
Winchester M70 300 WSM


Aug 23, 2013
Beartooths, Montana
Cleaning out the safe a little more as I've also been jumping off of the "magnum wagon". I ended up going with a 280 Remington. Figured it's a happy medium between the 7mm-08 and 7mm mag.

Anyway, here are the details - Winchester M70 Coyote Lite. 300 WSM. Leupold bases & rings installed. I bought the rifle from an older gentleman who had a scope mounted on it, but claims the rifle was never fired. As far as I can tell, those words hold true. I never fired it myself. It's got a 24" stainless fluted free-floating barrel, Bell & Carlson stock w/Pachmayr Decelerator recoild pad. I'd like to get $850 shipped to your FFL. I'm located in Fargo, ND, but willing to ship to your FFL dealer. Another option - I'll be in Billings later this month (March 21-23) if that would work for someone.


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Looking at it, it appears to have the classic claw extractor that correct? I know they made them in both push feed and classic actions, but I think the push feed versions usually have a laminated wood stock.
2 quick questions.

Do you know the rough weight on this one? If memory serves, they are roughly 8lbs, does that sound about right?

Also, do you know weather or not this is an FN produced Winchester, or if it's a late new haven gun?
It would say New Haven on the barrel, but by looking at it I am guessing it's a New Haven just from the floor plate. That is a two piece floor plate and they did start to transition to one piece while at New Haven but I am pretty sure by the time they started mfg in South Carolina they had switched completely to one piece.
ERRS - Yes, this does have the claw extractor.

Southwind - No, this is not a New Haven rifle. It's post New Haven, made by FN in South Carolina. This can get confusing because the stamp on the rifle itself says BACO Inc., Morgan Utah. (Browning Arms Company which is the parent of FN and has the rights to Winchester Repeating Arms). Morgan, UT is just Browning's headquarters, but the rifle was made in SC.

MKotur325 - The weight is around 7 1/2 lbs.
ERRS - Yes, this does have the claw extractor.

Southwind - No, this is not a New Haven rifle. It's post New Haven, made by FN in South Carolina. This can get confusing because the stamp on the rifle itself says BACO Inc., Morgan Utah. (Browning Arms Company which is the parent of FN and has the rights to Winchester Repeating Arms). Morgan, UT is just Browning's headquarters, but the rifle was made in SC.

MKotur325 - The weight is around 7 1/2 lbs.

That's interesting, it must of taken a little longer to switch to all one piece floor plates. Nice rifle one way or the other.

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