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Wolves, lions, and lynx


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2008
Bozeman, Montana

Kind of funny to think some where naive enough to believe that they would just stay in the park.:rolleyes: These buggers are traveling more than a carnival in August. I'm thinking the Lynx must of had some good concert tickets in NY.:)

I remember Breaks Runner talking about a study here in Montana and the wolf had traveled like 70+ miles overnight or something like that. It went from the Crazy Mtns. to the park I believe. Some big range for all these guys.
That wolf stayed within the trophy game area for a good part of it's travels through WY. Only when it crossed over into Utah, did it become frightfully confused, and thought Colorado would be a good choice, only to return to the Snowies, realize that it's still in Colorado, and then committed suicide by vehicle because he couldn't figure out how to get back to Montana.

A typical scenario, I imagine.
So what your saying is that it may not be a good idea to put a tree stand up because I may have seen a particularly hansom wolf in a certain area to wait for its return?:D

Those are some serious miles.
Go get em you guys are to wolves as I am to yotes. I wish they were all dead. But of course thats not natures way of survival. I do my part to help nature out though.