Kenetrek Boots

Unit 75 Wyoming


Oct 22, 2021
Well my son and dad drew 75 on the random. My son is 15 and has been really wanting to go on an Antelope hunt. He is pretty seasoned hunter at 15 (elk, deer, pigs,ect) and is hoping for a solid 75plus goat. He hunts hard so we will have to get a lot better at field judge animals the next couple months. Hopefully we will get out for a few days in early August to take a look and figure out as much about the unit as possible. The plan is miss 5 days of school plus weekends to really enjoy the unit. Hoping to get some great fishing in also. He also has a Utah deer tag in October that he will another week of school. So he has a heck on season ahead of him. Crazy where his hunting has taken us. I made a decision about 5 years ago to get him and my dad out as much as possible. Since then we have 2 Idaho trips, Utah and Wyoming. Most of the time I dont have a tag just enjoying the both of them as much as possible. With a few more kids younger than him I hope it will be a fun time getting out with each of them.

Any advice on where to start with camping, hunting and fishing the unit would help out a lot.

Dude your the best dad ever. Great job. Congrats to all of you. I’m sure it will be a blast. Never hunted in 75. Please update us after. I love hunting with my kids😊
I hunted 75 a few years ago. Lots of Pronghorn and a lot of roads. I now apply other places.
Never had the tag, but Boysen reservoir is the western boundary and there is camping there. Tons of antelope along hwy 26 from numerous September trips through there. I would suggest budgeting lots of gas or keeping a mobile camp in the middle of the unit. Get a really good spotting scope. Check out Pronghorn Guide Service's website - they have a "guess the score" section, if that interests you.
No real
Secrets to the unit. Make sure you have OnX and know land ownership. There are a couple places out there pretty grumpy about guy trespassing. In places where there is absolutely no sign or indication about there being a boundary. There is a new camp ground in Shosoni and they are a building a new truck stop. It has fuel etc. there is not a lot of reason to stay in the middle of the unit, as the main roads to the middle of the unit allow you to get around really fast. Even on the gravel roads the oil and gas guys and other locals will drive 55+. As me Tim Ed drive around a lot glass a lot. Breaking 75 might be a task. In the last 3 years I can think of only 1 buck that would have broke 75. A lot in the lower 70s.

As mentioned you should see a bunch of lopes a day and if you are not seeing 50* bucks a day you need to find better areas.

If you want a fun relaxing night drive up to Thermop and hit the hot springs. Worth the trip.

If you end up with any sort of vehicle problems, or need to fill your camper with water, I live in lander. I am always up for adventure and helping others out. My number is (970) 6two9-8922. If you need anything do t hesitate to call.
I was looking into hunting this area but applied elsewhere. If l drew l was going to stay in Thermopolis at Eagle RV Park. They have cabins you can rent that looked very nice and reasonably priced.
There is a lot of BLM ground in 75. Finding a goat is no problem, finding one over 75" will be a chore if not impossible. I have hunted 75 quite often. The best advice I can give is to hunt the area late in the season. 75 used to be open until October 22 (not sure anymore). The last week of the season is when I saw the biggest bucks, the survivors. Very few if any hunters either and the antelope are much less wary then. That's been my experience in area # 75.
Also... do some e-scouting. Google "Wyoming Area 75 antelope forum" and it will search all forums for posts regarding this area. I did the same thing for the hunt I am preparing for in another area, it got me in touch with a lot of guys who hunted recently. I networked with them and every single one of them was more than willing to share info and wished me luck.
Was just in the unit, lots of bucks in the low 70's. Big ones are long gone from the old days. Have fun, don't expect a much more as far as size, and you will be fine-
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