
Who Shoots High FOC/Brass Inserts Up Front?


New member
Aug 31, 2011
Victoria, MN
Any body shoot brass inserts (75 or 100 grain) in their compound bow arrows?

My arrows for this year are Easton Axis 400 spine, but I have a bunch of Beman ICS Hunters in both 340 and 400 spine too. I shoved a Gold Tip 100gr. brass insert into the 340 Beman (figured it would bring the spine back close to where it should be) and it flew awesome.

I'm a proponent of heavy (as opposed to fast and light) arrows. I also know the brass inserts made my 500 spine GT Traditionals fly great with my 40# recurve. I like that these arrows "lead with the front" and have extra weight for punch.

I looked up 3Rivers Archery and turns out Easton sells a 75gr. brass HIT insert kit. I've got my hunting setup pretty dialed in. Amazingly, ALL of my choices of broadheads (100/125gr. Slick Trick Mags, 125gr. DRT Dirt Naps, 100 gr. NAP Killzones) fly amazing out of my bow and hit the same spot, so I'm reluctant to mess with anything. But if I were to order another batch of Axis arrows, I might opt to order them with the inserts.

Between my insert and broadhead I shoot about 250 grains upfront. With the correct spined arrow they shoot great. They even shoot great with my big two blade Abowyers.