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Well, shoot...lost opportunity


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2023
Got a bit of bad news. My wife herniated an L5-S1 disc so won't be doing miles of hiking as usual, nor toting her 12# Remington VLS .260. She got an epidural, though, and is doing better.

Was doing better, now not so much, so no hunt this year.

Thanks to those who reached out.
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Can’t help with the outfitter, but good luck on the injury - that’s a tough one. I’ve dealt with the same issue and it’s not pleasant.
Got a bit of bad news. My wife herniated an L5-S1 disc so won't be doing miles of hiking as usual, nor toting her 12# Remington VLS .260. She got an epidural, though, and is doing better. Not hiking hills though. She can carry my Cooper 25.06 with Hammers and should be OK within her range, which is 300-400.
Anyone know of an Elk outfitter with an opening? She has a Handicapped Permit.

And please don't pile on; she's stalked many animals and only missed one (hit a twig). And rowed many Class IV rivers, and caught a 7# Brown trout in MT which I bet many of us have never done (me neither: 5#).

I know it's going to be $$, and frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damn, this is what she loves to do.

Montana, general tag.
I hope the epidural works, both times I had to have one it took a second shot to get the desired results. First set was in 1994 and the second set of shots was in 2008. So far no more problems.
Good luck finding a good outfitter.
Wish your wife a quick recovery ! I’ve had surgery at L5/S1… took over a year to get squared away. Regarding an outfitter, maybe try one of the outfits like Huntin Fool to see if any of their listed outfitters have an opening or cancellation. Good luck 🤞.
Looks like she will need a second shot; no hunt this year. Thanks much to those who reached out.
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