PEAX Equipment

White, a little tight, but still outta sight


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2005
Didn't realize I was smiling like a retarded clown for the first 30 minutes after:D Still seems pretty unreal.

Selfish little brother said he will not move to BC and Mexico next. How else am I suppose to afford a bow slam?


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Rams being rams. My brother darn near got the legal one in this bunch. 34 yards they caught him drawing. 22 yards just the legal rams head over the ridge top.


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A bou for my brother after the sheep hunt was done. He still has a Chugach park tag for October, so he still has a chance.


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Congratulations! Give us some more details. Got any pics of the bou? *Edit: Yep, you do.
A friend of my brothers was up there several days before the season with his Cub. We got up there on the 9th and he had spotted the ram on the 7th and was pretty sure he was legal.

On the opener we were trying to work around to where he had spotted them. Turns out they had moved a pretty good distance and we caught a glimpse of them going to bed at 9:00am through a small saddle. We spent the day watching them in some cliffs where there was no way to get at them. We were 100% sure 1 was legal and another was really close.

Around 7pm they got down from the cliffs and fed out through the saddle. We decided to go to bed and be at the saddle in the morning when they came back. Went to bed at 8pm and was up in the saddle by around 6am the next day. We peaked over the hill and there was no rams in sight. I told my brother I thought we should still sit there until 9am.

We found a nice rock sphere were we could each sit on opposite sides. Around 8:45 I start to hear rocks rolling and noise on my brothers side, but I can't see anything. Turns out they came straight off the peak down to him and were face to face around 20yards. They didn't wind him but spooked around him with no shot for him. Finally I could see them out at 60yards. There was 6 off them and they looked a little spooked. I could tell the lead one was the one that was almost legal so the second one in line was the shooter.

They seemed spooked enough that I thought they were going to bail off the ridge without getting closer. I was just thinking it was cool to be that close to dall Rams. But it turns out they really wanted back up in the cliffs. So closer they came. The first one kinda had me pegged and was
being a PITA. As soon as he was past me I waited til the legal rams head was behind a rock, drew and shot. I had spent 2 hourrs sitting there ranging everything so I knew he was 34 yards.

All the rams jumped off the little ledge. There was a big cloud of dust. Soon enough 5 rams came back up looking down over the edge like what the hell just happened. We gathered up our stuff and peeked over the edge. He went about 40 yds then rolled another 100yds.:D :D :D
Ovis left this morning for his Delta hunt, and should be done by the time I begin next weekend. I'm taking the .300Wby instead of stick and string, though. ;)
I would be smiling like a "retarded clown" as well. Great accomplishment with the bow. Congrats on a great trophy.