to see this happen...lots of hours of work went into seeing that it did.

I hope the guys from Idaho read this and it fires them up to kill their preference point legislation.

Good work and thanks to all those that called, emailed, and made their voices heard.
Toadslayer---That is the exact system that NM has and it sucks, as stated above by Oak, in that a person can get a tag on his third choice that another can't get on his first choice just because the other applicant got a lower random number from the computer---no way Jose!
My suggestion would be to follow AZ and try to get your rules made by the Dept and not a bunch of buffoonish legislators.


"The Arizona Game and Fish Commission’s legislation, Senate Bill 1223, to allow the commission to set future license structure and fees (including all licenses types, permits, tags, stamps and watercraft registrations) directly through a streamlined, customer-focused process, as opposed to the existing complex legislative and rulemaking processes, was passed unanimously by the Arizona Senate’s Natural Resources and Rural Affairs Committee on Feb. 6.

If SB 1223 were to pass, license structure and fees would be established through a new customer-focused rulemaking process. It would not require passage of a bill through the Legislature, although the commission would still be under legislative oversight. The bill includes oversight measures and “checks and balances” on the commission’s authority to set license structure and fees under this new authority.

Benefits of SB 1223 include:

A simpler, easier to understand license structure.
More than 40 license types that currently exist could be significantly decreased in number to reduce customer confusion.
Better products, increased value. A 365-day license could be offered rather than a calendar year license, or licenses could bundle stamp privileges.

The commission could react more quickly in response to customer needs, marketing opportunities or biological factors -- examples might include reduced prices for large numbers of leftover tags or temporarily discounting license fees as incentives.

Hunter and angler input.
Direct customer access and input opportunities with the five-member Game and Fish Commission. "
I like the fact that different states have different systems. The WY system works fine for me, and I like the NM system as well. Add in AZ bonus points, Utah's wait period, they all have some pros and cons, all added together I like it. If you only hunt/apply to one state it could be discouraging.
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