Who comes first


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Summersville WV
Who do you notify first after you have taken the game your after ? Mine is usually my wife. She supports my efforts and I share all my efforts with her. Even though she doesn't hunt, she still is my best friend and as soon as I can she knows what I've done.
I`ll text my wife, son, daughter, and a buddy of mine all in one text. If there was someone that I had invited to hunt that day with me but declined....they will be the first, just to rub it in a little.
I don't have a cell phone, so I don't call anyone right away. I come home and tell my Wife that her investment in our meat gathering was worth it. Then I call the pack crew, and my Grandpa. He loves to hear stories about elk hunting even though he hasn't ever gone. He's always very proud to hear that the old 30/06 he gave me CAN hit the broad side of a barn.
This will be the first year with a SPOT so if everything works out they way it's supposed to I will notify my wife and about 8 friends to come help out (a couple should be able to make it) all at the same time!
I drew a sweet deer tag after 15 years of applying. The first call I made was to my hunting buddy, He accompanied me on the hunt. Day one we found a good buck that we thought would go over 30". I passed because he was only a three point. That night I emailed the rest of my buddies and my wife telling them about the day...I did the same ritual each night for four more days. The morning of the 5th day we went back to try to relocate the 30" 3 point and I shot him just after light. I took a picture with my cell phone and sent it to my wife then to my other buddies. The first response I got back was from my wife. She was so excited knew how important this hunt was to me and how long I've been waiting. I could tell she was crying. She's always the first person I tell.
Oh. The buck turned out to be a 33" 3 point with symmetrical cheaters with eye guards. Double eye guards on his left side.
My wife, then my Dad (he is usually with me though), my uncle and then the rest of the hunting crew and family.

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