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What do you Think of This Crap?


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
"Land of Giant Rams"
Educated idiot is what I think.......

Economist: Cut value of homes
By JAMIE KELLY of the Missoulian

Bailout? Bail out whom?

Prosecute? Prosecute whom?

Political talk is cheap and a $700 billion bailout is expensive, but the financial crisis that looms over the United States and the world would be easily undermined with a single course of action: lower the price of homes.

That's the opinion of Lester Thurow, a world-renowned economist in Missoula to help celebrate the opening of the UM business school's Gilkey Center for Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Executive Education and to speak to students about the nation's ongoing financial meltdown.

The Montana-born-and-raised Thurow, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and prolific author on globalism and economics, said much of the hemorrhaging in the economy could be slowed if the government stepped in to lower home prices to “pre-bubble” levels and renegotiate bad loans and loans in default.

“You've got to stop people from walking away from their mortgages,” said Thurow. “Whatever you do, you have to do that, or else.”

Or else what?

Or else the United States and the rest of the world are in for prolonged pain, said Thurow, who added that the bailout bill recently passed by Congress is a mistake.

Bailouts only help banks and their CEOs, and don't address the real problem: that people aren't making their mortgage payments and that the default rate has locked up financial and credit markets.

“You can't just operate on confidence,” he said. “You have to get the economy moving.”

To do that, Thurow calls for the government, on a massive scale, to reappraise home values and have banks and individuals renegotiate subprime loans to help stop the crisis from spreading further.

Neither presidential candidate, Barack Obama or John McCain, is addressing that issue, with both voting for the massive bailout, he said.

Yet, unlike the candidates, Thurow won't toss around blame. This current crisis is no different than others that have preceded it, he said.

“I don't blame anyone because it's the nature of the beast,” he said. “Elk come with horns. That's just the way they come. Capitalism comes with financial crises. That's the way it comes.”

Calls for hearings and prosecution of CEOs and others are fruitless, because no laws were broken in the first place, Thurow said.

“Who would you prosecute?” he asked. “People did things at the time that were perfectly legal. Maybe they shouldn't have been done, but they did.”

Thurow said there will be further short-term pain on the stock market, but insisted the United States will avoid another Great Depression, and that “around 2009, 2010, things will begin to level out.”

Thurow was born in Montana and left the Treasure State when he was 18.

He has appeared on CBS' “60 Minutes” and sat on the editorial board of the New York Times.

Reporter Jamie Kelly can be reached at 523-5254 or at [email protected]
Instead of having the government reappraise houses (how much would that cost nationally?) we should take efforts to stabilize RE values so that investors will buy the foreclosed properties. Cut capital gains to zero on RE for several years and investor money will begin to move toward RE again. RE values will stabilize, allowing banks to sell distressed assets and move forward.
Calls for hearings and prosecution of CEOs and others are fruitless, because no laws were broken in the first place, Thurow said.

“Who would you prosecute?” he asked. “People did things at the time that were perfectly legal. Maybe they shouldn't have been done, but they did.”

What do you think of this comment Jose? Do you see any difference between this current mess and say the Enron/World Com meltdowns? Other than the taxpayers getting stuck with the corruption this time?
Jose, wants the Gov't to bail out his GM stock on the taxpayers dime... he only wants to hold "W" accountable... his "prejudice" shines thru when it comes to Republicans vs. Democrats.:):eek:
Jose, wants the Gov't to bail out his GM stock on the taxpayers dime... he only wants to hold "W" accountable... his "prejudice" shines thru when it comes to Republicans vs. Democrats.:):eek:


I don't have any GM. Never had, never will. Won't buy their products, won't buy their stock.

I think BigWhore owns some GM....


Enron is a way different animal than the Mortgage mess. Enron was fraud and corruption within a single corporation that sent people to jail, or, worse, to suicide. WorldCom was similar.

Other than some small scale, and local, mortgage mess and lots of the bad documentation, this one is not corruption/coverup, and accounting irregularities.

Much of this was due to FOLLOWING the accounting rules and marking to market securities without a liquid market, thus causing the failures. The fault of this one is definitely on the Bush Administration and the failed policies of McCain in the Senate for the last 26 years.
Sorry Jose, [my mistake]I thought I remember you talking about Shorting GM stock... back when you, Bigwhore and I started our contest.....By the way Didn't I win Something?...I think you owe me $100,000 or something like that:D:D
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