Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Worried,just wanna hunt!!


Active member
Aug 22, 2017
Excelsior Springs,mo
I’m heading out west soon and I’m starting to worry.Being a American Mexican I’ve grown use to the looks and stares when I’m out there and walk into a restaurant or I’m pumping gas.But to me,it seems like things have gone to a whole different level.Hopefully I’m just being a little to cautious and I will be able to enjoy the sun rises and sunsets with a clear mind.And just maybe put some meat in the freezer.
I think once you get out into the field you'll feel better when your mind is on the mission. Traveling to a new area where you don't know anyone and you don't look like everyone else is always a little stressful. Hope u have a good hunt!
i'm not gonna try to minimize your concern, insofar as i'm not in a position to invalidate the way you feel

but i mean colorado for example, about 20% hispanic according to the 2010 census. i actually see a relatively high amount of hispanic hunters too. it's about 4% in missouri from what i can tell?

but none of that matters, come out west and have fun as a free american on your public lands
What I find more disturbing is that this person got the idea they wouldn’t be welcome or safe on a hunting trip. Certainly wasn’t from here. Sad state of affairs that people walk around afraid of being different all the time.

Welcome around my fire anytime.

Partisanship is way out of hand, I'm not gonna lie, the thought has crossed my mind a couple of times, am I going to get punched in the face for walking into a gas station this fall for wearing a mask.

Where I live it's not a political statement, literally everyone does it not a big deal. That said, I know some folks see it as a symbol and are all tuned up about it. In reality it has nothing to with my vote in the fall or my feeling on any political issue, it's purely about the fact that I don't want to be the asymptomatic carrier that kills your grandma.

I don't live in your town, I'm just trying to show some respect for your health.
I know here in montana, the land of where people actually wave to eachother, none of that media stuff seems to matter. People that do care about the color of your skin tend to hang together, and its a very small minority from what I can tell. Your more at risk if your a prick regardless of the color of your skin. I wouldnt even worry about it to much, but at the same time I don't know what you have gone thru in the past. I would understand your concerns if this has been a problem before. Sucks
I'm not meaning to downplay anxiety or concern, but just letting you know that out west at a trailhead during hunting season the out of state license plate on your vehicle is going to matter to most people way more than the color of your skin.

If someone does treat you differently I would look to my out of state license plate as the cause rather than the color of my skin.
I've hunted Kansas, Colorado, California and Wyoming on and off since the mid 60's, often with Hispanics and Native Americans from three different tribes in the parties and never did any of them have any problem so you should rejoice in your ethnicity and have a great hunt.

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