Yeti GOBOX Collection

Winter King


Sep 22, 2005
Kodiak, AK
Last Sunday my friend and I went over to Port Lions to pick up another friends 4 wheeler. It was marginal trolling conditions with 5 foot swells and chop, but we decided to give it a try for about an hour.


Pulled one king then did the run to PL and back. Aaaahhh the "High Life"... hump

What are you using and how deep were you?

I was using a regular size check card (platinum Wells Fargo to be exact). I only use the blue Alaska USA card on overcast days, since that's a shared account with the wife and she doesn't approve of large alcohol catches on that lure.
I usually only go about half way into the beer cooler for MGD, but the bastards had that marked up to $23.99 a case. I noticed if I went a little deeper they had High Life on sale for $15.99 a case. I figured with the extra $8 I could splurg on some wood tips and that would dull the taste buds enough to choke down my share... :cool:
At least out there you don't have to worry about the 'High Life' guys coming a taking your beer because you were listening to Alanis Morrisette! ;)

Definitely more fun than the Sunday I had, congrats!