Yeti GOBOX Collection

Who is EVERYONE?!?!?


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
It is hard to know someones background and this is like a 1 STOP SHOPPNG FOR PEOPLE TO SEE. I put this in here to let people elaborate a little on themselves. Of course My profile is on my Website @ on the Left side.."ABOUT ME". and of course my new Website is

But here is a short break down. I hope others follow:

Name: Oscar T. Williamson II
AKA: "Moosie"
Email: [email protected]
Location: Boise, Idaho
Age: 27
Married: Yes w/ 2 kids (3 1/2 Oscar III & 1 yr old Zachary)
Years hunting: All my life but seriousely in the last few years.
Occupation: Drafter/Designer
Weapons: 300 Win MAG. / P.S.E. Compound Bow
Animals Taken: 8 deer, 4 Elk,3 Bear, 1 Turkey, 1 Moose, 9 "OTHERS" (including New Zealand and Exotics)

I want to thank ALL the Dedicated Posters and ALL the People that have posted on my Past forum and Now on this NEW SITE!!! We have a GREAT time and Usually stay w/ in the linits of...something..


[This message has been edited by Moosie (edited 12-15-2000).]



E-MAIL:[email protected]
/ [email protected]




WEAPONS: High country Max Force MX-1 & Safari, Rem..30-06,Rem. 870 wingmaster,Beretta 20ga Silver Pigeon



[This message has been edited by DKO (edited 02-05-2001).]
Name: Del Wilcox

AKA: Delw

Email: [email protected]

Location: AZ

Age: 38

Married: Yes(19 years) w/ 3 kids (girl thats 10, boy 7 has down syndrom and A baby girl thats 2 months)

Years hunting:since I was old enough to hold a shotgun.

Occupation: wife and I own a areospace machine shop


Weapons of choice:300 Win MAG./.243

Animals Taken:Every pheasant type that lives in japan,lots of deer,a few Elk, 2 antelope,ringtailed cats,coyotes by the
truck load and birds by the flocks

Animals MISSED:a few turkeys with the bow,4 lions one at 10 feet or closer,3 bobcats,One huge muley(I hit him 2 times) but we found him the next year.

best thing to do besides hunting: Ba ss fishing ,If I'm not home thats where I am
everyother day as a minimun. my 10 year old fishes all the circuits with me to and she is good.


[This message has been edited by Delw (edited 12-12-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Delw (edited 12-12-2000).]
Name: Eric "Rick" Van Stralen (long story about the "Rick")
Age: 48 (OUCH!)
Married, three girls (in their 20's) one boy (two...yes, I'm a masochist)
Location: La Palma, CA
Firearms: Lots. Hard to choose a favorite, but my .300 Wthby goes on most trips.
Experience: about 35 years, but just started getting serious about going out of state and major big game. Blacktails, lots of hogs, tons of birds, a couple of muleys and NEVER AN ELK (yet!)

Other stuff: Vietnam vet, reload a lot, shoot a lot (that's why I have to reload a lot!)
love my wife and kids a whole lot! Champion-cl*** snorer and farter. World-cl*** BS'er.
2nd generation Californian...everyone who came here after WWII should leave and ruin their own home state with their liberal idiocy.
Terry Moore
Married with three boys ages 9 months, 31/2, and 14. Wifes name Tonya who loves to hunt as much as me. She is an aspiring Taxidermist.
JobStatus: Truck driver/Laborer for a Tilt up construction company.

Hobbies: Hunting,Talking Hunting,Shooting,

Game taken: 20 some deer, several elk and bear and lots of upland and small game.

Animals I need to take: Dall sheep, Moose, Caribou, and hopefully Antelope.(never get drawn)
I live in Wenatchee, Wa(duh) and other than hunting and this forum I guess I have no other interests other than my family

[This message has been edited by Terry aka Coydog (edited 12-13-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Terry aka Coydog (edited 02-02-2001).]
Real name-Scott

Occupation-retail sales, artwork, webmaster, profesional liar.

Hunting experience-a little here and a little there.

Best trophy- I once got drunk and shot my self in the foot, does that count? I also shot a coot once with a 30-06 nothin but a fine red mist after that heheheheheheheh, and then there was that little incident with the airliner it Texas.

Favorite quote- whos buying the beer, please hand me another beer, Nuke Tibbet, Jet Noise the sound of freedom.

Seriousness, on a level of 1 to 10 as being a serious poster, I would have to give myself a 2.

On a serious note, if ya ever have questions on hunting in New Mexico just give me a holler, if I dont know the answer I'll make it up and you will never know the difference. HeHe.

S. Fecl
Mike McGuire

AKA Mike375

52, divorced, no children and complete womaniser

Live in Sydney Australia and an Insurance Agent.

Very interested in the technical side of guns, especially larger calibers. Not really a hunter but a shooter and this would be to do with shooting environment in Australia.

I own three Model 70 375s, two Model 70s in 270 and one Model 70 in 7mm Rem. The 270s and 7mm mag have match grade barrels and Jewell triggers.

