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What to do with 8 Wyoming elk points?

I drew a great elk tag in 2015. I thought about not jumping back in. I suspect I will hunt elk in Wyoming one more time. Wyoming doesn’t owe me a thing. Pumping up demand is hitting home for a lot of folks. It’s kind of funny.
I've got 7 elk points I'm sharing with a couple buddy's who have less. I realized with 7 Gen is all I could do anyway and I ain't getting any younger! Chasing points at 60yo and WAAAAY behing the ball... well, I hope to burn my points and have fun with friends while doing so.
My problem with proposal one would be there has been a argument we need more hunters and the fact that it would eliminate a group of hunters that may not be able to afford to apply every year and front the tag fees but want to build points and be able to hunt every 3 to 5 years.

I see it similiar to the wyoming special draw its a mechanism to allow hunters with more funds to obtain a a tag easier maybe I am looking at it wrong but that's just how I see it.

2 through 4 I think would eliminate the need for 1 and would work well
You absolutely lose the Joe SixPack hunters by having to front the money. Joe who wants to hunt with Connie and the 3 kids. Multiply the money by 5 in that case. In Wyoming that up front money would be more than the average household earns in a year and most of that money is coming back in a month or two as some tags are not going to be drawn once a decade much less every year.

You can say, well, no one has a right to hunt as a non-resident and you are correct. However, as you shift the mix of non-resident hunters upwards in wealth and cash flow ability by requiring money up front then you are handing a gift to outfitters and private land access sellers. That in turn funds more aggressive lobbying by outfitters and private landowners to get more tags allocated for them and not the DYI hunter. It is not just F&G that is spending time coming up with schemes to grab "one more dollar" to feed the beast. Look at NM as Exhibit A.
I'm going to burn my points this year, not getting any younger and I'm too old to chase big hunts
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I spend way too much time each winter analyzing this information and trying to predict behaviors. I have mountains of spreadsheets like the one below. It is my effort to further analyze applicant behavior and predict what might happen in the year in question. Below is one of my many Wyoming elk sheets going into the 2022 draw, a copy and paste from 2021, 2020, and as far back as 2010. Waiting to see the same data going into the 2023 to see if my expectations were close or if I am just a numbers nerd who has insomnia.

To the question above, I've tried to figure out that same thing. I agree with the stated premise. Yet, when I try to model that out in the future, I have doubts. Looking at the fact that Wyoming has almost 150K non-residents in their elk point system. Only 30K+/- normally apply for a tag, with 120K just buying points.
Where does one find this information? I would like to see it for deer and lopes....can't seem to find it.
Where does one find this information? I would like to see it for deer and lopes....can't seem to find it.
WY G&F. You can call them, or you can reconstruct it from their data, as I do. I think GOHUNT posts it in their strategy articles, as does Huntin' Fool and Epic Outdoors.
WY G&F. You can call them, or you can reconstruct it from their data, as I do. I think GOHUNT posts it in their strategy articles, as does Huntin' Fool and Epic Outdoors.
So its not just in a file on the website?
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