PEAX Equipment

Winchester trigger guard 2 piece to 1 piece stock adaptor

Carl 9.3x62

Well-known member
Jul 4, 2016
I have a winchester model 70 Ranger from the mid 90s. The wood stock isn't anything fancy, especially since the sling swivel stud ripped out of it on a bear hunt earlier this year. I had been contemplating upgrading the stock, and now seems to be a good time. I like the looks and price of the Bell and Carlson stocks, but they are designed for a 1-piece trigger guard. My rifle has a 2-piece trigger guard. Apparently there is an adapter that you can buy to fit the 2 piece rifle to a 1 piece stock. I have purchased the piece online earlier today as it was pretty cheap.

My questions are, has anyone on here done this conversion from 2 piece to 1 piece, and if so, how did it go? Was it worth it? Was accuracy affected, aside from the addition of a new stock? Was the structural integrity of the rifle affected (doesn't sound like the front bolt of the trigger guard is used)? I know you can just buy a new once piece trigger guard, but I'd rather keep the 2 piece design I have.
I went down this road with a mid 1990s stainless Mod 70 in 7mm Rem Mag. I purchased a Bell and Carlson stock along with the adaptor. The 2-piece bottom metal was a little too long and didn't fit the bottom metal inlet on the stock. I think the adaptor might have worked in theory, but I never got to test it, as I returned the stock. Ordered a sporter stock from HS Precision instead, which fits the 2-peice bottom metal.
How does the HS precision stock feel compared to the B&C? I've heard the B&C have kind of a fat pistol grip, which I am not too excited about.
Both stocks felt good in my hands, yes, the grips are somewhat thicker than the factory wooden stocks, but not excessively so. Will post a pic of the HS Precision.
I had a M70 with B&C stock with the adapter and it shot lights out. The adapter works fine but there may be some slight gaps depending on the inlet cut of the stock which is cosmetic. You could also bed the bottom metal for a perfect fit.
I had a M70 with B&C stock with the adapter and it shot lights out. The adapter works fine but there may be some slight gaps depending on the inlet cut of the stock which is cosmetic. You could also bed the bottom metal for a perfect fit.
Did your adapter look like the one shown above? Did you have to modify the stock at all?
Did your adapter look like the one shown above? Did you have to modify the stock at all?
It was the same adapter. I don’t recall having to modify the stock at all. You will most likely be fine. B&C inletting isn’t always perfect though and I’ve had to clean up a few stocks on other rifles.
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Got the Bell and Carlson and the adapter. Everything seems to fit just fine except the screw furthest toward the barrel. It's now too short, but shouldn't be an issue finding a replacement. Excited to take it out and try it. My only complaint though is the new stock is about an inch longer than the original wood stock. I like the shorter stock.20220625_221532.jpg
I've done some redneck stock shortening with a miter saw, but I have no idea how it would go on a synthetic stock.
I've done some redneck stock shortening with a miter saw, but I have no idea how it would go on a synthetic stock.
Thought about that. But Yeah I wonder what the interior of the stock looks like, and it not matching the exterior.
I used the adapter to fit a two piece 270 into a B and C stock. Absolutely love it. The adapter had to be slightly relieved so trigger guard metal would fit. Also, the stock had to be relieved a little bit do adapter would fit nicely in magazine area. But when all done, it was definitely worth it.
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