Would you shoot a poacher?


Active member
Jan 5, 2001
Omaha, NE usa
Would you shoot a poacher if your PH said it was OK??

like I said somewhere my buddies Dad was given the ok back in the 60's to do so--I don't think he did, but not quite sure?

I'm not sure I could as I sit here and type this, unless he was shooting at us then he'd be open game--chris
Depends if there was a trophy fee attached to it...... ;)

I know thats what they do over there or have roumors of them doing that. I'm all for tougher penalties for Criminals. Pulling the hammer on another human being ? I['m guesing I couldn't unless it was Defense.
Depends on the situation. If it's some jack ass that just kills all of the animals in sight, doesn't feed his family with the meat and always gets away with it even though he gets caught and the law and the law doesn't do anything about it?........I'd love to, but I couldn't bring myself to killing a man that wasn't threatening me or my family.

Now, if we were allowed to slowly torture the bastard.........I'd definitely think about that!
On my one and only hunting trip to Africa my hunter on the 1st day asked me if I had any reservations about shooting people. I said that it would depend on the situation. He told me that if we saw anyone in camo and armed that they would be poachers. He also advised that he would be shooting them and needed to know if I would assist him. These would have been pro's out there for the ivory and horn and the bug dollars that they bring. I told him sure. We did not run across any but saw their handiwork on several occasions. It would make you almost set up camp and hunt THEM. Probably should have.
couldnt do it. :cool: humans are humans and while they should be punished i couldnt shoot another person unless my life or my families was in danger.
Yep only way i oculd force myslef shoot a soul is if was to hurt my man i mean death and life, otherwise no , of course we all htink about it when someone real creul it natural i think, anyway if anything if they was to allow anyone kill crimninals or bin laden would u? i would defintally think about but prob cant:)
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