Have never shot any animlas bigger than kangaroos, goats and pigs but have shot those in the thousands.

My basic political beliefs are that every man looks after himself and we should have the law of the jungle in full operation.

Compared to me, Mr Bcat is a left wing pacifist who goes out of his way not to offend anyone.

Randy Chambliss-aka-Chambo
[email protected]
Bluford, Illinois

I am married and have a 3 year old daughter Miranda and a 8 month old son, Dakota.
I am 44 years young and love to hunt.
Started when I was around 5 and have been going every since.
Took my first deer when I was twelve and have never looked back.
I use both gun and bow to hunt game.
I have taken a yearly hunting trip to Colorado since 1984.
Have taken 5 bull elk and 2 mule deer.I wouldn't even venturea guess as to how many Whitetails I have taken.
I spend way too much time on the pc or so says my wife.She is always right by the way.
I work for an agricultural company in the spring, summer and fall then have the rest of the year off plus a little.

I have two favorite weapons,a winchester model 70 in 300 weatherby and a 7400 remington in 280 caliber.I use a pse bow and have a new s&w 629 classic that I am breaking in.Plus a few more that I wont mention here.
I love to hunt turkeys and also varmit call in the winter when there is nothing else to do.


John Boer

aka: huntrjohn

Turlock, CA,
28, married, son 3 1/2, daughter 2
occupation: dairyman
hobies: hunting, fishing, sprintcars,spending time with family,sitting in front of this computer. Mostly I am working.
Never been out of state hunting.
HANDLE: Dennis Crockett
LOCATION: Peoria, AZ. (AZ. native)
Married to the 'Ol Hide (25 years)
OCCUPATION: Semi-retired song-writer, recording artist, musician

Met the 'Ol Hide while still on the road in Aberdeen, S.D. (******* of creation. If the world ever needs an enema, that's where they'll put the tube)All seriousness aside, she's still my bride, and the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my.......eyes on.
4 Kids, Shawna, David, Ryan, and Lacey Rae
(It' been rumored that there's some more)
FAVORITE WEAPON: Anything that shoots powder, smokeless, or b.p.
FAVORITE CRITTER: Elk (not sure how many taken)
ALSO TAKEN: Many muledeer, a couple of AZ. Couse, numerous turkey, dove, quail, small game, etc.
DREAM HUNT: Moose and griz (anyone wants to trade this hunt for a chance at an AZ. bull elk, let me know)
HOBBIES: Elk, elk, elk, and scouting for elk from the bow of my 21' bass boat if we had a good winter.
MISC: Camping in the motorhome w/ my Jack Russel Terrorists, 2 Chihuahuas, and my Sharpei/German Shepherd
MOTTO: If ya wanna save a tree, then eat a beaver.

"Keepin' 'em in the black"
"Coalition, Strong, Proud, and Growing"
Dan Russell
AKA: Shoodr

Married to Erin for 5 1/2 years

Kids: Alexandria 3 Zack 1

Phoenix, Arizona (raised in Wyoming...God I miss that place!)

I have been hunting and fishing since I was 7 years old (32 now) and have been lucky enough to have taken 8 Elk, lots of mule deer, way too many antelope, 1 mountain lion, pheasants, grouse, prarie chickens, dove , ducks, geese...

I love guns, especially rifles and currently have a 6mm #1B, .270 Win, .270 Weatherby Mag that currently wears a stock I made myself, .300 Win Mag, .30-30, Russian SKS, Maadi AK47, Turk mauser 98, Swede Model 38 Husky, Vaquero .45 Colt and a Czech VZ24 that I am making into a .35 Whelen

Aside from the guns and Hunting, I enjoy Fly fishing, and watching my children grow. Good Lord willing I'll pass my love of the outdoors on to them.

That's my story
Name: Alex Egglezos
Location: Kingman, AZ
Grew Up: Leadville, CO
Occupation: Truck Driver
2 kids (both boys ages 11 and 8)
Age: 43
I have been hunting since I was 8 took my first deer and elk at 13. I like to hunt elk the best, then deer. Have also taken antelope, black bear and various forms of birds and small game. When I am not hunting I am usually in my Jeep either exploring new hunting areas or just enjoying being out.


Good Luck
The Greek
Chuck Picotte
aka 'yooper'
From: Barbeau, located on the eastern-end of Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Occupation: State Corrections Officer

I am 30 years old and married 8 years to my high-school sweetheart. We have a 4 1/2 yr old boy, and a 6 month old girl. My son has been hunting with me since before he could talk, just as I did with my father and as he did with his father. Hunting is a way of life for my family and is something we have done for generations.

I have taken lots of whitetail deer, partridge, pheasants, waterfowl, and numerous other small-game. Once I had a bear in my sights in Northern Minnesota but I didn't shoot..... and I don't know why not. I also am a walleye fishing fanatic and I enjoy King Salmon fishing in the Great Lakes.

