Caribou Gear Tarp

WHOS your daddy now

Good luck Delw to you and the daughter!
Mine is gonna head out with me to the Modoc
for a little scouting trip just before school
starts next month...that lil' girl jsut can't
wait to pull the trigger
I am still jazzed about it. Granted I love to fish but getting drawn for hunting is almost just as good.

Thats one problem here in az is its just to freaking hard to get drawn.
since 1982 ive been drawn for
elk in 2001 and 2004
deer 1989 , 1996 1998
antelope 1996 1998 2004
Turkey 1999
pigs 1998
Thats it man I put in every year for everything except buffulo ,turkey and pigs. pigs ive put in for like 10 times turkey about 4 times buff. 1 time.
I think my dates are close maybe a year off.
so instead of hunting I get to go fishing well except this year. one cool thing is the time frame of the hunts.

Scouting I will be able to shoot archery deer (otc) in both units and bear in both units with rifle. After that its back onto the fishing schedual

That's great Del... Way to go and major congrats...
I sure hope you don't forget the camera like you do when you go fishin.... ;) :D
DELW.. Although I'm sure the Other night when you called at 11:30 I said Congrats.. I really can't remember, So JSut to make sure, I'll Formally say it again !!! :D :D CONGRATS !!!

Looks like the Junkie Monkey might help you ? Just be carefull, If you shoot a Big one he'll try to make you sell it ;)
Congrats Del ;)

But...I'm glad I don't live in a state where it takes 22 years to draw 2 elk tags

Good luck on your hunts. Holy crap, an early bull hunt in 8. Everybody should have at least one opportunity in their lifetime time to hunt elk in the rut, and now you have your chance. Looking forward to your story and pics. I had 7 bonus pts in Washington, but crapped out on the 5 early bull permits for the Quinault. Oh well, I drew a late whitetail tag up near Omak. Should be a good one. Anyway Bud, go shoot yourself a friggen MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am jazzed about it.

Owl I would love a real white tail tag there are some pretty good ones up in OMAK from what I have heard.

congrats on your elk an antalope tags..... i guess my lucky streak is gone for elk (8 yrs in a row) the only tag this year is turkey so its otc deer an bear for me

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