What it means to Troll and Anti 2nd amendment propaganda


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2015
"Three years ago, an armed man who went to Gettysburg in response to a purported flag burning Rahuba had promoted on Facebook accidentally shot himself in the leg with a revolver."

Love how the newspapers wants to try and connect these events lol what a joke
"Three years ago, an armed man who went to Gettysburg in response to a purported flag burning Rahuba had promoted on Facebook accidentally shot himself in the leg with a revolver."

Love how the newspapers wants to try and connect these events lol what a joke
Considering his actions brought armed people to the park, where one person was injured, requiring NPS staff to deal with it, I think it's relevant to the overall story. His social media actions are having a direct negative impact of our public resources
"we have either got to make spreading lies and inciting hatred a crime or we need better tools to sort fact from fiction"
This statement is ridiculous. You really want to let a mob of what ever political party decide if what you SAY is a crime! It is YOUR job as an intellectual human being that is capable of critical thinking to decide what is true or false. That said, it would never be wise, prudent, or lawful to react to another's use of free speech with force so long as the speech is just that. Destroying others or public property or inflicting harm to others do not qualify as speech. I may not like seeing the flag burned, but as long as that person acquired the flag lawfully he can do what he wishes with it. It is dangerous to believe that power granted to the government will not be misused.

The 2nd amendment stuff really gets me. But I think we see this all over, clearly the hotbed is social media, but it also skews the leanings of mainstream media. While I think we all support the 1st amendment, we have either got to make spreading lies and inciting hatred a crime or we need better tools to sort fact from fiction.

I know what you mean but you better be prepared to incarcerate all the media not any of them are really truthful. Used to be they reported the news now they “create “ it.
Not sure how this became a rant on the media. I'm sure this guy didn't use CNN or Fox to spread the word about the fake flag burning. Maybe the issue is the gullibility of the general public to believe anything they read and the easy at which they can be worked into a frenzy over irrelevant and stupid stuff.
Not sure how this became a rant on the media. I'm sure this guy didn't use CNN or Fox to spread the word about the fake flag burning. Maybe the issue is the gullibility of the general public to believe anything they read and the easy at which they can be worked into a frenzy over irrelevant and stupid stuff.

We're all conditioned to be outraged at each other, rather than at those who deserve it.

Leaders lead to divide us

Media keeps us divided for ratings & advertiser dollars.

The largest act of defiance today is to be kind to those you don't agree with.

The 2nd amendment stuff really gets me. But I think we see this all over, clearly the hotbed is social media, but it also skews the leanings of mainstream media. While I think we all support the 1st amendment, we have either got to make spreading lies and inciting hatred a crime or we need better tools to sort fact from fiction.

Social media is a real challenge. It is a steaming bed of bullshit in many cases, not big mature Rocky Mountain elk either. It’s young undeveloped steer dung a lot of the time. We need to either accept that and use thoughtful research skills to fact check, or regulate it somehow. They don’t want to be regulated due to the bottom line. A large number of people do t have the necessary research skills to fact check, or are confirming biases.
My kids set me up on FB quite a long time ago and then were somewhat miffed when I deleted the whole shebangy. I told them I didn't have so many admirers in the world that I needed them to know what beer I was drinking or if my fries were curly or not. As they learned, if I've got something to say to family or close friends I will text them directly or as a group (which also gets my dandner up at times when I so graciously included in group texts that I don't give two chits about). Talking directly to someone is getting to be a bit of a lost art...talking to them and looking them in the eye even more so.
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I use facebook to keep up with family...and what some of my friends are having for breakfast. "You must read or watch" out front is an IQ test alarm bell.....

I used to be a facebook offender, thinking my wisdom was wanted out in the world. Then I largely changed how I use the app. I quit posting political crap for the most part, I unfollowed a bunch of people who were posting toxic crap regardless of what side of the aisle, and I focused on the things that I enjoy seeing, like dogs, family events, art and staying connected to old friends.

I recently talked on the phone with a very close friend from High School with whom I had a falling out 32 years ago. We picked it up like we hadn't missed a day.

There's value there, but you have to take charge of how you curate your page. It's worth less time lately, but all screen time has been down except for 8-6, M-F when I'm honor bound to be glued to the electronic slave drivers.
We're all conditioned to be outraged at each other, rather than at those who deserve it.

Leaders lead to divide us

Media keeps us divided for ratings & advertiser dollars.

The largest act of defiance today is to be kind to those you don't agree with.
Solid words. I think we need to understand that the media, and even political leaders, are not the cause. Rather, they are the result. They are just mirrors that shows us the image we project. Politicians have always said what people wanted to hear. We reward the behavior. I think taking your advice would be a step in the right direction. At some point we need to change discussions from style to substance.
Solid words. I think we need to understand that the media, and even political leaders, are not the cause. Rather, they are the result. They are just mirrors that shows us the image we project. Politicians have always said what people wanted to hear. We reward the behavior. I think taking your advice would be a step in the right direction. At some point we need to change discussions from style to substance.

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