I have a special fondness for Labrador Retrievers.

I am going on my first elk hunt in the fall of 2001 and will be carrying my favorite rifle: A 700 BDL in 7mm mag.

Least favorite cartridge: .44 Mag

Lately I have been videotaping alot of my outdoor activites, and have realized that the greatest pleasure in owning a gun is the privelage of realizing one does not have to always use it.

I am a talk-forum junkie; and I'm also 1/2 Chippewa Indian... hence my signature:


VEGETARIAN: Indian word meaning 'Bad Hunter'
Kevin Thomsen
Hometown:Snohomish Washington
Family:Wife-Debbie Son-Brandon Daughter-Jamie
Occupation:Landscape Construction
Hobbies:Hunting,Coaching the kids soccer teams,camping,hiking,and shooting
I started hunting when I was at the age 7 or 8 going after rabbits and grouse then I started after big game at the age of 13.

Good Huntin-Kraven
Name: Bryan Flintoff AKA Spotted Owl
Home: Enumclaw, Wa
Family: Happily married to my wife of 14
years. I have 2 daughters, Aubrey and
Danielle, 7 and 4 years old. Oh ya, can't
forget the dog "Daisy"
Email: [email protected]
Hunting background: Been hunting since I
was in my teens. My father wasn't a hunter,
so I hung around anyone who would take me.
I'm alittle more into it then I was when I
was younger. I've taken some deer, elk, a
antelope,2 mtn goats and 2 bears. I have a
real quest to someday get a decent size
bull elk. It seems like this is a tough
chore for me, but I'm not giving up ever
to get my troghy elk. I don't care if I
have to shoot that ****** from a wheelchair,
I'm not giving up. I love the outdoors, and
spending time with my hunting buddies. Theres
no place I'd rather be then in a heated wall
tent when its -10 at night.Other hunting
goals are to harvest a moose and a bighorn
on the Washington draw hunts, and also to
become certified as a hunter education instructor so I can pass along this great
tadition to our young people. I'm also gratefull to be hanging out on this site
to get to know other hunters, get advice
when I need it, and help anyone out that
I can. God Bless!!
Name Laurie A Egglezos
AKA: Lady Hunter in AZ
Born in Massachusetts but lived most of my life in Florida moved to Kingman, AZ 4 all most 5 years ago.
Married M other half is The Greek
We have to 2 boys Lonnie 11 and Rusty 8 and all their pets (A2 dogs, 2 rabbits, and 1 cat)

Occupation Homemaker and volunteer at our kids schools.
Hunting since we moved to AZ
Animals take many quail, dove, rabbits, pheasants, chukars. And my first deer this year. Hopefully next my first elk, and maybe my first BIG KITTY.
Interest: Hunting, camping,cooking, cross stitch, 2 wheeling and anything that has to do with the great outdoors.
Age 39


Happy Hunting
Lady Hunter in AZ
Name: Dennis Farmer
AKA: Fatman
Home: Tulsa
Age: 48
Occupation: Network Analyst
Years Hunting: 34
Married: yes - 29 yrs.
Kids: 2 - daughter 21 and son 18
Hobbies: Shooting, hunting, sandbass fishing, reloading, beer drinking
Favorite Weapon: The one I have with me at the time
Weapons and Ammo: Enough to get more if I had to
Game: Ducks and geese, rabbits, squirrels, dove, quail, pheasant, love to shoot crows, deer only one, I just started deer hunting 3 seasons ago when my son asked me if I would take him. We both killed our first deer this year.
AGE 34
Happily Married, no kids yet!
Favorite game - Deer, soon to be Elk
Hunt to look forward to - Bull Elk hunting trip, caribou hunt, Pope and Young Whitetail.
Weapons used - Reflex Bow, 7mm Mag, 870 shotgun, Ruger 10/22.
Weapon of choice - Bow!!

Background - I was a pro water skier for a few years, now I ski with a local ski team all summer long. I enjoy spending time with my wife doing outdoor things, my two dogs(keegan and Nala),hunting, water skiing, and snowmobiling
hmmmmmm...a "tell all" spot?...hehehe
My name is Ole Bab****,44 yrs. on the way to the grave:)..3 boys from a previous marriage(she couldn't take the heat)oldest 25, with 2 of his own a girl 6 and boy 2 1/2.Twins 22 yrs old, no kids.All are avid shooters and hunters.My favorite game to pursue has to be cougars, with big muleys runnin a second right along with the wary wapiti.Have harvested several elk(tho not yet a monster)a stack of muleys, one whitetail,antelope,'yoteees,some nice western longbeards,fox, bobcat,rabbit,grouse,squirrel,oops almost forgot the best;-0, two cougars.
weapons:300 mag in mod. 70,30-30,25-06,243,223,several 22's,357 s&w,.45 acp,38 colt,and a PSE bow.
Love livin' in the mountains,third generation Co. , grandparents came to colorado in a covered wagon andhomesteaded.


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