PEAX Equipment

WY BHA hosts...


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
a discussion on technology and hunting.

Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday season. We want to invite you all to a gathering that we'll be hosting at 7:00 PM, Thursday, January 16th at Uncle Charlie's Tavern and Lounge in Cheyenne (6001 Yellowstone Road). We will have complimentary food, beverages, door prizes, a raffle and great discussion on "technology and hunting."

This will be a casual, informal gathering of members and sportsmen interested in participating in an open forum on "Technology and Hunting." The Director of Wildlife from Wyoming Game and Fish, Brian Nesvik, be joining us to give his input on fair-chase hunting, traditions, ethics and how technology fits-in.

Feel free to invite friends and family. And let's pack the house!
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Awesome - I would love to drive up there just to meet you sir! Hope to see you there Buzz.
I hate technology and hunting though. Technology should not fit in hasn't a place imo. Short discussion for me,

Does complimentary beverages mean beer?

Happy Tuesday man.
I reckon beverages is a pretty broad catagory...;)

There will be some discussion on several new "technologies", including drones.

See you there!
I hope the guys that think smokeless powder, compound bows and GPS units have no place in hunting don't start an organization to tell us how to hunt!
Thus, the need for discussion about where the line is drawn.

Its our hunting heritage, ours to ensure for the future. Its also ours to ignore and piss away to those that only see a dead animal, at any cost, by any means, as the reason to hunt. If it were legal to poison animals to get a trophy on the wall...there would be some dumbass doing it.

I doubt hunters believe hunting remotely from a computer, using land mines for hunting, fully auto weapons, drones, etc. are things that a majority want to see allowed.

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