
Using ATV on public lands

Hey Horney Ram,

Where were you on the 4th, I brought a couple of albums and printed this years harvest, you needed to see if I'm all talk. How come you didn't attend the final check station results and slide show?
Maybe this will get it to three pages. HWY 93 is nothing I saw one a couple weeks ago going by the Krispy Kreme on reserve street in Missoula.

God I love those things when they are hot:D :D :D . UMMMMMMM

Sorry got off subject there for a minute.
I live in Wisconsin and 4 wheelers are not allowed on hunter walking trails. Only on marked 4 wheeler and snowmobile trails. Some of the people around here have ruined it for everybody. They get back in there and rip everything up so the forest service gates it or bulldozes a burm in front of the road..I dont think they should be allowed either. As a public land hunter, if 4 wheelers were allowed there wouldn't be as much land to hunt. Everybody with a wheeler would just drive down these walking trails and start putting up stands. A lot of the people that I have encountered in bow season are extremely lazy. Anyplace there is a road or a hunter walking trail, within 100 yards you will usually find a deer stand with a big pile of corn within about 15 yards of it. COMPLETE LAZINESS. The corn is a whole other story though.Wisconsin is in a big debate about baiting deer right now...
So anyways about the 4 wheelers, if they were allowed, being that I like to get as far back into the woods as I can to avoid other people, that would be nearly impossible for me to do....
loverboy said:
You really have to watch where you use them, some get some uptight when they see you riding instead of walking.

I get uptight about them when they are on public lands and roadways where they are not allowed to be. I have seen a few incidents of this lately. There is no way to turn in any of the asses since they are not registered and licensed. I am sorry that there seems to be way more bad apples than good law abiding people. So starting the 1st of the year I am writing the powers that be to start having them get licensed so we can turn in the scum that mess it up for the ones who don't.
theres alot of places up here that are regulated when it comes to ATV's. Take clearwater creek on the denali, absolutely no vehicles. or tangle lakes on denali, you can ride on trails but you cannot leave the trail with the machine (alot of cops in this area for bou), or take part of unit 20 on the taylor, certain times of the year you cannot use an ATV (or any off-road vehicle) for hunting.

For the most part, we are a very ATV friendly state, hell, we still have our rights (we can even buy a gun without asking permission). I use my 2 ATV's. Partly because I have to (my knees are shot) and mainly cuz its a riot. Its great going in 50-60miles and camping/hunting for a week or 2.

You dont like them, dont use them. I could care less. I will continue to use them.
Main Entry: 1pub·lic
Pronunciation: 'p&-blik
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English publique, from Anglo-French, from Latin publicus; akin to Latin populus people
1 a : exposed to general view : OPEN b : WELL-KNOWN, PROMINENT c : PERCEPTIBLE, MATERIAL
2 a : of, relating to, or affecting all the people or the whole area of a nation or state <public law> b : of or relating to a government c : of, relating to, or being in the service of the community or nation
3 a : of or relating to people in general : UNIVERSAL b : GENERAL, POPULAR
4 : of or relating to business or community interests as opposed to private affairs : SOCIAL
5 : devoted to the general or national welfare : HUMANITARIAN
6 a : accessible to or shared by all members of the community b : capitalized in shares that can be freely traded on the open market -- often used with go
7 : supported by public funds and private contributions rather than by income from commercials <public radio> <public television>
- pub·lic·ness noun

This is from websters dictionary on line and I still cant see anything that says ATV's are bad. Personnally I like 6A.

Federal land is different obviously. Feds do whatever they want. They may say you cant use ORV's but yet a hiker will trash the hell out of just as easy as an ATV.

I used to hike all the time and I have carried out garbage bags full of trash from other hikers.
lilbiggun said:
Federal land is different obviously. Feds do whatever they want. They may say you cant use ORV's but yet a hiker will trash the hell out of just as easy as an ATV.

I assume by a hiker trashing, you are speaking entirely of littering? Littering is against the law wheather you are hiking, ATV'ing or riding horses. No place for it. When I think of ATV trashing, I think spread of noxious weeds, major surface disturbance, noice disturbance, wildlife disturbance, water quality issues, erosion problems....

Public land is no place for anyone littering and if it is a no OHV area, no place for AVT's either.
So Miller, I take it you don't like the national TV ads that show em ripping thru the forest & zooming across streams? As in the case of many 'madison avenue' tactics, ethical product usage seems secondary to sensationalistic appeal.

Haven't we beat this one down to lack of enforcement due to lack of adequate #'s of enforcers?...or are you saying lack of specific prohibitive statutes?
noharleyyet said:
So Miller, I take it you don't like the national TV ads that show em ripping thru the forest & zooming across streams? As in the case of many 'madison avenue' tactics, ethical product usage seems secondary to sensationalistic appeal.
Sensationalism is fine. If that sells quads, so be it. If someone sees it in a commercial and therefore thinks it is OK, they have more problems than any of us can solve.
noharleyyet said:
Haven't we beat this one down to lack of enforcement due to lack of adequate #'s of enforcers?...or are you saying lack of specific prohibitive statutes?
Lack of prohibitive status. In some cases, yes. Was that the point of this post? Not at all.

Lack of enforcement due to lack of adequate enforcers? We could consider that for most illegal activities. We don't just allow drunk driving because we can only catch a fraction of those breaking the law. We don't allow illegal aliens because we don't have an adequate number of "enforcers". Woops, scratch that one.

lilgun said "if you don't like them, don't use em". Fair enough. I like 'em and use 'em for work. I would use them more if I have my own. Point is, and many have brought this up, use them legally or don't use them at all. To compare a hiker that may litter to a guy that uses an ATV illegally is nonsense. Both wrong, indesputable.
So when a hiker trashes nature its different than a motorized vehicle? Its still trashed, dont care how it was done. I also agree that some pricks on ATV's should be shot. I did a sheep hunt one time and about 12 miles in we found were some guy or group actually carried in a case of beer, cuz all the cans were in the campfire (now thats a diehard). I was pissed, especially as I was digging through the firepit getting all the cans out.

If the state or feds say a certain area is offlimits, thats fine by me, I'll hunt on foot (I love tylonol). I use mine for transportation, not as a hunting platform. Hell, one of mine goes about 25mph and is full time 4wd, it gets me where I want to go.

This past fall, a group of us hiked to a cabin (about 6miles) for the weekend. By the time I got there my knees were so swollen, I almost had to split my jeans at the knees. thats why I have my machines. To me its more of a tool than a recreation vehicle.
lilbiggun said:
If the state or feds say a certain area is offlimits, thats fine by me, I'll hunt on foot (I love tylonol).
Cool, we are all on the same page.
Lots of ATVs everywhere in southern Utah! They need to get a handle on them before there's nothing left!

Sorry for bringing an old topic up. :)
I bet IT still has me blocked, but here's my $0.02 worth. There are trail systems well built and capable of supporting ATV travel and many should be open for ATV travel. There are other systems that can not and should not. I like to hunt with my ATV as a tool of my hunt. They make great packing tool for getting me deeper into the woods and my game back out. This fall illnesses kept me from making to many trips into the woods at all.

I'm pro ATV.
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