WYBHA meeting results...


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
The discussion on technology last night that Wyoming Backcountry Hunters and Anglers hosted in Cheyenne, was a success.

There were over 40 people in attendance, including WYGF Director of Wildlife Brian Nesvik. A nice surprise, and addition to those in attendance, was WYGF Director Scott Talbott.

There was a good discussion by Brian Nesvik about all the new technology they're seeing in the field, getting complaints about, etc. The discussion also involved how regulations are made at the Legislative as well as Commission level.

WYBHA is leading the effort to ban drones for any scouting, hunting, etc. in Wyoming.

A bill (HB0030) to ban drones has already been prefiled for this upcoming session:


There was also a discussion involving the game and fish budget problems. I gave a quick talk regarding the two bills that were introduced by the TRW Committee. There were many in attendance that didnt realize that GF Department employees were the ONLY State employees that do not get their health insurance paid from general fund money (SF0045 deals with that).

HB0031: http://legisweb.state.wy.us/2014/Introduced/HB0031.pdf

SF0045: http://legisweb.state.wy.us/2014/Introduced/SF0045.pdf

There was lots of discussion on the budget and Director Talbott fielded several questions regarding the budget and the cuts that were made as well as the impacted/cut programs. He explained how and why the cuts were made. He also made it clear, that without additional funding, the Programs that were cut, would not be brought back. For some clarity, the Department has cut $8,000,000 from their budget. That kind of money impacts programs, period.

Also, if some relief is not found via the 2 funding bills, additional programs may be cut in the future.

Very positive meeting and some great discussions.
WYBHA is leading the effort to ban drones for any scouting, hunting, etc. in Wyoming.

A bill (HB0030) to ban drones has already been prefiled for this upcoming session:


So, I get banning drones, but this HB is pretty weak just getting tacked onto the already approved ban on using aircraft for hunting.

Seems like there are a lot of holes that can be poked in the language.

you can use a drone for hunting predators? That is acceptable? Wouldn't that mean mountain lions, bears, foxes, lynx, bobcat etc? Not sure if Wyoming has something that specifically calls out what a predator is so I might be totally wrong on this.

Looks like you could fly a drone all day long over your hunting spot to look at weather conditions, road conditions, other hunters and as long as you don't look for animals you are OK. This would make any enforcement of the law really judgemental (which opens everything to lawsuits)

So if you use a drone for "mapping" before you go hunting, is that illegal? Why is using satellite images any different?

I believe it's the right idea, but needs some wording work, my opinion. I deal with money and contracts a lot, taught me to not leave any gray areas or wiggle room.
Bears, lions, bobcats, marten, badgers, are game animals/furbearers. Wolves are considered trophy game in a portion of the State and predators in some of the state.

Lynx are not legal to hunt/trap at all.

For the record WYBHA did not introduce the current bill, but will support it.

Once the bill passes, or even if it doesnt pass, we will approach the GF commission to clarify/amend established hunting regulations to ban drones.

Laws of this sort, are always going to be a challenge to enforce, no question about that.

But, you have to start...at the start.
Buzz, I did finally find this on WGF site

(viii) "Predatory animal" means: (A) Coyote, jackrabbit, porcupine, raccoon, red fox, skunk or stray cat;

Next time I am up your way I'm buying a drone and going stray cat hunting with it:D

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