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What gear have you upgraded?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2003
red river of the north
The "off" season often turns into spending season for me as I look to upgrade my equipment and this season was no exception. I realize that gear a hunter does not make... but it can certainly make your life a bit more enjoyable and seeing as this fall may be my last in MT so I plan on taking plenty of time off of work and going baseball's to the wall.

I feel like I've assembled some of the "message boards best" collection of '09 gear. My first upgrade was a GoLite Shangri-La 4. It is awesome, giant for its weight, easy to set up and with the floorless design, no real worries about condensation (which was terrible in my previous single wall tent).

For chilly nights in the tent I got a discontinued REI SubKilo... a 20 degree 750 down bag as well as an POE Ether Thermo 6 pad. No real comments on the bag yet (haven't seen any real cold temps thus far) but the pad is awesome and comfy especially for the side sleeper that I am.

I also ordered a pair of ZenRay bino's... not sure I really need them (and had my eye on some top shelf glass) but figured for the $$$ I'd order them, compare them to some of the alpha's that my friends have and determine whether it's prudent to shell out an additional $1500 for glass. They've not come yet but should be here in a couple of weeks.

The only other item I really, really want is perhaps one of those fancy 85mm Zeiss spotters... but that purchase will take some serious schmoozing of the preggers wife, who isn't terrible schmoozable at the moment.

So what have you guys bought, just so I know if there is anything else I need to start watching ebay and craigslist for :D
...having regeared bags & optics last season, I've upgraded the clothing with some UA layering stuff. I'm sure I'll run across another knife I can't resist...but I damn sure won't tell Oak about it.;)
Hey guys, I have to expand on the upgraded gear list to the last 4 years... AFTER DIVORCE! My divorce cost me 12 rifles, 7 pistols, 6 shotguns, my set of knives of alaska, a spotting scope, hunting packs and most of my hunting equiptment . Great news! 4 years later all my rifles are back plus 3, 4 of the 7 pistols and 1 of the 6 shotguns are back. Now they are in a new Browning safe, my new wife bought me a new range finder AND spotting scope, I am still working on getting new knives and packs but I guess all in good time!!

I have the REI sub kilo bag. IMO, the 20 degree rating is a bit generous but I love the packability-nous for those mountain hunts.....which I will have none of this year. Crap. It's killing me already.

I picked up a blind last weekend. I'm gonna try it with archery antelope and deer. Maybe my daughter can come along in more comfort now.

My Pentax 10x50 SP's are very respectable, but I've my eye on a pair of like new Swaro 10x50 SLC's. Hopefully someone else will buy them.
just got a new Marmot earlylight 2 man tent and two bear proof cannisters---I drew a X9a muley tag here in CA and I'll be hitting the high country up by Mono Lake at the beginning of Oct is the plan---should be interesting----chris
Only real upgrades for this year are new insoles in my K-trek boots. I got the heat modable ones from Sole and so far I really like them. That and a new site for my bow is about it.

If this will be your last fall in MT, where will next fall find you? I'm sure I'm running out of falls in 'The West', but unfortunately that still doesn't make the Boss anymore amenable to more hunting trips...
Next fall will likely find me in eastern Nodak. The move is mostly to be closer to family which will be nice considering snotbubbler number 2 will be here in January (December if were lucky... c'mon tax write off!).

I still hope to make near annual voyages to MT, but even when I don't I still have 2+ deer tags and archery antelope in Nodak, cheap OTC archery antelope and deer in Sodak, and OTC opportunities for elk in a few states. I should be able to stay busy.
I got my rifles and glass set pretty well last year, this year has mostly been backpacking stuff.

A new backpack, tent, sleeping pad, boots, snowshoes, and some clothing have followed me home this year. Might get a new camera soon too, but after that my main expenditures will be food and gas. Suppose I need a little powder too, but I'm plenty stocked up on bullets. This post has been bad, I keep thinking of things I have been meaning to pick up, might cost me some money.

What is your opinion on those Zen Rays? Did you get the EDs or the summitts? I'm thinking about ordering a pair. I haven't seen a negative comment about them aside from the fact that they are a new company.
I got the 8x42 EDs. There definitely a step up from my 10x42 Pentax DCF SP and my buddy's Vortex 8x42 Razors. I've compared a little them with SLCs (either 10x or 8x, can't remember) and the Swaro's weren't visibly brighter to me but they did have a clearer image around the edges. Once September rolls around I'll be able to compare them a little closer and under better circumstances.

The one thing I really dislike about the ZR is the lens covers on the objective lens. They're very loose and in hunting conditions I don't think either one would make it a day. That's not a terribly difficult fix though and I may see if Greenhorn can swing me a deal through his prostaff connections over at Butler Creek for some different covers.
I splurged on some of the new Sitka Gear clothing. I received a good chunk of royalty money for bringing in grant dollars to my employer. I had not planned on getting this and decided it had been a VERY long time since I had purchased new hunting clothing, much less some really good quality stuff. I managed to get a Sitka dealer to give me a significant discount and free shipping. It is all here and I am very please with it. We will see how it works over the fall!

When it comes to binos I'm a rookie. Is there any reason I shouldn't spend the extra 20-30 bucks and go with the 10x42s instead of the 8x42s? Also I see that Zen Ray came out with ED2s. It looks like those will replace the EDs, but I am not sure. The ED2s are about 60 bucks more than the EDs. I'm going to go ahead and order the EDs and put the extra 60 bucks towards my hunting trips.
Not much for me. I did pick up another soft shell that I really don't need. I would like to finally get a Mystery pack, but still paying for a goat trip this fall, so that is out of the question.

When it comes to binos I'm a rookie. Is there any reason I shouldn't spend the extra 20-30 bucks and go with the 10x42s instead of the 8x42s? Also I see that Zen Ray came out with ED2s. It looks like those will replace the EDs, but I am not sure. The ED2s are about 60 bucks more than the EDs. I'm going to go ahead and order the EDs and put the extra 60 bucks towards my hunting trips.

I am by no means an expert, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt. I had 10x42s with my Pentax and with one set in each hand I can't tell a big difference between the magnification. I would go with the 8x42s again if I did it again.
Next fall will likely find me in eastern Nodak. The move is mostly to be closer to family which will be nice considering snotbubbler number 2 will be here in January (December if were lucky... c'mon tax write off!).

I still hope to make near annual voyages to MT, but even when I don't I still have 2+ deer tags and archery antelope in Nodak, cheap OTC archery antelope and deer in Sodak, and OTC opportunities for elk in a few states. I should be able to stay busy.
My wife really wants to be closer to family and that's why we'll probably end up back in IN. I'll just have to try to stay busy chasing whitetals, rabbits, and squirrels. The travel time from there will probably limit my Western trips to draw tags. We too are planning on snot bubbler #2, so maybe being closer to family (ie free babysitting) will get me in the hills more than I expect, but I'm not holding my breath. The real frustrating part for me is that I had scads of time off last year, but no $$ for tags. This year the $$ situation is better, but the wife's new job doesn't allow me much time off... :mad: Hope you have a fun and successful fall!