I've been applying for non-resident turkey tags in WI the past few years with no success, gaining a preference point each year. I dug into the tag allocation process a little further, and learned that non-residents have basically no chance of drawing anything but leftover tags (basically the later spring seasons) under the current system. There is no separate R/NR pool of tags. One pool, and the NR applications only are addressed after all resident applications have been processed. WI has almost 250k spring turkey tags this year, it is a shame that 1% can't be allocated to a separate non-resident tag pool to give us a chance at better units during more desirable seasons. I submitted a comment to the DNR and will continue to voice my displeasure to the DNR on this topic. WI is a great turkey hunting state, but this is an area that I feel is an oversight on their part. Just wanted to post as an FYI for anyone else applying to WI as a NR for spring turkey.